The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

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The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

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The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

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The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

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The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers


Two numbers differ by 4 and their product is 192 . Find the numbers.


Let the numbers be x and y. Given, x-y=4 ..... i) and xy = 192 .... ii) Now from i) x= y+4 .... iii) Putting the values of x in ii)

The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

As it is not mentioned in the question that the number should be positiove or negative so both the vaues y can be considered. Hence if one of the number is 12 then the other number is 16, and if one number is -16 then the other number is -12.


RD Sharma

Standard X

The difference between two natural numbers is 4 and their product is 221 find the numbers

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