Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Der Online-Shop von Plant-for-the-Planet und Global Marshall Plan

Die Gute Schokolade

Für je fünf verkaufte Tafeln der Guten Schokolade pflanzen wir einen Baum in Mexico, garantiert. Und bei der Guten Bio-Schokolade ist es sogar ein Baum für je drei verkaufte Tafeln.

Zusammen haben die Schokoladen schon über 6 Millionen Bäume gepflanzt.

Schokolade kaufen & Bäume pflanzen

  • Wo gibts die gute schokolade
  • Wo gibts die gute schokolade
  • Wo gibts die gute schokolade
  • Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

  • Beschreibung
  • Zusätzliche Informationen

Stück für Stück Gutes tun!

Die Kinder und Jugendlichen von Plant-for-the-Planet haben die Gute Schokolade so gestaltet, wie sie sich jedes Produkt vorstellen, nämlich fair gehandelt und klimaneutral. Die Gute Schokolade bietet die beste Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.

Hersteller und Händler verzichten auf ihren Gewinn, sodass 20 Cent von jeder Tafel direkt an Plant-for-the-Planet gehen. Und wir pflanzen für fünf verkaufte Tafeln einen Baum, garantiert.

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Original Schweizer Milchschokolade

Die Kinder und Jugendlichen von Plant-for-the-Planet haben die Gute Schokolade so gestaltet, wie sie sich jedes Produkt vorstellen, nämlich fair gehandelt und klimaneutral. Die Gute Schokolade bietet die beste Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.

Hersteller und Händler verzichten auf ihren Gewinn, sodass 20 Cent von jeder Tafel direkt an Plant-for-the-Planet gehen. Und wir pflanzen für fünf verkaufte Tafeln einen Baum, garantiert.

Verantwortliches Lebensmittelunternehmen:
Plant for the Planet GmbH, Lindemannstr. 13, 82327 Tutzing

Zutatenverzeichnis: Zucker 41%, VOLLMILCHPULVER (Schweiz), Kakaobutter, Kakaomasse, gemahlene HASELNÜSSE, Emulgator (E322 aus SOJA), natürliche Aromen.

Brennwert in kJ 2346
Brennwert in kcal 562
Fett in g 35
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren in g 21
Kohlenhydrate in g 53
davon Zucker in g 52
Eiweiß in g 7,7
Salz in g 0,2

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

The success story of 'The Change Chocolate'.

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

In 2011, we children had the idea to plant trees with a product in order to do something for our future with every sold product. After only 11 months we were the best sold Fairtrade chocolate in Germany.

In 2011, we children had the idea to plant trees with a product in order to do something for our future with every sold product. After only 11 months we were the best sold Fairtrade chocolate in Germany.

Everything began with a bitter setback. The bosses of Bühler (world market leader in cocoa processing equipment) and Felix had the idea that our favourite industry should support the children with donations for their academies. So Felix asked the 350 confectionery manufacturers from all over the world, present at his speech: Please give us one euro per ton of the luxury product chocolate. Not one of them responded. With the words "this is shocking" Felix left the stage in tears. But we children of Plant-for-the-Planet don't give up that easily. If the chocolate makers won't join in, then we'll just make our own chocolate!

To date, we have planted more than 6 million trees (as of Dec. 2020) with 'The Change Chocolate' and 'The Organic Change Chocolate'.

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Currently, 'The Change Chocolate' is only sold in Germany and Austria, due to the availability of our current partners.

If you are interested in helping us find partners in your country, please contact for further details.

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Print the Plant-for-the-Planet logo on your products and involve your customers to join the tree planting!

With the open-source and free of charge Plant-for-the-Planet App, anyone can find the perfect tree planting project. Planting trees has never been easier!

Did you find the tree voucher code on the chocolate wrapper? Register once on our planting app. You can enter your code for free. We will plant the tree regardless, but if you don’t redeem the code, it will not count towards your tree goal. You can also plant more trees, set a planting goal, plant a planting contest with friends and invite others to donate to your forest.

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

The good thing about 'The Change Chocolate'? Actually everything! Because every piece is good for something in the truest sense of the word.

Because in the fight against the climate crisis and for a better world every piece does something good. Dealers and manufacturers are foregoing their profits and from this, we plant new trees that store harmful CO2 and release oxygen. 5 million trees have already been planted thanks to 'The Change Chocolate'. Your good deed for today: eating chocolate!

'The Change Chocolate' is exactly the way children want all products to be: produced in a climate-neutral way, certified by Fairtrade, and super delicious. This was also the opinion of Stiftung Warentest, the German consumer watchdog, which declared 'The Change Chocolate' the best among 25 milk chocolates (issue 12/2018). It convinced the testers with its "very vanilla, caramel, nutty" taste. 


Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

'The Change Chocolate' makes your business look good too. Find out about our cooperation possibilities or give the chocolate to your customers on special occasions.

Would you like to bring a personalised version of 'The Change Chocolate' to your city? We can say from experience: A city edition is well received by everyone.

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Other manufacturers have service staff who prepare the chocolate on the shelf in a neat way. You can do this job for 'The Change Chocolate'! If the chocolate is sold out, please ask the store manager to reorder immediately and post a photo of the empty shelf on 'The Change Chocolate' Facebook page.

The best advertising for a product is when you get to try it out. That's what our 'The Change Chocolate' tasting campaigns are for, which you can do in just a few steps, if you are in Austria or Germany. It is super easy and a lot of fun. So you are part of it:

  1. Choose a shop in our area, which sells the chocolate. Speak with the manager about hosting a chocolate tasting. 
  2. Get in contact with us at least one week in advance:   to let us know the date and time of our event. We will send you chocolate, flyers and posters.
  3. Make sure the manager of the shop remembers the date and time, and let him know that he needs sufficient stock of the chocolate. One Event sold 200 bars of chocolate in 3 hours! 
  4. Publish the event on facebook so your friends can participate. Maybe you can also advertise in the shop. 
  5. On the day: build a stall, prepare your information material, open some chocolate for tasting and talk to customers about the chocolate. If they are interested let them know where the chocolate can be found in the shop. 

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Plant trees while baking! You can create beautiful and tasty baked goods and forests using the chocolate. We have some recipes for brownies, chocolate cake and more. Check our Instagram and Facebook pages for new recipes.

Show the world your #chocolateside Doing good is now possible not only with delicious chocolate, but also quite simply with a Selfie! Show your #chocolateside on instagram, facebook and twitter and become part of our campaign!

Join in and post a selfie!

  1. Smartphone out 
  2. Show your chocolate side 
  3. Take a selfie - cover half of your face with 'The Change Chocolate'
  4. Post it! Dont forget: #chocolateside

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

Wo gibts die gute schokolade

The youth of Plant-for-the-Planet have been giving special chocolate bars to delegates at the UN Climate Conference since Warsaw in 2013. Inside the wrapper of the Change Chocolate, the children and youth explain how the average temperature rise can still be limited to 2°C. The Change Chocolate is a sweet invitation to help plant the 1,000 billion trees. In 2017 we had the special honour of having Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC, also signed the letter inside the Change Chocolate.

We hope to continue this tradition during the postponed COP in Glasgow in 2021. 

Our wonderfully colourful special edition of 'The Change Chocolate' to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), are goals set by the United Nations to guarantee a sustainable future for all of us. With our 17 SDG Special Edition, you can taste every individual goal and learn more about them in a fun way. Every single piece of chocolate represents one of the 17 goals.

The special edition is now available in all participating supermarkets in Germany and Austria and of course online in our shop!

Wo gibts die gute schokolade