When the maximum amount of solute is dissolved in the given solvent at a stated temperature the solution formed is?

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In most cases, only a certain maximum amount of solute can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent. This maximum amount is called the solubility. of the solute. It is usually expressed in terms of the amount of solute that can dissolve in 100 g of the solvent at a given temperature.

Is the maximum amount of solvent dissolved in a solvent?


Solubility is defined as the maximum amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specified temperature.

What is the maximum amount of solute dissolved?

A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that is capable of being dissolved.

How much solute can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent?

Answers. Solubility is the amount of a solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solute, typically 100 mL. The solubility of solutes varies widely.

What is the maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a given quantity of solvent at a given temperature and pressure?

The maximum amount of a solute that can dissolve in a solvent at a specified temperature and pressure is its solubility.

Is it possible to dissolve more than maximum amount of solute?

Sometimes, a solution contains more dissolved solute than is normally possible. This type of solution is said to be supersaturated. A saturated solution can become supersaturated if more solute is added while the temperature is raised. Then if this solution is slowly cooled, the solute can remain dissolved.

When a solution has more solute than it can hold is called?

Saturated solutions have dissolved the maximum amount of solute possible at a given temperature. This is defines the solubility of the solute in the solvent. Supersaturated solutions contain more solute than is present in a saturated solution.

What are the 5 factors affecting solubility?

  • Temperature. Basically, solubility increases with temperature. …
  • Polarity. In most cases solutes dissolve in solvents that have a similar polarity. …
  • Pressure. Solid and liquid solutes. …
  • Molecular size. …
  • Stirring increases the speed of dissolving.

Which two liquids will dissolve in each other?

When two liquids can be readily combined in any proportions, they are said to be miscible. An example would be alcohol and water. Either of the two can totally dissolve each other in any proportion. Two liquids are defined as immiscible if they will not form a solution, such as oil and water.

Which solid is insoluble in all three solvents?

(c) Chalk is insoluble in all the three solvents. Butter is an example of colloidal solution in which liquid is dispersed in solid. It is also called gel.

How can you increase the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent?

temperature — For liquids and solid solutes, increasing the temperature not only increases the amount of solute that will dissolve but also increases the rate at which the solute will dissolve. For gases, the reverse is true. An increase in temperature decreases both solubility and rate of solution.

What is the solubility of KCl at 40 C in 100 grams of water?

The solubility of KCl at 40 degrees Celsius is 39 g in 100 g of water.

What is the general term for a solute dissolved in a solvent?

Term Colloid Definition A mixture in which the dispersed particles range from 1 to 100nm
Term Solute Definition The component of a solution that is present in the lesser quantity
Term Solution Definition The general term for a solute dissolved in a solvent

What is a solution containing all of the solute that a solvent can dissolve at a certain temperature and pressure?

Solubility The maximum amount of solute that normally dissolves in a given amount of solvent at a certain temperature
Saturated Solution A solution that contains as much solute as the solvent can normally hold at a given temperature

What is the most convenient method to express the concentration of solutions?

Molality is the most convenient method to express the concentration of solutions because it involves the mass of liquids rather than their volumes.

Why does crushing a solid increase the speed at which the solid dissolves?

Why does crushing a solid increase the speed at which a solid dissolves? Crushing increases the amount of contact between the solute and the solvent.


A solution contains more solute than would normally dissolve at a certain temperature.

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A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved under the condition at which the solution exists.

In chemistry, after studying solutions and properties of the solution, one can understand that a solution can reach a status of saturation. This state is when the solution has reached a point in which no more solute can be added. Addition of solute after this point would result in a solid precipitate or gas being released. Such a mixture is called a saturated solution.

Table of Contents

How to Prepare a Saturated Solution?

A saturated solution is prepared by continuously adding solute to the solution until a stage is reached where the solute appears as a solid precipitate or as crystals to form a highly saturated solution.

  1. Consider the process of adding table sugar to a container of water.
  2. Initially, the added sugar dissolves as the solution is stirred.
  3. Finally, as more sugar has added a point is reached where no amount of stirring will cause the added sugar to dissolve.
  4. The last added sugar remains as a solid on the bottom of the container, the solution is saturated.

Types of Saturation

The main three types of saturation are explained below.

Types of Saturation Definitions Example
Saturated Solution A saturated solution is a solution that is in equilibrium with respect to a given dissolved substance. Carbonated water
Unsaturated Solution A solution not in equilibrium with respect to a given dissolved substance and in which more substance can be dissolved. NaCl in water
Supersaturated Solution A solution contains more dissolved substance than a saturated solution does. Sugar is dissolved in saturated solution by heating

To Know About Solvents And Solutes, Watch The Below Video:

Factors affecting the Point of Saturation

  • With an increase in temperature the solubility of ionic solutions increases, except mixtures which are made up of compounds containing anions.
  • Solutes which are finely divided possess greater solubility.
  • The rate of crystallization is dependent upon the amount of solute at the crystal surface.
  • The solution is said to be saturated if the rate of crystallization and the rate of solubility are the same.
  • The net dissolving rate can be increased by stirring the solution which prevents the build-up of solute.
  • The response of the equilibrium system is predicted using Le Chatelier’s principle which depends upon the change in pressure, concentration or temperature.

Everyday Examples of Saturated Solution

  • Beverages are one of the most widely used and loved saturated solutions. In these drinks, water is a solvent and carbon is bombarded as a solute until the point of saturation is reached.
  • In the kitchen, many cooking recipes involves dissolving of salt, sugar and other household ingredients into the water. This procedure is temperature-dependent. As the temperature of water increases the solubility of the solute increases. After the point of saturation is reached the solute forms a visible layer on top of the solvent.
  • Soil present on the earth surface can also be called as a saturated mixture which consists of nitrogen. Once the saturation point is reached; the excess nitrogen is let out into the air in the form of gas.

A soda is a saturated solution of carbon dioxide in water. This is why, when the pressure is released, carbon dioxide gas forms bubbles. Adding chocolate powder to milk so that it stops dissolving forms a saturated solution.

Adding a spoonful of sugar to a cup of hot coffee produces an unsaturated sugar solution. Vinegar is an unsaturated solution of acetic acid in water. Mist is an unsaturated (but close to saturated) solution of water vapor in air.

The difference between saturated and unsaturated fat lies in the number of double bonds in the fatty acid chain. Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between the individual carbon atoms, while in unsaturated fatty acids there is at least one double bond in the fatty acid chain.

The solution obtained by dissolving maximum amount of solute at a given temperature is known as saturated solution. A solution which contains more amount of solute than that is required to saturate it is known as supersaturated solution.

An aqueous solution can be rendered supersaturated by first dissolving the solute in water at an elevated temperature using enough to give a concentration just under its solubility at that temperature. After the last of the solute crystals have dissolved the solution is cooled.

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Unsaturated solutions
Unsaturated solutions have the capacity to dissolve more of the solute. Saturated solutions have dissolved the maximum amount of solute possible at a given temperature. This is defines the solubility of the solute in the solvent. Supersaturated solutions contain more solute than is present in a saturated solution.

When more solute can be dissolved?

Briefly, most solutes dissolve to a certain extend in a solvent. When you can add more solute which continues to dissolve, your solution is said to be unsaturated. When you cannot dissolve any more solute at a given temperature, then your solution is now saturated.

What is it called when the maximum amount of solute is dissolved?

When the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in a given amount of solvent, we say that the solution is saturated. with solute. When less than the maximum amount of solute is dissolved in a given amount of solute, the solution is unsaturatedA solution with less than the maximum amount of solute dissolved in it..

When no more solute can be dissolved in a solution is called?

Saturated Solution: A solution that cannot dissolve any more quantity of solute in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature. The saturated solution can also be made unsaturated by adding more solvent to it.

Which best describes a solution that contains the maximum dissolved solute?

A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that is capable of being dissolved.

What do you call the solution that contains more dissolved solute than a saturated solution those?

supersaturated solution. a solution that contains more dissolved solute than a saturated solution contains under the same conditions. solubility. the amount of that substance required to form a saturated solution with a specific amount of solvent at a specified temperature. solvated.

Which pertains to the maximum amount of solute dissolved in the solvent?

Answer : The solution that contains the maximum amount of solute dissolve by given amount of solvent is called Molarity.

Is it possible to dissolve more than maximum amount of solute?

Sometimes, a solution contains more dissolved solute than is normally possible. This type of solution is said to be supersaturated. A saturated solution can become supersaturated if more solute is added while the temperature is raised. Then if this solution is slowly cooled, the solute can remain dissolved.

When no more solute can be dissolved in solution at given temperature is called DASH solution?

A solution in which no more solute can be dissolved at a given temperature and pressure is called a saturated solution.

When a solution is saturated no more solute can dissolve in the solvent?

When a solution reaches the point where it cannot dissolve any more solute it is considered “saturated.” If a saturated solution loses some solvent, then solid crystals of the solute will start to form. This is what happens when water evaporates and salt crystals begin to form.

What kind of solution contains more solute than the maximum amount it can dissolve at a given temperature?

supersaturated solution
A supersaturated solution is a solution that contains more than the maximum amount of solute that is capable of being dissolved at a given temperature.

How can you increase the amount of solute dissolved in a solvent?

Raising the temperature is one way to change the solubility of the solute, because most solids are more soluble at higher temperatures. Another way to change solubility when the solute is a gas is to change the pressure. The solubility of gases in a liquid solvent increases at high pressure.

What is the difference between a solution and a solvent?

Solute = A chemical substance that can be broken down into individual particles (atoms, ions or molecules) and then absorbed by another chemical substance. Solutes can be solids, liquids or gases but are more commonly solids. Solution = a physical combination of two substances, at least one solvent and at least one solute.

What do you call a substance that dissolves in a liquid?

A substance that dissolves is said to be soluble. A solid dissolved in liquid makes a solution. In a solution the liquid is called the solvent, and the solid is called the solute. A solid that does not dissolve in a liquid is called insoluble.

Which is the solution with more solute than solubility?

An unsaturated solution has less solute than its solubility and hence can still add more solute, till it reaches the saturation level. A supersaturated solution has more solute than the solubility limit and hence the extra solute stays in the solvent. Hence, the answer is unsaturated solution.

Can a saturated solution dissolve any more solute?

Page Citation. Share Link. An unsaturated solution can dissolve more solute. In general, we can classify solutions as saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated. When the solute has reached its solubility limit, for a given solvent and conditions, the solution becomes saturated. A saturated solution will not dissolve any more solute
