When performing nursing care for a neonate after birth which interventions has the highest nursing priority?

10 Questions | Total Attempts: 7963

  • The most common neonatal sepsis and meningitis infections seen within 24 hours after birth are caused by which organism?

    • Group B beta-hemolytic streptococci

  • When attempting to interact with a neonate experiencing drug withdrawal. which behavior would indicate that the neonate is willing to interact?

  • When teaching umbilical cord care to a new mother. the nurse would include which information?

    • Apply peroxide to the cord with each diaper change

    • Cover the cord with petroleum jelly after bathing

    • Keep the cord dry and open to air

    • Wash the cord with soap and water each day during a tub bath

  • A mother of a term neonate asks what the thick. white. cheesy coating is on his skin. Which correctly describes this finding?

  • Which condition or treatment best ensures lung maturity in an infant?

    • Meconium in the amniotic fluid

    • Glucocorticoid treatment just before delivery

    • Lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio more than 2:1

    • Absence of phosphatidylglycerol in amniotic fluid

  • When performing nursing care for a neonate after a birth. which intervention has the highest nursing priority?

    • Give the vitamin K injection

    • Cover the neonates head with a cap

  • When performing an assessment on a neonate. which assessment finding is most suggestive of hypothermia?

  • A woman delivers a 3.250 g neonate at 42 weeks’ gestation. Which physical finding is expected during an examination if this neonate?

    • Breast bud of 1-2 mm in diameter

    • Leathery. cracked. and wrinkled skin

  • A healthy term neonate born by C-section was admitted to the transitional nursery 30 minutes ago and placed under a radiant warmer. The neonate has an axillary temperature ?F. a respiratory rate of 80 breaths/minute. and a heel stick glucose value of 60 mg/dl. Which action should the nurse take?

    • Wrap the neonate warmly and place her in an open crib

    • Administer an oral glucose feeding of 10% dextrose in water

    • Increase the temperature setting on the radiant warmer

    • Obtain an order for IV fluid administration

  • Which neonatal behavior is most commonly associated with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?

    • Poor wake and sleep patterns

    • High threshold of stimulation

  • Obstetrical Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • NCLEX Practice Exam

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When performing nursing care for a neonate after birth which interventions has the highest nursing priority?

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Nutrition Through the Life Cycle


When performing nursing care for a neonate after birth which interventions has the highest nursing priority?
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