What was the main reason why african resistance failed?

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The term African resistance is referred as the early struggle conducted by Africans against the imposition of colonial rule during their attempt to occupy the African land from 1880-1914. During this period Africans tried their level best to resist against colonial rule in different ways as others reacted by collaboration and others reacted by resistance.

African resistance has been classified into two categories and these are primary and secondary resistances. Primary resistance was the initial resistance against colonialist. During this period African resisted the early penetration of colonialist. Some examples of primary resistance include that of Kenya against Britain in 1895, Tanganyika against German in 1896 and the resistance done by Mandika people resisting against French in 1880’s-1887s.

            Secondary resistance was the resistance which began soon after the establishment of colonial rule and colonial economy, some examples of secondary resistance include Nama and Herero uprising, Maji maji war as well as MAU MAU war in Kenya.

Colonial rule is a policy or practice of a wealthy or powerful nation in maintaining or extending its control over other countries especially in establishing settlement or exploiting resources. Thus a ruled country by the wealthy or powerful nation over a weaker country is known as colonial rule.The smaller ruled nation is called a colony,there is no justices in system the weaker nation is exploited its resources. After ww.II colonial rule has declined although it didn’t stop immediately.

Technological backwardness refers to the technology that having less progress than normal. It is as that which develops slowly. In this regard we see unsophiscated technology which is used and limit the production of basic needs or basic necessities.

           It is true that African resistance against the imposition of colonial rule proved failure because of technological backwardness as by the end of 19th century. Most of African resistance against colonial rule such as MAJI MAJI war, MAU MAU war and Herero uprising they all came up with no victory.Indeed technological backwardness was an important factor for the African defeat and this can be substantial as follows:

            The use of inferior weapons. During struggle African used different weapons to fight against the enemies as one among of the resistance against colonial rule but Africans used very                           poorly technological weapons like bows, spears while Europeans used superior weapons like the Magazine gun, Machine guns which was to fast and sophisticated. In this matter Africans could not win the battle due to their poorly weapons they were applying.

Poor communication technology. Poor communication system of Africa lead them unable to spread information of resistance. Example drams failed to spread information far area and interior something which led some area not to organize themselves in resistance. Also African had no pre-information on how the enemies are their weapons position and other war techniques that will be applied by the enemies.

Europeans disciplined and well organized army. The European army were better, trained and more experienced army compared to African army. European armies were well organized in terms of tactics, strategies weapons and information system but African had poor armies, with poor technological tactics, strategies, weapons and information systems.

Inability to control natural calamities many African society had been hit by natural calamities such as famine, drought and epidemic without knowing now to control them Africans had no technology of controlling these natural calamities. These calamities weakened and became unable to wage a stiff resistance against the Europe.

           However, apart from technological factors there are other factors which contributed much for the defeat of African resistances and these include.

Disunity among African leaders. African rules had no common ideology against the enemies; this led to the resisters become unable to come together for the common goals of fighting against enemies. Example Shone and Ndebele united together to eight British in southern Rhodesia but their unification did not exist longer as some of the people from two society begun to collaborate with European for private benefit. Thus in 1880 Lubengula and other members from the Shona and Ndebele refused to join their fellow Africans because of being promised 100 Dollars. in the end Lubengula and his, fellow gained nothing. During that time Lubengula was a leader of Shona and Ndebele after the death of Mzilikazi.

Unpopularity of some African leaders. Some African leader were not sound good to their subject, this contributed much to European victory. Example the conquering of Mkwawa and Ndebele was due to this factor. Some African leaders such as Shaka Zulu and Mkwawa had autocratic behaviour and brutal system toward their followers. In this regard many Africans hate their leader and therefore welcomed the Europeans and reguard them as their devoirs. Due to this many African indigenous did not participated fully in resisting against the imposition of colonial rule.

Africans had weak economic base. Most Africans tribe had weak economic base something which led them unable to fight/resist for a long time, example shone and Ndebele during Chimureng war of 1887 they had no enough food to eat for a long time of resisting. During fighting African tribes lacked weapons as their local industry could no longer produce by that time, food and cattle due died as there was no people to take care of them. With this disaster African tribes could not fight for a longtime due to weak economy to facilitate life.

The rule played by missionaries. The Christian missionaries from Europe created confusion and division among Africans Christianity. Missionaries converted many Africans from their culture into European Christian culture. With this system European under Christianity had many followers who despised Africans culture and adopted European way of life. Therefore any leader who resisted was taken as on –Christianity, with this techniques many tribe did not join their fellow in fighting for the enemies.

Military superiority of Europeans. Due to industrial revolution in Europe, the Europeans were able to manufacture weapons which were superior and tough compared to rudimentary and simple Africans weapons example the Maxim gun could not be resisted by spear bows and arrows as well as the outdated guns which African rulers used. The technique used by Africans during war also exposed them to European bullets. The strong military and technological weapons helped the Europeans to crush the resistance in short time.

Determination by Europeans. the Europeans were determine to fight tirelessly and at all cost to preserve their newly acquired colonies which were to be a source of raw materials example in Angola due to the presence of oil and mineral the Portuguese were ready and determined to suppress all revolts in order to continue with their exploitation.

Also in South Africa the existence of huge mineral deposits made the sumander and with drawl of the British impossible.

Reliance on African beliefs. African relied too much on their local beliefs which were false, they believed such believe would make them immune to the European bullets, this made them bold and courageous to the extent that they attacked European without arms as the resuit they died in large number which  affected the morals of the fighter. Example during maji maji war of 1905 up to 1907 Kinjekitile Ngueale ked his follower believe in water something which led a huge number of solder to die.

Effects of slave trade and wars. The slave trade in some Africans areas the Mfecone and religious wars in West Africa had undermined the continents of strong men by causing depopulation and led to devastation of African society. This destruction undermined inter-state corporation unity to resist colonialism and left only the weak, women and children who could not resist.

In concluding, Africans resistance war will never be forgotten in the mind of Africans due to its vital role it played we should remember that all attemply to resistance done by Tanzania and Africans in general aimed at retaining independence from external domination.

By the early 1900s most of African resistance had failed but Africans continued with their anti-colonial effort by using other methods. The indigenous press had become invaluable tool for ant-colonialist but the trend was filled by the political change which brought about by intelligent Africans movements which moved the continent in reforming revolution.



Mwijage L.E.W. (2008). African History for Secondary School. Arusha: Prompt Printers & publishers ltd.

Kata, A., (2011), For Advanced Level Secondary Education-, Mwanza Publishers Books

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