If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

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If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

Question 8 Exercise 27(B)


If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=



Given two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are 70° and 110° respectively

If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

Since we know that opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal

C = A = 70°

D = B = 110°

Video transcript

"Hello, welcome to see two adjacent angles of a parallelogram have only Greece and 110 degrees respectively find out that door handles quitters. Okay, we need to find the other two angles of the solids. We are going to draw a parallelogram question. If you know how the batter is going to look like if you look somewhat like this similar like this, so it is given that I just like this again is 70 and one catch. Which I personally consider can present these triangles in the 70s when you give monthly basis you take it as want a distinct as 73 they're asking for the blankets for The Trackers can be you know that it's all sides as the angle is going to be 180 degrees if it is 110 the other is going to be 70 degrees here. Okay. It's going to be 70 degrees here then if you take like this it is going to be how much if it is 70 is going to be 110 degrees. So you're going to be in 70 and ABCD if you have a and b is given C and is going to be she's gonna be 70 and is going to be 110. But if you understood this video subscribe to the shop regular updates. Thanks for watching this video."


ABCD is a parallelogram in which ∠ A =70∘, compute ∠ B , ∠ C and ∠ D.


In parallelogram ABCD,

If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

But A+B=180 (Sum of adjacent angles)


But C=A and D=B (Opposite angles)

C=70 and D=110

Hence B=110,C=70 and D=110


RD Sharma

Standard VIII

If angle a and angle b are two adjacent angles of a parallelogram.if angle a=70° then angle b=

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