Why do my dogs feet smell like Doritos?

Why do my dogs feet smell like Doritos?

If you are like us, you love to cuddle and pet your dog. Studies show this helps us bond with our dog and is even good for our health. And, if you get close enough on a regular basis, you might notice a distinct odor emanating from your dog’s feet. 

Some owners describe this as a corn chips or Fritos smell. The question of why your dog’s feet smell like fritos has many owners wondering, what gives? Schertz Animal Hospital delves into the perplexing and strange smelling feet.

Why Do Your Dog’s Feet Smell Like Fritos? 

The reason your dog’s feet smell like fritos is short and sweet. Our dogs walk on and through many surfaces daily, and normally pick up naturally occuring bacteria on their pads. Two types of bacteria, Pseudomonas and Proteus typically cause the corn chips smell when mixed with the saliva of grooming and normal sweat from the paw pads. 

Wash and Go 

If you want to reduce the corn chip smell, wash your dog’s feet regularly with a gentle, pet-approved shampoo. Dry thoroughly, paying special attention to the areas in between the toes. Trim any long hairs in between the toes as well, and while you’re at it, clip the toenails if they are too long. 

If you need help with nail trimming, please don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment. 

Trouble Afoot

If you’re not bothered by the corn chip smell, you don’t need to worry. However, if the smell becomes overwhelming or you notice other signs of trouble, your pet should be seen by a veterinarian. Allergies, infection, or an injury may be plaquing your pet. 

If you notice your pet biting or chewing at their feet, belly, or groin, please give us a call. You also want to be on the lookout for any redness or irritation, and call us if you notice the corn chip odor coming from their ears as it could indicate an infection. 

Our team at Schertz Animal Hospital is here to help with any questions about your pet’s health and quality of life! 

Why do my dogs feet smell like Doritos?

Dog owners know their pups produce a variety of odors, many of them less-than-pleasant. If you’ve ever noticed a distinct, corn chip-like aroma wafting up from your dog’s paws, you aren’t crazy. Many pet owners report their dog’s paws smell like Fritos, popcorn, tortillas, or other corn-based products – but why?

Here at Hampton Veterinary Hospital, we never shy away from life’s important questions, and we welcome the opportunity to help our readers figure out why their dog’s paws smell like Fritos!

Why Dog Paws Smell Like Fritos

Even the cleanest, healthiest pooch has trillions of bacteria and fungi living on their skin. That yeasty, corn chip smell is actually a normal byproduct of harmless bacteria, usually Proteus or Pseudomonas, both of which are naturally present in our environment.

Unless your dog wears shoes all day (we certainly hope this isn’t the case!), their paws are going to come into contact with many microbes as they walk through a variety of substances and occasionally lick their paws with tongues full of additional microbes. Dogs also sweat through their paws, and this warm, moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria and fungus that causes that Frito-like odor.

Happy Feet

Although many pet owners don’t mind (or even enjoy) this corn chip aroma, keeping your pet’s feet properly groomed, either professionally or at home, eliminates the buildup of sweat and debris, which cuts down on bacterial growth.

Start by washing your dog’s paws with pet shampoo and making sure they’re rinsed and thoroughly dried. Use your thumb to gently spread the paw pads apart, and use pet hair clippers to carefully trim the hair between the pads.  

Beyond the Chip

Although your dog’s Frito paws are probably normal, a very strong, foul odor can indicate an underlying medical issue, such as a bacterial or fungal infection, an untreated injury, or a tumor or other abnormal growth.

Other indications that your dog may be having paw problems include:

  • Flaky or crusty skin on the pads
  • Excessive paw licking
  • Hair loss around the feet/pads
  • Lumps, bumps, redness, or swelling around the toes and feet
  • Pus or drainage from a wound
  • Broken, cracked, or flaky toenails
  • Limping or change in gait

Please contact us if your dog displays any signs of paw issues. The sooner we can develop an effective treatment plan, the happier and more comfortable your pet will be.

It's no surprise that dogs are likely to walk or dig into some smelly things resulting in smelly feet. But some dogs also may have visibly clean feet that chronically smell like corn chips. This unique scent may be an indication of an infection, so it's wise for pet parents to know what to look, or smell, for with their dog's feet.

Dogs can cut their paws, break nails or toes, get puncture wounds in their feet, burn their paw pads on hot pavement and other foot problems. But when feet smell, it is because there is bacteria or a yeast growing in or on them or the dog stepped into something stinky. Injuries can cause these microorganisms to develop and if they aren't treated, infections can occur. Some smells are simply normal odors of a dog, though, so not every smell indicates an issue.

As bacteria or yeast invade a part of the body, they cause tissue to die off. This die off releases chemicals that cause the odor we smell, but the microorganisms also produce some chemicals themselves that create odors. This means that the odor that people smell from a wound or dirty surface is actually due to chemicals that are a direct result of the infectious organisms and some types of bacteria and yeast have very distinct smells.

Most people know that dogs sweat by panting, but the primary way they cool down is actually through their feet. Sweat is released from glands that then obviously causes moisture between the paw pads and toes. When moisture combines with heat without being allowed to dry out regularly, bacteria or yeast can invade. This is very common in dogs since they have fur that likes to stay moist and in addition to sweating, it may also occur in a dog that regularly licks its feet or spends time in water. Certain types of bacteria and yeast will then cause a corn chip smell in the feet of dogs.

While many people may think that feet that smell like corn chips are an indication of a problem, this isn't usually the case. Most dogs that have feet that smell like corn chips have no infections in their paws. The small amounts of bacteria that are causing this distinct smell are very normal for dogs to harbor. Some dogs, though, do develop an overgrowth of bacteria or develop a combination of yeast and bacteria. If this occurs in your dog's feet, it is a problem and is called pododermatitis.

If there is an abundance of bacteria and yeast in a dog's feet it will cause inflammation and irritation. Dogs will often lick or chew on their feet because of this irritation so if your dog is doing this and its feet smell like corn chips it is a good sign that it has a problem and not just a normal, small amount of bacteria present. If this is the case, you should bring your dog in to see a veterinarian for treatment of the infection.

If your dog has feet that smell like corn chips due to an infection, your veterinarian may run a test to see if the pododermatitis is due to bacteria, yeast, or both. This will determine how the corn chip smell is treated. Medicated wipes, sprays, shampoos, mousse, and other topical treatments may be recommended but if the problem is reoccurring your veterinarian may recommend changing your dog's diet. Food allergies or sensitivities can contribute to pododermatitis so special diets may be needed to prevent future issues.

Occasionally, when people think their dog smells like corn chips it isn't actually the feet but the rest of their dog's body, face, or ears instead. Bacterial and yeast infections can occur anywhere a dog has skin, especially if there are wrinkles and places for microorganisms to hide. If that corn chip smell never seems to go away or just keeps getting stronger, make sure you get your dog checked out for a bigger issue.