Why aren t dogs ticklish

When adorably pudgy puppy tummies are exposed, it's almost a pet parent rule to initiate soft tickles. Oftentimes, doggie belly rubs will make your pooch wiggle and jiggle with excitement, and rubbing a specific spot on your dog can make a hind leg happily kick out. With this in mind, you may be wondering: Are dogs ticklish? And can dogs be ticklish just like humans?

Many dogs respond positively to gentle finger movements on their skin and fur — but are the squirms from internal laughter and joy? Do they like the sensation? And, most importantly, where are the best spots to give your dog extra tickles for maximum enjoyment? Let's find out.

Are Dogs Ticklish, and Do They Laugh?

Studies examined by Stanley Coren PhD, DSc, FRSC in an article for Psychology Today discussed that animals can indeed be ticklish, and they may even laugh during the experience, just as humans do. But when dogs laugh, it's a bit different. They make more of a panting, breathy sound (without barking) created with a slightly open mouth that resembles a smile.

Dr. Marty Becker, DVM at Vet Street says during a pet exam in his office he will purposely tickle dogs along their sides, back of the rib cage and on the belly. A healthy dog will respond with an uncontrollable movement with their leg known as the "scratch reflex." You might notice this reflex combined with dog-style laughing during a tickle session with your pet.

Dogs do enjoy this attention, as long as they're feeling good overall and not injured or exhausted. So, tickle away! But, be warned: If you tickle a dog with a full bladder, you might see some happy dribbles of urine.

Which Parts of a Dog are Ticklish?

Any part of your pet can be ticklish. Surprisingly, dog feet are even more sensitive and ticklish than human feet, according to Caroline Springs Veterinary Hospital in Victoria, Australia. They say this explains why many pups don't care for nail trims. It's not the clippers, but the touching of their ticklish paws that drives the pets crazy.

To find the ticklish spots on your pup, give them a gentle petting head to tail. Don't forget the belly and behind the ears — two top pleasure spots. Does one particular area make your dog respond with swaying head movements, tail wags, leg movement and the breathy laughs mentioned earlier? That may just be the this-feels-good tickle spot.

Still, just like people, not all dogs enjoy being tickled. If your pet turns away from you, pins their ears back, stops smiling or begins to nip, stop touching and verbally let the dog know that they are safe.

So, can dogs be ticklish? Can they laugh? They sure can. Before you get your tickle on, be sure your pet is in the mood for this activity. If your pet isn't feeling well or is tired from a long hike, let them rest. You wouldn't want to be tickled in those situations either. But if your dog is making eye contact, rolling around and inviting playtime, let the tickling fun begin!

Angela Tague

Angela Tague is a pet mom and writer living in the Midwest. When she's not making a mess in the kitchen, exploring nature trails with her dog, or attending a yoga workshop, she's writing full-time for multiple lifestyle and technology brands. You can find her on Twitter and LinkedIn @AngelaTague.

Tickling is fun, right? At least for a minute, you might enjoy laughing. But the fun quickly dissipates. Then being tickled is annoying and aggravating, and if it keeps going, will become infuriating. Dogs can’t tell you when they love or hate something you’re doing. They can’t laugh or cry like people can, but they can communicate in nonverbal ways that humans don’t always understand or notice. Dogs can, however, become just as irritated as you might be when someone bothers you for a little too long. It’s hard to know just what a dog is thinking, but you can make an educated guess if you know how to look. Are dogs ticklish? 

Some people can be more ticklish than others. The same is true for dogs. And where they’re ticklish varies from dog to dog. When a dog kicks their leg or twitches if you touch a specific spot, is it your dog’s ticklish spot? Not necessarily. Dogs have nerves in their skin that send messages to the spinal cord. These nerves are important, and they let your dog know when there’s a pest on them such as fleas, ticks, or other critters. That network of nerves on your dog’s skin tells their brain when a pest is biting. That prompts your dog to start trying to kick or scratch to get rid of the pest. When you scratch that one spot and your dog’s leg starts revving up, it’s actually just that reflex in your dog’s skin kicking in. That scratch reflex is a kind of survival instinct since it helps rid your dog of what might be a dangerous parasite.

It’s a lot like having your knee whacked with a rubber hammer in your doctor’s office—the reaction is not something you can control. Some dogs don’t mind you activating their scratch reflex, but it may make some dogs uncomfortable or even irritated. Some dogs may have specifically sensitive spots on them, such as their feet, tail, or ears. If your dog pulls their paw away when you touch it, you may just think your dog is ticklish, especially if they’re only just yawning. If might be amusing to you, but your dog might feel differently. Innocuous behaviors like panting can actually indicate distress. A closed mouth, yawning, and looking away from you are all actually indicators that your dog may not be enjoying themselves. An open mouth with the tongue out is the closest you’ll ever get to seeing your dog smile. If your dog flicks their ears or pulls their feet away, you’re probably engaging that same involuntary nerve response that causes your dog to kick or scratch. That light touch makes your dog feel like a pest is on them. It’s probably not enjoyable for your dog, and they may even become irritated or defensive.

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While humans might feel differently about a friendly tickle, your dog doesn’t enjoy it on the same level that people can. Those light brushes, like when we feel a fly or a stray hair tickle us, don’t cause us to giggle. Your dog won’t either. Harder tickling, the kind that makes humans roll over with uncontrollable mirth, isn’t really something your dog can appreciate either. You can always play with, pet, scratch, and rub your dear canine pal, but pay attention to your dog’s body language. There’s a good chance they’re not enjoying the tickle-fest as much as you are.

Ears back, looking away, yawning, recoiling, and a closed mouth are all indicators of discomfort or stress. Even panting can be a sign of distress. If your dog appears to lose interest or wants to leave, give them a break. It’s also important to watch your dog around children. Kids don’t always recognize when a dog has had enough. It only takes an extra few seconds for your dog to react defensively when they’re pushed too far. On the other hand, if your dog rolls over and presents their belly, they’re probably all on board for a thorough belly scratching. Rolling over can be a sign of submission, though, so paying attention to other body language is important. Keep scratching sessions short and always leave them alone if they appear stressed. 

If your dog is persistently scratching, nibbling, or licking a certain area, they may have a pest or an underlying health issue you are not aware of. Dermatitis is one condition that causes skin problems. Allergies can also cause skin sensitivities or rashes that make your dog feel itchy. Even things like improper diet or harsh bathing products or too frequent bathing can cause your dog’s skin to react or become irritated. Some breeds are more prone to sensitive skin than others. Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, Spaniels, Poodles, and Labs are some breeds that tend to have more skin sensitivities and problems than others. Consult your vet for advice and further health testing. 

Tickling might be fun for some humans, but probably not for your dog. That reflex to kick and scratch is a lot like the same kick reflex humans have in our knees. Some dogs might enjoy it, and others may not. Pay attention to your dog’s body language and always be respectful. If you don’t enjoy someone tickling you persistently, your dog probably wouldn’t either.

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