What is 11:11 trying to tell me?

Do you find yourself glancing at the clock at the same time every day? I’ve been seeing 11:11 for what feels like forever. Maybe you see 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, or 5:55 on the regular. It’s just like hearing the same song all the time — you could look at it as random coincidence, or you could see it as a message from the universe. It may not come as a surprise to hear that I prefer the latter! I believe that there are no coincidences, and everything happens for a reason. When I look at the events of my life, it is so clear to me that there is a deeper meaning to everything that has occurred.

(On that note, I have to disclose that I am an ENFP, and ENFPs “find meaning and significance readily and see connections that others don’t”. So, in short, if you think this is all a load of bunkum, chalk it up to Myers-Briggs! Ha!)

There’s a growing contingent of people who believe that the numbers you see regularly are a direct message from the universe. Curious? Here’s what they mean…

1:11 or 11:11
The sequence of 1s is a sign of lightning-quick manifesting. If you see 1:11 or 11:11, it means that whatever you are thinking about is in the process of becoming. 11:11 is a great reminder to keep your thoughts positive! Spiritlibrary.com says, “The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form.”

Some have said that 11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers, another word for people who do positive, healing work in the world. It’s a message to continue to do your best, and, if you’re in a job which doesn’t light up your soul, to move into something that feels more authentic to you.

2:22 is a sign of new beginnings and hope. It lets us know that things are about to change, and that we need to keep taking action when it comes to making our dreams come true.

2:22 tells us to keep going, and not quit just before the miracle happens. You know the old saying, “It’s always darkest before the dawn”? That’s the message 2:22 is trying to impart. Whatever you have been dreaming about and wanting to manifest is just about to make itself known to you. Don’t lose faith or hope: stay positive and keep your heart light.

Think of the number 3 as an equilateral triangle, perfectly even, the three sides signifying body, mind and spirit. 3 is all about balance and self-care. When we see 3:33, often we are out of balance. If you keep glancing at the clock and it says 3:33, take it as a sign that you need to step back and examine your life.

Ask yourself, what does my body need? More rest, more movement, better nourishment? What does my mind need? Meditation? Introspection? Healing? Forgiveness? What does my spirit need? Do you need to step into your power? Let someone go? Move forward? When you ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly, you’ll know what to do to bring yourself into better alignment.

Doreen Virtue says that seeing 4:44 means that “thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you”. I am not personally sold on the whole angels concept, and if you feel the same way as me, you can choose to interpret it a little differently.

4:44 is a message that all is well. Relax! You have nothing to fear with regard to your life, work, and soul purpose. Everything is as it should be. You are doing what you should be doing, and you are doing it properly. Keep at it!

5:55 is the number of massive change! While change can be scary, and almost all of us prefer our tried-and-true routine, change is the way we learn, grow, and evolve. When you see 5:55 repeatedly, it means that positive things are about to swept your way. Hold on tight, and don’t be afraid! You can handle it!

Much love,

P.S. Want more magical fun? Check out my article Can A Number Determine Your Fate? What Numerology Can Tell You About Your Life Purpose!

Illustration by Wishcandy.

If you find yourself frequently seeing 11:11 on the clock (or elsewhere in your life), you aren’t alone.

There are so many people who are regularly seeing this number now.

So why would 11:11, of all the times of the day, be seen with such frequency?

The time “11:11”has a spiritual significance, and often appears as a sign of a deeper message from the angels or the universe for those who see it.

When you see 11:11, pay attention! Take it as a signal to increase your present moment awareness and open your heart and mind to listen for a message.

Exactly what message held within 11:11 means, is up to you to discover and interpret in the moment. There are however some common meanings.

Here are some of the ways 11:11 commonly holds spiritual significance:


In its simplest form, 11:11 is a string of ones. In line with this, seeing this number is a reminder of our oneness with the universe — one with life; one with the past, present and future; one with all that is.

Let this number serve as a reminder that everything is interconnected, and you are interconnected with it all too, through the one life force energy.


In numerology, 11 is a master number. It represents intuition, creativity, genius, refinement, and fulfillment.

Related to this meaning, seeing 11:11 can be a call to reflect on your purpose in life. It can also be a call to return to balance and claim to the life lessons in front of you.

Manifesting thoughts

Seeing 11:11 can also be an opportunity to take your blessings into your own hands by focusing on what you want. This numeral can be a sign that your thoughts are manifesting, which makes this the perfect moment to make a wish.

Spiritual awakening

The number 11:11 can also be a cue to tune in to the spiritual realm that lies just beyond the physical world.

It’s very common for those who are early in their spiritual journey and broadening their awareness to see 11:11 frequently (in fact, just reading this article could boost your awareness and trigger you to begin to see this number often).

If this is the case for you, consider it an invitation — it can be a great sign of positive things to come.

Angels and Guides

11:11 can also serve as a message from your angels and spirit guides. If you are seeing 11:11 frequently, it’s possible yours are trying to reach you. Consider the number a calling card from them.

What are your angels or guides trying to tell you? Next time you see 11:11, take a deep breath and open your mind to tune into the guidance that is available.

Many meanings, one answer

Seeing 11:11 is an opportunity. Don’t let it pass you by! While there are many ways to interpret this numeral’s significance, there’s one action you can take that is sure to help you deduce its message for you: Listen.

What’s on your mind? What’s going on in your life? Reflect on these questions and remember all 11:11 can represent.

Take the time to pay attention to it, and 11:11 can bring you powerful messages.

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