What were two reasons why the anti federalist opposed the ratification of the Constitution?

Federalists argued that the Constitution did not need a bill of rights, because the people and the states kept any powers not given to the federal government. Anti-Federalists held that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard individual liberty.

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What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forward by the Anti-Federalists?

Anti-Federalists argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, while taking too much power away from state and local governments. Many felt that the federal government would be too far removed to represent the average citizen.

What were the major arguments used by each side the supporters and the opponents in the debates over the ratification of the US Constitution?

What were the major arguments used by each side supporters and opponents in the debates over the ratification of the US Constitution? The Federalists wanted a strong government and strong executive branch, while the anti-Federalists wanted a weaker central government. … The anti-federalists demanded a bill of rights.

What are the major arguments in support of the Constitution given by the Federalists and what are the major arguments against the Constitution given by the Anti-Federalists?

The Federalists felt that this addition wasn’t necessary, because they believed that the Constitution as it stood only limited the government not the people. The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression.

Who were the opponents of the Constitution?

In time, the various opponents to the new Constitution came to be known as the Anti-Federalists. Their collected speeches, essays, and pamphlets later became known as the “Anti-Federalist Papers.”

What was the federalists main argument?

Within these documents, the Federalists argued for a strong national government and the protection of the people’s rights. One of the strongest arguments expressed by the Federalists was that the Articles of Confederation could not protect the nation and provide for its defense in an emergency.

What is the main reason the bill of rights was added to the Constitution?

What is the Bill of Rights and why was it added to the Constitution? The first ten amendments protect basic freedoms; especially of the minority groups. It was added to the Constitution to protect the people from the national government from having too much power.

Why did federalists argue against the bill of rights?

When challenged over the lack of individual liberties, the Federalists argued that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights because the new Constitution did not vest in the new government the authority to suppress individual liberties.

Which reason best explains why Anti-Federalists argued for the bill of rights?

Antifederalists argued that a bill of rights was necessary because, the supremacy clause in combination with the necessary and proper and general welfare clauses would allow implied powers that could endanger rights. Federalists rejected the proposition that a bill of rights was needed.

What were the major arguments against the constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists quizlet?

The main argument against ratifying the constitution by the Anti-Federalists was that they thought that the government that would be created would be too powerful and they would just be paving the way for another monarchy like the one that they had just fought so hard to free themselves from in England.

What were the major arguments of the anti-federalists and the Federalists quizlet?

The federalists favored the constitution and they wanted a strong national government that the constitution provided. The anti-federalists believed that the federalists pan posed a threat to state governments and to the rights of individuals.

What were some arguments the anti-federalists made against the constitution quizlet?

What arguments did the anti-federalists make against ratifying the Constitution? A argument there were three basic issues, whether the Constitution would maintain the republican government, the national government would have too much power, and the bill of rights was needed in the Constitution.

How did Supporters and opponents of the Constitution argue for and against its adoption?

How did the supporters and opponents of the Constitution argue for and against its adoption? … The Anti-Federalists feared a strong national government, they criticized the Constitution for having been drafted in secret, took important powers away from the states, and contained no bill of rights.

Which was an argument used by supporters of the US Constitution in favor of its ratification?

The Federalists countered that a strong government was necessary to lead the new nation and promised to add a bill of rights to the Constitution. The Federalist Papers, in particular, argued in favor of ratification and sought to convince people that the new government would not become tyrannical.

What was wrong with the Constitution of 1787?

A tax protest by western Massachusetts farmers in 1786 and 1787 showed the central government couldn’t put down an internal rebellion. It had to rely on a state militia sponsored by private Boston business people. With no money, the central government couldn’t act to protect the “perpetual union.”

Why did Alexander Hamilton oppose the bill of rights?

Hamilton didn’t support the addition of a Bill of Rights because he believed that the Constitution wasn’t written to limit the people. It listed the powers of the government and left all that remained to the states and the people.

Which of these major arguments did the Anti-Federalists offer in opposition to ratification of the constitution?

The Anti-Federalist’s offer in opposition to ‘ratification of the Constitution’ was set on their belief that the constitution needed a bill of rights. Their argument was that the constitution was not powerful with the laws and judiciary and would result in a situation where the judiciary would become out of control.

What did Anti-Federalists argue quizlet?

The Anti-Federalists argued that the new Constitution would destroy the liberties won in the American Revolution. They believed the new Constitution would create a national government so powerful that it would ignore the rights of the states. … It had no bill of rights to protect individual freedoms.

Who has to approve the Constitution?

Instead, on September 28, Congress directed the state legislatures to call ratification conventions in each state. Article VII stipulated that nine states had to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect. Beyond the legal requirements for ratification, the state conventions fulfilled other purposes.

Why did Federalists support the Constitution?

The US Constitution was written to remedy those weaknesses and provide the US with a better, more representative form of government. … Federalists campaigned to support ratification because they believed the Constitution was the best way to balance these needs.

Who wrote the Constitution?

The easiest answer to the question of who wrote the Constitution is James Madison, who drafted the document after the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

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What were two arguments made by the Federalists?

The Federalists wanted a strong government and strong executive branch, while the anti-Federalists wanted a weaker central government. The Federalists did not want a bill of rights —they thought the new constitution was sufficient. The anti-federalists demanded a bill of rights.

What are arguments for a stronger federal government?

A strong central government could represent the nation to other countries. It could also control individual states that would not cooperate with the rest. Federalists also believed that a strong central government could best protect individual citizens’ rights and freedoms.

What was the purpose of the Constitution?

The Constitution of the United States established America’s national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens.

What were the two main reasons that this group wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

7b. What were the two main reasons that this group wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?-The Anti-Federalists wanted individual rights for the citizens to ensure the new government wouldn’t treat the people like the “old colonial government of Great Britain” did.

What was a key argument advanced by federalists in arguing for ratification of the US Constitution?

What was a key argument advanced by federalist in arguing for ratification of U.S. Constitution? It had features that prevented the abuse of government power. … The government may exercise all powers that are “necessary and proper” to meet its responsibilities under the Constitution.

What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights quizlet?

Terms in this set (11)

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The original purpose of the Bill of Rights was to protect the rights of the people from the federal government. The Bill of Rights was ratified all at the same time (December 15, 1791). Individual states can maintain a National Guard. Private citizens can bear arms.

Who opposed Bill of Rights?

The Federalists opposed including a bill of rights on the ground that it was unnecessary. The Anti-Federalists, who were afraid of a strong centralized government, refused to support the Constitution without one. In the end, popular sentiment was decisive.

On what main issue did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagree?

Both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists were concerned with the preservation of liberty, however, they disagreed over whether or not a strong national government would preserve or eventually destroy the liberty of the American people.

Which reason best explains why Anti-Federalists argued for the Bill of Rights quizlet?

Which reason best explains why Anti-Federalists argued for the Bill of Rights? They wanted protections against tyranny of the central government. The above was written in 1788 by an Anti-Federalist.

What did the Anti-Federalists believe?

Many Anti-Federalists preferred a weak central government because they equated a strong government with British tyranny. Others wanted to encourage democracy and feared a strong government that would be dominated by the wealthy. They felt that the states were giving up too much power to the new federal government.

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what did the anti federalists want

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