What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis

What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis
What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis

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Cellular respiration is dependent on which of the following atoms?

Possible Answers:


In cellular respiration, oxygen is the final electron acceptor. Oxygen accepts the electrons after they have passed through the electron transport chain and ATPase, the enzyme responsible for creating high-energy ATP molecules. Just remember cellular respiration—respiration means breathing, and you cannot breathe without oxygen.

Which of the following molecules is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain during cellular respiration?

Possible Answers:


Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, showing the need for aerobic conditions to undergo such a process. ATP is produced as a product of the electron transport chain, while glucose and CO2 play a role in earlier processes of cellular respiration.

How many potential ATP can be produced when one molecule of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is put through glycolysis?

Possible Answers:


Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is converted to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, and one NADH is also produced during that step. NADH enters the electron transport chain, and is therefore worth ATP. Normally, an NADH is worth about 2.5 ATP; however, an NADH produced in glycolysis is only worth 1.5 ATP because it costs 1 ATP to move that NADH from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria. So, in this first step, we have a total of 1.5 ATP.

As the molecule continues on its path to become pyruvate, it will also produce two ATP directly; therefore, we have a net total of 3.5 potential ATP.  

What happens to the electron transport chain when oxygen is not available?

Possible Answers:

Oxidative phosphorylation will utilize carbon dioxide instead of oxygen

Oxidative phosphorylation will produce oxygen from available carbon dioxide

Oxidative phosphorylation utilizes alternative fuel sources, such as fats

Oxidative phosphorylation ceases and the cell reverts to fermentation after glycolysis

Oxidative phosphorylation can continue without any noticeable impact

Correct answer:

Oxidative phosphorylation ceases and the cell reverts to fermentation after glycolysis


Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, which allows for oxidative phosphorylation. Without oxygen, the electrons will be backed up, eventually causing the electron transport chain to halt. This will cause the products of glycolysis to go through fermentation instead of going to the citric acid cycle. Without oxygen, oxidative phosphorylation (the electron transport chain) is impossible, but substrate-level phosphorylation (glycolysis) continues.

Most of the ATP produced in cellular respiration comes from which of the following processes?

Possible Answers:

Oxidative phosphorylation

Substrate-level phosphorylation

Correct answer:

Oxidative phosphorylation


Cellular respiration typically follows three steps, under aerobic conditions. Glycolysis generates NADH and converts glucose to pyruvate, while producing small amounts of ATP through substrate-level phosphorylation. The citric acids cycle, or Krebs cycle, uses pyruvate to generate more NADH and FADH2. These NADH and FADH2 molecules donate electrons to the electron transport chain, which are used to pump protons into the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion. The protons in the intermembrane space then flow through ATP synthase to generate large amounts of ATP via oxidative phosphorylation.

Why is oxygen essential for the electron transport chain?

Possible Answers:

It serves as the primary electron donor

It is part of the chemiosmotic gradient

It serves as the terminal electron acceptor

It is essential for transporting pyruvate into the mitochondria

Correct answer:

It serves as the terminal electron acceptor


Oxygen serves as the terminal electron acceptor for the electron transport chain. Electrons are donated by NADH molecules and passed through several different proteins to generate the proton gradient in the intermembrane space. Upon reaching the final protein, the electron is bonded to an oxygen molecule to create water. Without oxygen, there would be nowhere for the electrons to go after being pumped through the electron transport chain, and aerobic cellular respiration would be impossible.

Which of the following processes requires an electron acceptor?

Possible Answers:

The electron transport chain requires an oxygen electron acceptor

The citric acid cycle requires an oxygen electron acceptor

The electron transport chain requires a nitrogen electron acceptor

Glycolysis requires a nitrogen electron acceptor

Correct answer:

The electron transport chain requires an oxygen electron acceptor


Oxygen acts as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain (ETC). This accounts for the reason as to why, when cells are starved of oxygen, the ETC "backs up" and the cell will divert to using anaerobic respiration, such as fermentation. At the end of the electron transport chain, the electron and a proton are passed to an oxygen molecule to produce water.

The citric acid cycle depends on oxygen in an indirect sense. The main purpose of the cycle is to produce electron donors for the electron transport chain. If the chain is not functional (due to lack of oxygen), the citric acid cycle also stops functioning. Glycolysis is not dependent on oxygen, and can function in anaerobic environments.

The chemical compound 2,4-dinitrophenol can disrupt the process of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitchondrial electron transport chain by causing which effect?

Possible Answers:

Dispersion of the proton gradient

Binding to nucleotide carriers

Removing the F0 subunit from the ATP synthase complex

Correct answer:

Dispersion of the proton gradient


In ATP synthesis, the proton gradient is an interconvertible form of energy in electron transport. 2,4-dinitrophenol is an inhibitor of ATP production in cells with mitochondria. Its mechanism of action involves carrying protons across the mitochondrial membrane, which leads to the consumption of energy without ATP production.

The other answer choices are not directly related to the generation of the proton gradient.

If cellular respiration were 100% efficient, the process should produce around eighty ATP, however, the actual yield is around thirty ATP. What happens to the rest of the chemical energy in glucose?

Possible Answers:

It is converted to starch

It is released as carbon dioxide and water

It is used to make water from hydrogen ions and oxygen

Correct answer:

It is converted to heat


Cellular respiration is only about 38% efficient, with the rest of the energy in glucose lost as heat.

Water and carbon dioxide are not used to store energy. Fats can be synthesized from acetyl CoA and glycerol, but are not generally created in large quantities during cellular respiration. Starches are generally used for energy storage in plants, but can be synthesized from glucose; however, starches are not a standard product of cellular respiration.

Most of the reactions in cellular respiration are exothermic, in order to support spontaneous reaction. The result is release of heat energy with most steps.

Along what structure do electrons in the electron transport chain (ETC) move?

Possible Answers:

The inner membrane of the mitochondria

The outer membrane of the mitochondria

Correct answer:

The inner membrane of the mitochondria


The events of the electron transport chain take place on the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The transmembrane proteins used to shuttle electrons through the electron transport chain are embedded on the inner membrane. Electrons are donated to these proteins and used to transfer protons into the intermembrane space from the matrix. After reaching the final inner membrane protein in the chain, the electron is transferred to oxygen to form water.

The mitochondrial matrix is where the ATP eventually is eventually synthesized, as well as the site of the citric acid cycle. The cytoplasm is the site of glycolysis. The outer mitochondrial membrane is not directly involved in cellular respiration.

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What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis

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Saint Vincent College, Bachelor of Science, Biology, General. Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, Doctor of Philosophy...

What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis

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Mercer University, Master of Science, Health Sciences, General.

What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis

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University of Florida, Bachelor of Science, Microbiology.

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What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis