Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have

Two resistors of resistance 2 Ω and 4 Ω when connected to a battery will have

  • same current flowing through them when connected in parallel

  • same current flowing through them when connected in series

  • same potential difference across them when connected in series

  • different potential difference across them when connected in parallel

same current flowing through them when connected in series

Explanation - 

When two resistors are connected in series with a battery then current passing through them is same. 

Concept: Electrical Resistivity and Electrical Conductivity

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Two resistors of resistance 2Ω and 4Ω when connected to a battery will have A. same current flowing through them when connected in parallel B. same current flowing through them when connected in series C. same potential difference across them when connected in series D. different potential difference across them when connected in Parallel

Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have

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  • Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have
  • Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have
  • Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have
  • Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have
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Two resistors of resistance 2 Ω and 4 Ω when connected to a battery will have

  1. same current flowing through them when connected in parallel
  2. same current flowing through them when connected in series
  3. same potential difference across them when connected in series
  4. different potential difference across them when connected in parallel


In series combination of resistor, the current through both the resistor are same but potential difference across each will be different. In parallel combination current across each resistor will be different but the potential difference will be same.

The correct option is B.

Two resistors of resistance 2 ω and 4 ω when connected to a battery will have

Answer: (b) same current flowing through them when connected in series

In series, the combination current does not get divided into branches because the resistor receives a common current.

Resistors in series

A circuit is said to be connected in series when the same amount of current flows through the resistors. In such circuits, the voltage across each resistor is different. In a series connection, if any resistor is broken or a fault occurs, then the entire circuit is turned off.

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