The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent

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The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 2 : 11.67%

The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent

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The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent

SP = Selling Price, CP = Cost Price, MP = Marked Price

12SP = 15CP

⇒ SP = 1.25CP

Profit% = [(SP – CP)/CP] × 100

⇒ Profit% = [(1.25CP- CP)/CP] × 100

⇒ Profit% = 0.25CP/CP × 100

⇒ Profit% = 25%

Also, 15CP = 75/4 × (MP – SP)

⇒ 4CP = 5MP – 4SP

⇒ 4CP = 5MP – 4 × (1.25CP)

⇒ 4CP = 5MP – 5CP

⇒ 9CP = 5MP

⇒ MP = 1.8CP

∴ Discount % = [(MP – SP)/MP] × 100

⇒ Discount% = [(1.8CP – 1.25CP)/1.8CP] × 100

⇒ Discount% = [0.55/1.8] × 100

⇒ Discount% = 30(5/9)%

According to the question - 

Now, Mark Up% is halved, i.e. 50%, and discount % is 25(5/9) %.

25(5/9)% = 23/90

∴ If cost price is 900, then, marked up price is 1350 and selling price will be (1350 × 67/90) = 1005

So, New SP will be = 1005

∴ Profit = (SP – CP) = (1005 – 900) = 105

∴ Profit% = [(105)/900] × 100

⇒ 11.67%

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The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent

Profit and Loss

  1. The selling price of 12 articles is equal to the cost price of 15 articles. The gain percent is

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    Let the CP of 1 articles = $ 1∴ CP of 12 articles = $ 12SP of 12 articles = $ 15Gain = SP of 12 articles - CP of 12 articles = 15 - 12 = $ 3

    ∴ Gain percent = Gain × 100
    CP of 12 articles

    Gain percent = 15 - 12× 100 = 25%

    We can find gain % with the help of given formula : Here, p = 15, q = 12
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the CP of 1 articles = $ 1∴ CP of 12 articles = $ 12SP of 12 articles = $ 15Gain = SP of 12 articles - CP of 12 articles = 15 - 12 = $ 3

    ∴ Gain percent = Gain × 100
    CP of 12 articles

    Gain percent = 15 - 12× 100 = 25%

    We can find gain % with the help of given formula : Here, p = 15, q = 12
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    15 - 12
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

  1. The cost price of 20 oranges is same with selling price of 16 oranges. The profit percentage is

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    Let the CP of 1 orange = $ 1∴ CP of 16 oranges = $ 16SP of 16 oranges = $ 20Gain = SP of 16 oranges - CP of 16 oranges = 20 - 16 = $ 4

    Gain percent =Gain × 100
    CP of 16 oranges

    Gain percent =4 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 20, q = 16Using gain % formula ,
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the CP of 1 orange = $ 1∴ CP of 16 oranges = $ 16SP of 16 oranges = $ 20Gain = SP of 16 oranges - CP of 16 oranges = 20 - 16 = $ 4

    Gain percent =Gain × 100
    CP of 16 oranges

    Gain percent =4 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 20, q = 16
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    20 - 16
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the CP of 1 orange = $ 1∴ CP of 16 oranges = $ 16SP of 16 oranges = $ 20Gain = SP of 16 oranges - CP of 16 oranges = 20 - 16 = $ 4
    Gain percent =Gain × 100
    CP of 16 oranges

    Gain percent =4 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 20, q = 16
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    20 - 16
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

  1. The cost price of 400 lemons is equal to the selling price of 320 lemons. Then the profit percent is

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    Let the CP of 1 lemon = $ 1∴ CP of 320 lemons = $ 320SP of 320 lemons = $ 400If SP > CP , then Profit = SP of 320 lemons - CP of 320 lemons = 400 - 320 = $ 80

    Profit percent = Profit × 100
    CP of 320 lemons

    Profit percent = 80 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 400, q = 320
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the CP of 1 lemon = $ 1∴ CP of 320 lemons = $ 320SP of 320 lemons = $ 400If SP > CP , then Profit = SP of 320 lemons - CP of 320 lemons = 400 - 320 = $ 80

    Profit percent = Profit × 100
    CP of 320 lemons

    Profit percent = 80 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 400, q = 320
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    400 - 320
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % = 80 × 100 = 25%

  1. The cost price of 24 apples is the same as the selling price of 18 apples. The percentage of gain is :

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    Let the CP of 1 apple = $.1∴ CP of 18 apples = $ 18SP of 18 apples = $ 24Gain = SP of 18 apples - CP of 18 apples = 24 - 18 = $ 6

    ∴ Gain percent = Gain × 100
    CP of 18 apples

    Gain percent = 100= 33 1 %

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 24, q = 18
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the CP of 1 apple = $.1∴ CP of 18 apples = $ 18SP of 18 apples = $ 24Gain = SP of 18 apples - CP of 18 apples = 24 - 18 = $ 6

    ∴ Gain percent = Gain × 100
    CP of 18 apples

    Gain percent = 100= 33 1 %

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 24, q = 18
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    24 - 18
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % = 6 × 100 = 331 %

  1. The cost price of 25 articles is equal to the selling price of 20 of them. The gain or loss percent is given by

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    Let the C.P. of each article be $ 1.∴ C.P. of 20 articles = $ 20and S.P. of 20 articles = $ 25Profit = S.P. of 20 articles - C.P. of 20 articles = 25 - 20 = $ 5

    Percentage profit = Profit × 100
    C.P. of 20 articles

    Percentage profit = 5 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 25, q = 20Using gain% formula ,
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Let the C.P. of each article be $ 1.∴ C.P. of 20 articles = $ 20and S.P. of 20 articles = $ 25Profit = S.P. of 20 articles - C.P. of 20 articles = 25 - 20 = $ 5

    Percentage profit = Profit × 100
    C.P. of 20 articles

    Percentage profit = 5 × 100 = 25%

    Second method to solve this question : Here, p = 25, q = 20Using gain% formula ,
    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    p - q
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100

    Gain % =
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    25 - 20
    The selling price of 15 apples is equal to the cost price of 12 oranges find gain or loss percent
    × 100