Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Question 20 Exercise 8.2



C.P. = Rs.5,400 and Rate of VAT = 8%

Let C.P. without VAT is Rs. 100, then price including VAT = 100 + 8 = Rs.108

\because When price including VAT is Rs.108, then original price = Rs.100

\therefore When price including VAT is Rs.1, then original price = \frac{100}{108}

\therefore When price including VAT is Rs.5400, then original price = \frac{100}{108}\times5400=Rs.\ 5000

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added
Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

I purchased a hair dryer for rupees 5400 including 8 % VAT. find the price before VAT was added.

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Price of a hairdryer with VAT = ₹ 5400

VAT% = 8%

Let the initial price of the hairdryer be ₹ x

Price of hairdryer with VAT is ₹ 5400

VAT % = 8%

VAT = 8% of the initial price of hairdryer

So, the initial price of hairdryer + VAT = 5400

x + 8% × x = 5400

x + (8x/100) = 5400

(108x/100) = 5400

x = 5400 × (100/108)

x = ₹ 5000

☛ Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 8

Video Solution:

I purchased a hair-dryer for ₹ 5,400 including 8% VAT. Find the price before VAT was added

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Exercise 8.2 Question 10


I purchased a hairdryer for ₹ 5,400 including 8% VAT. The price of the hairdryer before VAT was added is ₹ 5000.

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Last updated at Nov. 12, 2018 by

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added
Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Introducing your new favourite teacher - Teachoo Black, at only ₹83 per month

Ex 8.2, 10 I purchased a hair-dryer for Rs 5,400 including 8% VAT. Find the price before VAT was added. The price includes VAT means that bill amount has Price + VAT Given Amount Paid (Bill Amount) = 5400 Vat Percentage = 8% Let the Original Price = 𝑥 Tax Amount = Vat Percentage × Original Price = 8% × 𝑥 = 8/100 × 𝑥 = 8𝑥/100 Now, Bill amount = Original Price + Tax Amount 5400 = 𝑥 + 8𝑥/100 5400 = (100𝑥 + 8𝑥)/100 5400 = (108 𝑥)/100 (5400 × 100)/108 = 𝑥 (2700 ×100)/54 = 𝑥 (1350 × 100)/27 = 𝑥 (450 ×100)/9 = 𝑥 50 × 100 = 𝑥 5000 = 𝑥 ∴ 𝑥 = 5000 ∴ Original Price = Rs 5000

Page 2

Last updated at Dec. 1, 2021 by Teachoo

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added
Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Introducing your new favourite teacher - Teachoo Black, at only ₹83 per month

Page 3

Last updated at Nov. 12, 2018 by Teachoo

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added
Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added
Rajan bought a watch for Rs 5400 including 8% VAT find the price before VAT was added

Introducing your new favourite teacher - Teachoo Black, at only ₹83 per month