How to make pomelo tree bear fruit

How to make pomelo tree bear fruit
Pomelo Cultivation

Introduction of Pomelo Fruit: – The Pomelo fruit belongs to citrus race and are closely related to Grapefruit. Pomelo belongs to the family of “Rutaceae” and genus of citrus. Pomelo scientific name is Citrus Maxima or Citrus Grandis and these fruits are native to South and Southeast Asia. Pomelo is a largest fruit in the citrus world. The thick and yellow skinned fruit is popularly known in the western world as Pomelo (Pummelo,pommelo), shaddock, batavia lemon or pamplemousse. In India, this fruit is known as “Chakotras”. However, this name also technically indicates the Grapefruit though both are different species under citrus genus. The fruit is consumed as fresh and is also used in cooking to make desserts and jellies. This fruit can weigh up to 10 kg. The Pomelo fruit  has the taste of Grapefruit without the much bitterness and acidity and the texture is fleshy and has more membrane than many other types of citrus fruits.

Health benefits of Pomelo Fruit:- Some of the health benefits with Pomelo fruit are as follows.

  • The Pomelo fruit prevents UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in preventing common cold & flu
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in healing of wounds
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in prevention of anaemia
  • The Pomelo fruit promotes healthy teeth & gums
  • The Pomelo fruit regulates blood pressure levels
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in prevention of leg cramps
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in curing constipation
  • The Pomelo fruit helps in preventing osteoporosis
  • The Pomelo fruit aids in weight loss
  • The Pomelo fruit has antioxidant and anti-fungal properties
How to make pomelo tree bear fruit
Health Benefits of Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo Varieties and Major Production States in India:-  

How to make pomelo tree bear fruit

Pomelo Local Names in India:-  Common names: Pomelo, Jabong, Pummelo, Pommelo Shaddock and  Chinese grapefruit.

Sadaphal (Hindi), Chakotha Hannu (Kannada), Pampara Panasa/Dabba Kayaa (Telugu), Chakotra  (Bengali), Pamparamasan/Kambili Naranga (Malayalam), Gadarangai (Tamil), Toranji (Konkani), Papanas (Marathi).

Soil and Climate Requirement for Pomelo Cultivation:-   The Pomelo fruit can be grown on wide variety of soils from coarse sand to heavy clay. However, it grows best in the deep, medium-textured, fertile soils in lowland tropics and elevation not exceeding 400 masl (meters above sea level). The best soil pH is 5.5 to 6.5 and the optimum temperature of 25°C to 32°C is required along with annual rainfall of 150 cm to 180 cm for its best growth and yield.

Propagation in Pomelo Cultivation:- Pomelo can be propagated sexually by seed or asexually by air layering , grafting, budding & stem cuttings. In South east Asia, the most common propagation method is air layering.

Land Preparation, Spacing and Planting in Pomelo Cultivation: –  Land should be prepared to the fine tilth stage by giving 2 or 3 ploughings and harrowing with desi plough. This also cleans and weeds from previous crops and level the land. If the soil  acidic in nature, applying lime to the soil will be helpful. Pits should be dug about 0.5 deep and wide. In Pomelo farming, the plant spacing of  8 to 10 meter x 6 to 8 meter should be maintained which will approximately accommodate about 125 to 210 plants per 1 hectare land. Supplement the pits with compost at the bottom or mixed at about 1/3 proportion with the topsoil which will be used to refill the pits after planting. In case of raw manure is used, it is recommended to delay the planting for 2 weeks.

The best planting season in Pomelo cultivation is during the onset of the monsoon. Planting can be done any time where irrigation facility is available. Drip irrigation would be opted for best effective management of water.

Irrigation in Pomelo Cultivation:-  Irrigation depends on the soil moisture holding capacity and growth stage of the plants. The first irrigation should be carried out immediately after planting to ensure contact of the plant roots with soil. Frequent irrigations should be given before flowering. To force early flowering, watering should be delayed during the dry season until the plant shows signs of wilting. Then the wilting trees  should be irrigated. However, for new growth of the shoots and development of the fruits, frequent irrigation is needed. Usually, an adult tree requires 100 to 250 liters of water daily during hot summer period. Drip irrigation can be adopted for effective management of water.

Intercropping in Pomelo Cultivation:- Farmers should always utilize the inter spaces in the main crop to generate some extra income. In Pomelo farming, inter crops like banana and areca palm or any vegetable crops can be cultivated during young plantation. Later any shade loving inter crops would be beneficial.

Weed Control in Pomelo Cultivation:-  Pomelo crop requires regular weeding to eliminate competition for soil moisture and nutrients. Mulching at the plant base can check the weed growth along with using recommended weedicides.

Pruning in Pomelo Cultivation:- After 5 to 6 months of planting, pruning should be carried out to induce branching. This should be done by top pruning about 30 to 45 cm from the ground level. 3 to 4 branches which are evenly distributed in separate horizontal directions should be retained and allowed to grow.

Fertilizers in Pomelo Cultivation:-   Along with organic manure, it requires chemical fertilization for better production. Foliar fertilizer can also be applied every new flushes. NPK combination of 13-13-21 is used to improve fruit taste. It should be applied in 2 doses, first dose before flowering and other one after 5 to 6 months. Fertilizers should be increased on yearly basis based on the tree age. The fertilizers should be applied in the pits about 1 to 2 meters from the trunk. Spraying of foliar fertilizer also   recommended for every 20 days starting at 40 days after planting until 140 days after fruit set.

Pests and Diseases in Pomelo Cultivation:-   Generally, most of the pests and diseases which attack the citrus crop will be found in Pomelo cultivation as well. These are common leafminers , leaf-eating caterpillars, red mites, fruit-boring caterpillar, fruit flies,  scales, rats and nematodes. For control measures of these, contact local horticulture department.

Harvesting in Pomelo Cultivation:- Usually, Pomelo fruits will be ready for harvesting in 5 months to 6 months from fruit set (Note: not after planting).The dull skin of the fruit brightens once started ripening as the oil glands become more prominent and shiny.

Yield in Pomelo Cultivation:-   Generally, yield of any crop depends on the cultivar (variety), weather conditions and cultivation practices. An average yield of 75 to 100 fruits per tree/year or 20 tons/ha per year can be obtained.

For Sheep or Goat Farming Info in India : Read Here.

Pomelo tree grow and care – tree of the genus citrus also known as Honey Pummelo plant or Citrus maxima, Pomelo tree grow as perennial evergreen plant, used for edible fruits also possible to grow as dwarf or bonsai, can grow in tropical, subtropical or mediterranean climate and growing in cold hardiness zone 10+ and with the right overwinter care in hardiness zone 9.

Leaves color is green the shape it’s like two connected leaves one close to the stem and the other connected to the first leaf, the second leaf elliptic with pointed top, the leaf that connected to the stem mostly small but can be in the same size, the shape can be from elliptic to heart shape.

Flowers are white with yellow stamen, size of the 1-3 cm (0.75- 1.2 inch).

Pomelo tree edible fruits

Fruit color can be: white, yellow, pink, the inner fruit divided by segments, the segment cover with layer, it containing the mild pulp (little cones covered with a thinner layer), Pomelo fruit can be sweet, sour or something in between, peel color can be: green, yellow or pink, the peel is edible but sometimes little bitter also used as flavor and fragrant, size of the fruit ~10-28 cm.

Pomelo tree for sale – Seeds or Plants to Buy

How to grow Pomelo tree growing condition and care:

Well-drained soil, better loamy soil, moist soil in the fruits season and better to put mulch

How to care:
Design for easy to pick the fruits (when there are thorns it’s important but not all cultivars have thorns), add to the soil, organic matter, humus and fertilizer, in location with hot summer sun that the main trunk is expose to the sun better to better to whitewash (lime paint)

What is the best way to start growing:
Plant / Seed / Cutting / Air layering

Propagate by cutting:
Propagating require: sterilize knife, sterilize soil (put the soil in microwave), soil that will keep moist like: peat soil, coconut coir or peat moss, better to do it in in temperature of 25-28C (77-82F) possible higher, high humidity, moist soil (don’t let it dry), use root growth hormone and when growing from cutting it’s important, to give humidity that will be like fog

Is it necessary to graft or cutting?
Yes, necessary to ensure the existent of the fruits and quality of the fruits and there are different parameters: size, taste (sweet, sour or something in between), juicy or dry, amount of seeds or seedless, season of the fruits (different cultivars have different dates for the fruits), better to graft more than one cultivar or more than on citrus.

Cutting need to use for the base of the tree for: disease-free, base that fit for different soils, resistance for drought, base that won’t resist for grafting or specific cultivar for the fruits.

Difficulties/Problems with growing Pomelo plant:
When the tree young very sensitive to citrus leaf miner, some cultivars with thorns.

Planting season:
Spring to summer in hardiness zone 9-10a, spring or autumn hardiness zone 10b-11a, possible also in summer and winter the main problem it’s hot and cold days that might cause future problem and even kill the plant, hardiness zone 11b+ planted all year

How to plant:
Dig a hole as deep as the current root ball plus extra 20-40%, put in the hole organic matter, hummus and dried leaves and mix it with some soil, put the tree and loos little bit the root ball above the hole, plant the tree and cover it and don’t push the soil too much strong but not too much lightly because it won’t be stable, after planting put mulch to keep moist on soil, put water, for the next two weeks put every day (better in the morning) , better to take that the tree will be stable, and if not support it with bamboo or a stick that it won’t fall.

Pests and diseases:
Citrus leaf miner, aphids, citrus foot rot, ant, citrus gummosis

Pruning season:
End of the winter beginning of the spring (after the fruits)

How to prune:
Dead branch, cross branch, density branch growth – when the tree grow in high density it’s prevent

Size of the plant:
Height 3-7 m, 10-21 feet


Growth speed in optimal condition:
Medium growing to slow growing

Pummelo requirements for Irrigation and Water Management:
Average amount of water to big amount of water with good drainage, need to increase the amount of water in the fruits season especially when the fruit become bigger if there are rains need to check that it’s enough, if not the fruit will be dry or crack hole.

Light conditions in optimal condition for growing:
Full Sun and possible to grow in half shade in the right care but will produce less fruits

Is it possible to grow indoor as houseplant?
No, but possible to grow next to window with sun that possible, grow it as dwarf tree and will take more time to get fruits

Growing also possible in pots, planter, flowerpot, containers:
Yes, when grow in container need to choose the desirable container if it’s small plant it directly if it’s a big container bigger than 30%-50% than the root ball, every time that the tree arrive to full capacity need to switch to bigger until arrives to desirable size, better to switch the soil once in few years soil lose the viability over time and it’s efficient of care for the tree, when it’s not possible to switch all the soil just part of the soil in the side of the roots (don’t afraid from root cutting), it will bear fruits also in 5-10gallon (40 liter) container (but bigger is better), drainage it’s important and need to make holes and to use peat soil and maybe some lava grit in the bottom or something like that, put a bottom for the container and when water the plant let it fill the bottom but also need to dry in the same day, better to grow as dwarf tree or to grow it as bonsai.

Blooming information

When does Honey Pomelo tree bloom?
Winter, spring

General information about Pummelo flower:
Flowers are white with yellow stamen

Thinning / Deadheading the Blossom:
In the first years should thinning the flowers

Pollination is done by:

Edible fruits

Pomelo fruit season – When to harvest:
Autumn / Winter

Pests or diseases in Pomelo fruit:
Citrus stubborn disease, citrus black spot, alternaria

What uses can be with big quantities of Pummelo fruit?
Eat, juice, the rind used fragrant, fruit leather, sugary rind, jam

Work requirements on the Pummelo greapefruit fruit:
Pick up (sometimes cut branches that grow into the fruit)

How long does it take to bear Pomelo fruit?
2-3 years

Ripening of Jabong fruit
Possible to pick up the fruit before and let them ripening them in the house

How to grow Pomelo tree from seeds

Sowing requirement:
Moist soil, well-drained soil, 20-27C temperature and better in sunny location

Saving and care seeds until sowing:
Dry, dark location in room temperature

Sowing season:
Spring to early summer (possible also summer to autumn)

How to plant:
Planting in soil that keep moist, cover the seed lightly

Planting spacing:
Better in separate pots, direct on the place 3*4m (10*13 feet), for transplant 5*5 cm (2*2 inches)

Depth of Sowing:
2cm (1inches)

Conditions for seeds germinate:
Keep the soil and don’t let it dry, rich soil and sunny location

Watering requires for Seeds:
Average amount of water

Germination time:
2-4 weeks, but can take longer

Condition of seedling:
If there is Citrus leaf miner in one of the trees in the area, better to put it in greenhouse or indoor to protect the tree, young tree very sensitive to citrus leaf miners, better to cover the soil with mulch.

Scientific name:

Citrus maxima

Alternative names: Pomela, Honey Pomelo, Pomelo grapefruit, Pummelo, Jabong tree, Shaddock, Pommelo, Pumelo, Citrus grandis, Chinese pomelo tree,