Did the two toys car stop immediately as they hit the block of wood why do you think so

The first part of the activity described below can also be used to illustrate inertia. In the second part of the activity, mass is added to the toy car to illustrate Newton’s Second Law. Give the student with a visual impairment an opportunity to feel the weight of the car before and after the clay is added.

Of course, friction is another force that affects motion, but this is disregarded as a factor in the activity.


Newton - SI unit of force 

Effects of Unbalanced Forces

Unbalanced forces cause acceleration. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the motion of the object is changed. If the object is at rest, the force makes it move. If the object is in motion, the force changes its velocity. Any change in velocity is acceleration.

Force, Mass and Acceleration

The amount by which an object accelerates depends on three things. They are the size of the force, the direction in which the force acts, and the mass of the object. If two forces act on the same object, the greater force will produce more acceleration than the smaller force.

Newton’s Second Law

Newton’s second law describes the relationship among force, mass, and acceleration. Newton’s second law states that the unbalanced force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object times its acceleration. Newton’s second law can be describe by this equation 


In this equation, F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. When the mass is measured in kilograms and the acceleration is measured in meters per second per second, the forced is measured in newtons (N). A newton is the SI unit of force. An unbalanced force of 1 N will accelerate a mass of 1 kg at 1 m/s2. One Newton of force is equal to one kilogram-meter per second per second (1kg-m/s2).

Using Newton’s Second Law

If no friction is involved, how much force would you have to apply to 10 kg object to make it accelerate at a rate of 45 m/s2? This may seem like a difficult problem at first. However, if you use the equation for Newton’s second law, it becomes easy.


F = 10 kg x 45 m/s2

F = 450 kg m/s2

You would have to apply a force of 450 kg m/s2 or 450 N.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Isaac Newton was born in England on December 25, 1642. He was a physicist, an astronomer, and a mathematician. At the age of 45, Newton published his theories of motion and gravity. Newton’s great book is usually called the Principia. It is considered one of the most important works in the history of science.

In the Principia, Newton explained his three laws of motion and his theory of gravitation. Newton also invented a branch of mathematics called calculus to help predict motion using his three laws. Newton also made many important discoveries about light and color.

Newton was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University and a member of the Royal Society. He was knighted by Queen Anne in 1705. Newton once said about himself, “If I have further seen than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”

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Did the two toys car stop immediately as they hit the block of wood why do you think so

Start your toy engines -- this is going to be a fast and friction-filled race! Have you ever wondered what kind of surfaces make race cars go faster or slower? Grab your remote control to find out as your car zips over different surfaces. The key to this experiment is car friction, or resistance created, between the car's wheels and the road.

How does friction affect the speed of a toy car?

  • Radio-controlled toy car
  • Sandpaper
  • Gravel
  • Concrete
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Notepad
  • Measuring tape
  • Stopwatch
  • Masking tape
  • Helper
  1. Use your measuring tape to measure out a "race track" that is at least five feet long and two feet wide. The track can be either indoor or outdoor -- just make sure the area is flat and dry. Preferably this area should be on concrete.
  2. Stick pieces of tape at the beginning and end of your track to form a clear start and finish line.
  3. Place your toy car at the starting line.
  4. Look at the three different surfaces you will test: the concrete, sandpaper and gravel. Rub your finger against each one. Which one is the smoothest? Which one is the roughest? Can you feel any friction between your finger and the different surfaces?
  5. Keeping friction in mind, which surface do you think will produce the fastest race time? Write down your hypothesis, or guess, in your notebook.
  6. Have your helper prepare the stopwatch and count you down from three. When she reaches one, she should start the stopwatch and you should use the remote control to race your car to the finish line.
  7. Have your helper stop the stopwatch as soon as the car speeds across the finish line.
  8. Record the time in your notebook.
  9. Now lay sandpaper on your track.
  10. Place the toy car at the starting line.
  11. Drive the car through the track with your helper timing the race again.
  12. Record the time in your notebook.
  13. Take out the sandpaper and fill the track with gravel.
  14. It's time for the last race! Use the remote control to drive the car over the bumpy gravel track while your helper times the race.
  15. Record the time in your notebook.
  16. Study the different race times. What are your conclusions?

The car will move the fastest on the smooth tile, and much slower on the sandpaper and gravel surfaces.

A car's speed is often determined by the friction between its wheels and the road. When you drove your toy car over the smooth tile, the wheels were met with little resistance. Try sweeping your finger against the tile --is it met with any resistance, anything that somehow stops it from moving forward? Now try sweeping your finger against the gravel. See the difference?

As the car's wheels hit the rough gravel and sandpaper surfaces, they're met with this same sort of friction. You could probably have guessed by now that real race car drivers would rather drive on a smooth surface than a gravel or sandpaper one.

What other ways can you experiment with car friction? You can set up a "friction obstacle course" and see which one of your friends can drive the car the fastest over all the tricky surfaces. Try using bumpy surfaces or even dirt from your backyard. Guessing and testing is a big part of being a scientist -- especially for those studying the science of going fast!

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