As described in the steps for a power nap in section 16.8, the person falls asleep for ____ minutes.

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Page 2

Participant Characteristics

Treatment (n = 59)Control (n = 59)
Referred by Physician52.543154.2032
Female Gender67.804066.1039
Post-Secondary Education79.664778.0046
Psychiatric Comorbidity47.462850.8030
    Depressive disorder22.031328.8017
    Generalized anxiety disorder32.201925.4015
    Posttraumatic stress disorder6.7846.804
    Panic disorder13.56811.907
    Social phobia10.1763.402
    Obsessive compulsive disorder6.7843.402
    Restless legs syndrome8.47515.309
    Periodic limb movement syndrome11.87710.206