Write a C program to check if an integer from the two given integers is in the range 10 to 10

public: static System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<int> ^ Range(int start, int count); public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> Range (int start, int count); static member Range : int * int -> seq<int> Public Function Range (start As Integer, count As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer) IEnumerable<Int32>

An IEnumerable<Int32> in C# or IEnumerable(Of Int32) in Visual Basic that contains a range of sequential integral numbers.


The following code example demonstrates how to use Range to generate a sequence of values.

// Generate a sequence of integers from 1 to 10 // and then select their squares. IEnumerable<int> squares = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(x => x * x); foreach (int num in squares) { Console.WriteLine(num); } /* This code produces the following output: 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 */ ' Generate a sequence of integers from 1 to 10 ' and project their squares. Dim squares As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(Function(x) x * x) Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder For Each num As Integer In squares output.AppendLine(num) Next ' Display the output. Console.WriteLine(output.ToString()) ' This code produces the following output: ' ' 1 ' 4 ' 9 ' 16 ' 25 ' 36 ' 49 ' 64 ' 81 ' 100


This method is implemented by using deferred execution. The immediate return value is an object that stores all the information that is required to perform the action. The query represented by this method is not executed until the object is enumerated either by calling its GetEnumerator method directly or by using foreach in Visual C# or For Each in Visual Basic.

Applies to

Usage notes and limitations:

  • The data type (class) must be a built-in MATLAB® numeric type. Does not invoke the static randi method for other classes. For example, randi(imax,sz,'myclass') does not invoke myclass.randi(imax,sz).

  • Size arguments must have a fixed size.

  • See Variable-Sizing Restrictions for Code Generation of Toolbox Functions (MATLAB Coder).

  • If extrinsic calls are enabled and randi is not called from inside a parfor loop, generated MEX files use the same random number state as MATLAB in serial code. Otherwise, the generated MEX code and standalone code maintain their own random number state that is initialized to the same state as MATLAB.

This function fully supports thread-based environments. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions in Thread-Based Environment.

Usage notes and limitations:

  • The stream syntax randi(s,___) is not supported on a GPU.

  • You can specify typename as 'gpuArray'. If you specify typename as 'gpuArray', the default underlying type of the array is double.

    To create a GPU array with underlying type datatype, specify the underlying type as an additional argument before typename. For example, X = randi(imax,3,datatype,'gpuArray') creates a 3-by-3 GPU array of random integers in the range [1 imax] with underlying type datatype.

    You can specify the underlying type datatype as one of these options:

    • 'double'

    • 'single'

    • 'int8'

    • 'uint8'

    • 'int16'

    • 'uint16'

    • 'int32'

    • 'uint32'

  • You can also specify the numeric variable p as a gpuArray.

    If you specify p as a gpuArray, the underlying type of the returned array is the same as p.

For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).

Usage notes and limitations:

  • The stream syntax randi(s,___) is not supported for codistributed or distributed arrays.

  • You can specify typename as 'codistributed' or 'distributed'. If you specify typename as 'codistributed' or 'distributed', the default underlying type of the returned array is double.

    To create a distributed or codistributed array with underlying type datatype, specify the underlying type as an additional argument before typename. For example, X = randi(imax,3,datatype,'distributed') creates a 3-by-3 distributed matrix of random integers in the range [1 imax] with underlying type datatype.

    You can specify the underlying type datatype as one of these options:

    • 'double'

    • 'single'

    • 'int8'

    • 'uint8'

    • 'int16'

    • 'uint16'

    • 'int32'

    • 'uint32'

  • You can also specify p as a codistributed or distributed array.

    If you specify p as a codistributed or distributed array, the underlying type of the returned array is the same as p.

  • For additional codistributed syntaxes, see randi (codistributed) (Parallel Computing Toolbox).

For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions with Distributed Arrays (Parallel Computing Toolbox).

The HCF or GCD of two integers is the largest integer that can exactly divide both numbers (without a remainder).

There are many ways to find the greatest common divisor in C programming.

Example #1: GCD Using for loop and if Statement

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n1, n2, i, gcd; printf("Enter two integers: "); scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2); for(i=1; i <= n1 && i <= n2; ++i) { // Checks if i is factor of both integers if(n1%i==0 && n2%i==0) gcd = i; } printf("G.C.D of %d and %d is %d", n1, n2, gcd); return 0; }

In this program, two integers entered by the user are stored in variable n1 and n2.Then, for loop is iterated until i is less than n1 and n2.

In each iteration, if both n1 and n2 are exactly divisible by i, the value of i is assigned to gcd.

When the for loop is completed, the greatest common divisor of two numbers is stored in variable gcd.

Example #2: GCD Using while loop and if...else Statement

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n1, n2; printf("Enter two positive integers: "); scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2); while(n1!=n2) { if(n1 > n2) n1 -= n2; else n2 -= n1; } printf("GCD = %d",n1); return 0; }


Enter two positive integers: 81 153 GCD = 9

This is a better way to find the GCD. In this method, smaller integer is subtracted from the larger integer, and the result is assigned to the variable holding larger integer. This process is continued until n1 and n2 are equal.

The above two programs works as intended only if the user enters positive integers. Here's a little modification of the second example to find the GCD for both positive and negative integers.

Example #3: GCD for both positive and negative numbers

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n1, n2; printf("Enter two integers: "); scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2); // if user enters negative number, sign of the number is changed to positive n1 = ( n1 > 0) ? n1 : -n1; n2 = ( n2 > 0) ? n2 : -n2; while(n1!=n2) { if(n1 > n2) n1 -= n2; else n2 -= n1; } printf("GCD = %d",n1); return 0; }


Enter two integers: 81 -153 GCD = 9

You can also use recursion to find the GCD.

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n, reverse = 0, remainder; printf("Enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); while (n != 0) { remainder = n % 10; reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder; n /= 10; } printf("Reversed number = %d", reverse); return 0; }


Enter an integer: 2345 Reversed number = 5432

This program takes integer input from the user. Then the while loop is used until n != 0 is false (0).

In each iteration of the loop, the remainder when n is divided by 10 is calculated and the value of n is reduced by 10 times.

Inside the loop, the reversed number is computed using:

reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder;

Let us see how the while loop works when n = 2345.

n n != 0 remainder reverse
2345 true 5 0 * 10 + 5 = 5
234 true 4 5 * 10 + 4 = 54
23 true 3 54 * 10 + 3 = 543
2 true 2 543 * 10 + 2 = 5432
0 false - Loop terminates.

Finally, the reverse variable (which contains the reversed number) is printed on the screen.