Why is my dog obsessed with eating cat poop?

If you live in a multi-pet household, especially if you have dogs and cats, you face some unique challenges. One of them is making sure your pets respect each other's boundaries. You think you have things under control until you spot Fido chowing down on something from the litter box. Yep, your dog just ate cat poop. How do you stop it?

If your dog keeps eating poop, it’s understandable that you’re alarmed (and maybe slightly grossed out). But it’s not as uncommon as you might think. Still, it’s best to get your dog to break this unpleasant habit, especially if they’re snacking on a litter box buffet daily.

Why Does My Dog Eat Cat Poop?

Dogs scavenge, and they aren’t very picky, which means they’ll pretty much eat anything. It might seem gross to you, but to your pup, eating poop can be a special treat. Still, it’s not without risks. 

Your dog could be eating cat poop because they like the smell (yep, you read that right). To your pup, that pile of poop might just smell like some tasty cat food. So, if your pal tends to sneak your cat’s food, the odds are good they’ll sneak some poop too. 

In some cases, your dog might eat cat poop because of nutrient deficiency, malnourishment, Pica, or underlying health issues. But, the more likely scenario is your dog is just exploring and scavenging for tasty treats.

Is it Bad if My Dog Eats Poop?

If your dog ate one or two pieces of cat poop, they’re probably fine (but they’ll have some gnarly breath). But, if it’s a habit, then you should have a few legitimate concerns. Feces harbors nasty things like bacteria and parasites, some of which can even be passed along to humans. 

If your cat isn’t sick, don’t assume their poop is free-and-clear. Your pup can still pick up internal parasites from the poop. Some parasites that could be present in your cat’s poop are Giardia, Salmonella, Toxoplasma, and E.coli. In addition to eating cat poop, you also need to be wary if your dog is eating the cat litter. 

If your pup’s eating clumping litter, there’s a risk of intestinal blockage. If you know your dog ate cat litter, watch them closely. If they seem fine and have regular bowel movements, they’re likely okay. However, contact your vet immediately if you notice any odd behavior, lethargy, loss of appetite, or bathroom issues.

Why Does My Dog Eat Their Own Poo?

If your canine companion feasts on their own poop, it’s likely due to the same reasons mentioned above. Dogs can also eat their own poo out of boredom, anxiety, or to get some attention from their owners. Some dogs even learn the habit from their mothers, who typically lick feces off their pups to keep them clean.

If your pup poops where he shouldn’t, he might eat it to hide the evidence and avoid punishment. It’s kind of like a little kid that breaks a vase and then sweeps the pieces up under the rug.

Why is my dog obsessed with eating cat poop?

What to Do When Your Dog Eats Cat Poop

If your dog’s eating poop, even if the health risks are low, you need to stop the behavior. Your furry friend can still pick up a series of problems, including diarrhea, tummy trouble, chronic infections, worms, parasites, and more. 

Therefore, watch your dog carefully after they consume poop to see if they experience any issues. If your pal got a hold of poop from a stray cat, there’s an increased risk of picking up an infection. 

This increased risk is because you don’t know the condition of these cats or their health histories. Regardless of where your dog eats the poop, practice the following steps once they’ve had their “snack.”

  • Secure your dog so they can’t get any more. Make sure they didn’t eat anything else, like cat litter, etc.
  • Give your dog fresh water to drink to potentially flush the bacterial load. Also, don’t let them lick you since it’s possible to pass some of these infections on to humans.
  • Watch your dog for potential problems, like excessive drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. 
  • Call your vet if you notice anything odd that you're unsure about. Your vet may want you to bring your pup in for a physical exam.

Depending on how your dog acts and feels, your vet might also take a stool sample to test for parasites. Plus, your vet might want to run blood tests to look for any other pathogens.

How to Prevent Your Dog from Eating More Poop

Like many things you want to avoid in life, prevention is the best medicine. If you have a cat and a dog sharing the home, keep your cat’s litter tray in a place where your dog can’t reach. If possible, consider elevating the litter box or putting it in a cubby that’s only big enough for your cat to go through. 

Another option is to use a baby gate to block access to the room where you keep the litter box. It won’t deter your feline, who can easily jump or climb the gate, but it should block your pup.  

Additionally, keep your dog exercised properly, engaged with interactive toys, and feed them a well-balanced diet. These steps will discourage eating poop for reasons like stress, boredom, or nutrient deficiency.

It’s also essential to keep the litter box clean and try to scoop the poop as soon as you can. After all, if there’s no poop in the box, your dog can’t eat it. This will be beneficial for your cat, too, as many cats don’t want to use a dirty litter box

If your dog scavenges while outside, you might have less control over preventing his poop-eating habit. If you tend to have a lot of stray cats in your neighborhood, do a daily check for poop in your yard. 

Sure, it’s a pain picking up after animals that aren’t yours. But just look at it as a way to take the best care of your own pets. Also, ensure you take your dog to regular vet check-ups to help catch any potential problems.

Make Sure Your Poop-Eating Prevention Works for Your Cat

Of course, you also need to make sure whatever arrangement you choose works for your cat. Not all cats like having an enclosed litter box. Plus, if your cat is older and not as agile as they once were, a gate might not work as well. 

So, if you put certain things in place to keep your dog out of the litter box, assess them carefully. You might inadvertently keep your cat away too. If this happens, you’ll end up with a whole other series of issues you need to address.

Overall, if your dog ate cat poop, the risks are low that something serious will happen, but it’s still best to be cautious. For more helpful tips on understanding and caring for your faithful furry friend, check out the rest of our blog. Our goal is to give you the information you need to make thoughtful decisions about your pet’s health and happiness.

The reasons why some dogs eat feces are not entirely known, but we understand how frustrating it can be for dog owners. If you find that your pup is often eating poop, don't fret—coprophagia, or the act of eating feces, is relatively common in dogs. It's also treatable in several ways, such as keeping your yard free of dog droppings and understanding why your dog is doing this in the first place.

The reasons why some dogs eat feces are not entirely known, but there are a few theories. It's possible that dogs eat stool for reasons like instinct, hunger, stress, or illness.

Mother dogs instinctively lick their pups clean, which includes ingesting the puppies' feces. This normal maternal behavior keeps the pups and their environment clean. Many puppies will begin to eat feces at a young age. Some pups grow out of this normal behavior while others continue this into adulthood.

Eating the feces of other species is also considered natural behavior. If you have a cat, you may notice that your dog cannot stay away from the litter box. Most dogs love the taste of cat poop. Perhaps this is because of the high-protein diets of cats.

A dog suffering from starvation or severe malnutrition might eat anything it can find. Some dogs, though well-nourished, are hungry all the time (this may be a sign of illness or simply the personality of the dog). Many dogs are completely obsessed with food and will ingest anything that tastes good to them.

Unfortunately, many dogs seem to like the taste of feces (especially cat poop). Some people believe that dogs eat feces when they are lacking something in their diets. Most veterinarians say that this is actually not the cause of coprophagia.

A dog in fear or under a great deal of stress may eat his own stool. In some cases, this could be a kind of self-soothing mechanism. However, if a dog is punished for inappropriate defecation or other action related to feces, he may associate the punishment with the presence of feces. By eating the feces, he is removing the "evidence" to avoid punishment.

Certain diseases and illnesses can cause a dog to eat feces. A symptom of some diseases is increased appetite or ingestion of inappropriate items (called pica). An illness that changes the consistency or smell of the stool might encourage a dog to eat his own stool. Sudden onset of coprophagia calls for a veterinary exam.

Some dogs with dementia and other brain diseases have been known to start eating stool. This may be due to the confusion and disorientation caused by the disease.

It generally poses little danger for a dog to eat his own stool. However, bacteria and parasites from that stool can possibly be transmitted to humans and other animals through contact with the dog's mouth and saliva. If you are unable to keep your dog from eating feces, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly if you are in contact with your dog's mouth/saliva.

When a dog eats the feces of another animal (especially another dog or a cat), he is at risk for ingesting the eggs of intestinal parasites and potentially harmful bacteria that can easily lead to illness. A dog that is known to eat the feces of other animals should have frequent fecal analyses by a veterinarian.

Perhaps the worst effect of a dog eating poop is the foul breath you have to smell. Home dental care can help the breath, but it's best to prevent stool-eating altogether.

Once you have ruled out medical problems as a cause for the coprophagia, you are left with addressing the behavior. Because stool-eating is considered a self-rewarding behavior, it can be difficult to reverse.

First, make sure your yard is kept free of animal waste. Pick up your dog's stool as soon as possible after defecation. Be on high alert if your dog tends to eat his own feces during or immediately after defecation. Keep your dog on the leash when defecating. If his attention goes to the feces, immediately turn his attention to you (try teaching the "look" command). Reward him for paying attention to you with a tasty treat, then immediately pick up the feces and discard it. Another helpful command to use at this time is to say "leave it."

One more method to prevent coprophagia is to add something to your dog's diet that makes the stool taste bad to the dog. These products will not work for all dogs, but they will generally not harm your dog to try (as long as your dog is not allergic to any of the ingredients). Be sure to choose a product that is labeled for dogs, such as "For-Bid" or "Deter." Ask your veterinarian about the safest and most effective products to prevent poop-eating dogs.

The Spruce / Ellen Lindner


  • Does pineapple make dogs stop eating poop?

    No, this is a myth. Feeding dogs pineapple does not make them stop eating poop.

  • Why is my dog eating rabbit poop?

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  • Why does my dog eat cat poop?

    Your dog eats cat poop because it has a strong and unfamiliar smell.