What time is 2005 in military?

Our "Military time converter" is the Best online tool to convert time from a 12-hour clock to a 24-hour clock (military) and vice versa. Fill both the "Hours" and the "Minutes" boxes, and select the "pm/am" in the form, then click "convert to 24-hour".

The Military (or 24-hour system) time is larger than 12 hours. It begins with 00:00 and ends with 23:00. 00:00 means 12:00 midnight, and 23:00 means 11:00 PM. (Note: 24:00 and 00:00 are the same time).

1. Step One: To convert 08:05 pm (eight five pm) to 24-hour, should know that: when we're converting the time from a 12-hour clock to a 24-hour clock, we just convert the hours, in this example: 8 hr (eight hours). And we leave the minutes and don't convert it. in the current example, it's 05 min (five).

2. Step Two: If the time is "am" we leave the number of hours as is. And if the time is "pm" we add 12 to the hour.

In our case, it's 8 pm (eight pm), So we will add 12 to the number of hours. like (8 + 12) = 20. The result is: 20:05 (twenty five).

See more examples in the next table

08:05 pm in other Time Zones

See, The 08:05 pm in the other time zones with 12-hour and 24-hour format.

Time Zone UTC offset 24-hour 12-hour
Yankee UTC-12 08:05 08:05 AM
X-ray UTC-11 09:05 09:05 AM
Whiskey UTC-10 10:05 10:05 AM
Victor UTC-9 11:05 11:05 AM
Uniform UTC-8 12:05 12:05 PM
Tango UTC-7 13:05 01:05 PM
Sierra UTC-6 14:05 02:05 PM
Romeo UTC-5 15:05 03:05 PM
Quebec UTC-4 16:05 04:05 PM
Papa UTC-3 17:05 05:05 PM
Oscar UTC-2 18:05 06:05 PM
November UTC-1 19:05 07:05 PM
Zulu UTC±0 20:05 08:05 pm
Alpha UTC+1 21:05 09:05 PM
Bravo UTC+2 22:05 10:05 PM
Charlie UTC+3 23:05 11:05 PM
Delta UTC+4 00:05 12:05 AM
Echo UTC+5 01:05 01:05 AM
Foxtrot UTC+6 02:05 02:05 AM
Golf UTC+7 03:05 03:05 AM
Hotel UTC+8 04:05 04:05 AM
India UTC+9 05:05 05:05 AM
Kilo UTC+10 06:05 06:05 AM
Lima UTC+11 07:05 07:05 AM
Mike UTC+12 08:05 08:05 AM

Military time zones are defined in the ACP 121(I) standard,[1] which is used by the armed forces for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many other nations. The names are identical to the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Going east from the prime meridian at Greenwich, letters "Alfa" to "Mike" (skipping "J", see below) represent the 12 time zones with positive UTC offsets until reaching the international Date Line. Going west from Greenwich, letters "November" to "Yankee" represent zones with negative offsets.

The letters are typically used in conjunction with military time. For example, 6:00 a.m. in zone UTC−5 is written "0600R" and spoken "zero six hundred Romeo".

Time zone name Designation letter Offset
Alfa Time Zone A +1
Bravo Time Zone B +2
Charlie Time Zone C +3
Delta Time Zone D +4
Echo Time Zone E +5
Foxtrot Time Zone F +6
Golf Time Zone G +7
Hotel Time Zone H +8
India Time Zone I +9
Kilo Time Zone K +10
Lima Time Zone L +11
Mike Time Zone M +12
November Time Zone N −1
Oscar Time Zone O −2
Papa Time Zone P −3
Quebec Time Zone Q −4
Romeo Time Zone R −5
Sierra Time Zone S −6
Tango Time Zone T −7
Uniform Time Zone U −8
Victor Time Zone V −9
Whiskey Time Zone W −10
X-ray Time Zone X −11
Yankee Time Zone Y −12
Zulu Time Zone Z 0

The letter "J" ("Juliet"), originally skipped, may be used to indicate the observer's local time.[2]

The letter "Z" ("Zulu") indicates Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Sandford Fleming devised a system assigning the letters A-Y excluding J to 1-hour time zones, which may have been the inspiration for the system.[3]

The standard was first distributed by NATO as a note in 1950. The note states "This method is based on the systems in use in the Armed Forces of these countries and the United States".[4]

See also

  • Lists of time zones
  • Time zone abolition


  1. ^ Combined Communications-Electronics Board (Oct 2010). ACP 121(I), COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTIONS – GENERAL (PDF) (Report). pp. 3A-1–3A-8. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 8, 2016. Retrieved Aug 8, 2011.
  2. ^ "ATP 6-02.70 Techniques for Spectrum Management Operations" (PDF). Retrieved 2020-07-21.
  3. ^ Stromberg, Joseph (November 18, 2011). "Sandford Fleming Sets the World's Clock". Smithsonian Magazine. To this day, if you look at certain [military] maps that divide the world into time zones, the zones are assigned letters,
  4. ^ Principal Staff Officers Committee (1950-06-15). SG 037: Method of expressing date and time in military messages (Report). NATO Archives Online.

  • Military/NATO/Letter time zones

  • "Military" time zones discussion on the tz mailing list

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