What kind of person is Two-Bit?


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Full Name Keith "Two Bit" Matthews
Birthday June 5, 1947
Family Mr. & Mrs. Matthew, sister

Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews, is eighteen and a half, and still a Junior in high school. He is the "...oldest and the wisecracker of the bunch." He's actually the 2nd oldest (Darry is 20), and is known for stealing. He makes people laugh and has a very fun personality, along with lazy, often being teased for not having a job. His nickname is Two, and he does not like his real name. He is called Two-Bit because he always has to add in his "two bits".

Physical Appearance

Two-Bit Mathews was around six feet tall, stocky in build, and was very proud of his long, rust-colored sideburns. He has grey eyes and was always wearing a wide grin.

In "The Outsiders" novel, Two-Bit's hair is described as 'rust colored.' In the film, however, his hair appears to be light brown or dark blond, rather than rust colored.


Two-Bit is a wise-cracking, fun-loving, kind of crazy guy. He's always grinning, and he can never stop smarting off to the cops. Ponyboy once states, "He really couldn't help it. Everything he said was so irresistibly funny, that he just had to let the police in on it to brighten up their dull lives" (which was how he put it to Ponyboy once). He gets drunk often, but it's kind of hard to tell when he is from when he's sober.

From what is shown in "The Outsiders" film, Two-Bit enjoys watching Mickey Mouse, a cartoon by Walt Disney.

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What kind of person is Two-Bit?

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What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

What kind of person is Two-Bit?

This shows grade level based on the word's complexity.

/ ˈtuˌbɪt /

costing twenty-five cents.

inferior or unimportant; small-time: a two-bit actor.


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An Americanism dating back to 1795–1805

two-a-cat, Two-and-a-half International, two-bagger, two-base hit, two-beat, two-bit, two bits, two-body problem, two-by-four, two can play at that game, two-carbon fragment

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Two-bit means inferior, cheap, worthless, or insignificant.

The term is perhaps most commonly used to negatively describe a person considered to be a small-time hack—someone who’s not good at what they do due to having a very low level of talent or skill. It’s especially used as an insult applied to people who have a high opinion of themselves to call them out as being far inferior in reality.

Describing something as two-bit means it’s low-quality. This is especially applied to products.

This sense of two-bit is based on its literal meaning: costing 25 cents. The term two bits means 25 cents. It’s based on the sense of the word bit that refers to one eighth of a U.S. dollar, or 12 ½ cents. However, monetary amounts counted in bits were only ever given in multiples of two, as in two bits and six bits. Two bits became an informal way of referring to the value of the 25-cent coin known as the quarter. It then came to be used in a general way meaning a small amount. It’s still sometimes used this way, especially in negative statements, as in That piece of junk isn’t worth two bits or That job is like a vacation—I’d do it for two bits.

Two-bit is always used before the noun it describes.

Example: That two-bit manager is running this company into the ground.

The first records of the term two-bit come from around 1800. The first records of the phrase two bits, in reference to 25 cents, come from around the 1720s. Both terms were first and are primarily used in the U.S.

One of the most common and insulting uses of two-bit is to describe someone or someone’s work, which effectively means that they are completely useless or that their work is obviously inferior compared to others. It’s often paired with a word that is already negative, such as con-man, crook, criminal, and huckster.

When the term is applied to things, it’s usually intended to indicate that such things are very low-end and therefore low-quality.

Two-bit is very informal and is almost always used negatively. It’s perhaps most commonly used to insult people.

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of two-bit?

A. worthless B. quality C. cheap

D. lousy

base, catchpenny, cheesy, crappy, cruddy, garbage, gaudy, inferior, junky, lousy, no good, piddling, poor, ratty, rinky-dink, second-rate, shoddy, sleazy, small-time, tatty

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British Dictionary definitions for two-bit

adjective (prenominal) slang, mainly US and Canadian

worth next to nothing; cheap

C20: from the phrase two bits a small sum

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


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