What is the ratio of the volumes of a right cylinder to that of a right cone having equal diameters

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What is the ratio of the volumes of a right cylinder to that of a right cone having equal diameters

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What is the ratio of the volumes of a right cylinder to that of a right cone having equal diameters

What is the ratio of the volumes of a right cylinder to that of a right cone having equal diameters

Text Solution

Solution : Here, radius and height of the right circular cone and cylinder are same i.e. `r` and `h`.<br> Volume of a right circular cylinder (V) = `pir^2h`<br> volume of a right circular cone (v) = `1/3pir^2h`<br> So, `V/v = (pir^2h)/(1/3pir^2h)`<br> `V/v=3/1`=`3:1`<br> Hence, option(b) is correct.