What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

Interest as % of final balance

The annual effective discount rate expresses the amount of interest paid or earned as a percentage of the balance at the end of the annual period. It is related to but slightly smaller than the effective rate of interest, which expresses the amount of interest as a percentage of the balance at the start of the period. The discount rate is commonly used for U.S. Treasury bills and similar financial instruments.

For example, consider a government bond that sells for $95 ('balance' in the bond at the start of period) and pays $100 ('balance' in the bond at the end of period) in a year's time. The discount rate is

100 − 95 100 = 5.00 % {\displaystyle {\frac {100-95}{100}}=5.00\%}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

The effective interest rate is calculated using 95 as the base

100 − 95 95 = 5.26 % {\displaystyle {\frac {100-95}{95}}=5.26\%}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

which says that 95 % {\displaystyle 95\%}

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
of $105.26 is $100.

For every effective interest rate i {\displaystyle i}

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
, there is a corresponding effective discount rate d {\displaystyle d}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
that can produce the same future value as i {\displaystyle i} if a given amount of principal is invested for the same amount of time at each of the rates i {\displaystyle i} and d {\displaystyle d} , and they are said to be equivalent.[1] Therefore, we have the following relationship between two equivalent rates i {\displaystyle i} and d {\displaystyle d} .

1 + i = 1 1 − d . {\displaystyle 1+i={\frac {1}{1-d}}.}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

Using this, we can derive the following expression of d {\displaystyle d} and i {\displaystyle i} .

d = i 1 + i {\displaystyle d={\frac {i}{1+i}}}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
, and i = d 1 − d . {\displaystyle i={\frac {d}{1-d}}.}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

We usually define v {\displaystyle v}

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
as the discount factor which is given by

v = 1 1 + i {\displaystyle v={\frac {1}{1+i}}}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
, then we can derive that v = 1 − d {\displaystyle v=1-d}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
, and d = i v {\displaystyle d=iv}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

using the above relationships between i {\displaystyle i} and d {\displaystyle d} .

Annual discount rate convertible pthly

A discount rate applied p {\displaystyle \,p}

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
times over equal subintervals of a year is found from the annual effective rate d as

1 − d = ( 1 − d ( p ) p ) p {\displaystyle 1-d=\left(1-{\frac {d^{(p)}}{p}}\right)^{p}}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

where d ( p ) {\displaystyle \,d^{(p)}}

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
is called the annual nominal rate of discount convertible p {\displaystyle \,p} thly.

1 − d = exp ⁡ ( − d ( ∞ ) ) {\displaystyle 1-d=\exp(-d^{(\infty )})}
What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount

d ( ∞ ) = δ {\displaystyle \,d^{(\infty )}=\delta }

What is the effective discount on the total invoice amount
is the force of interest.

The rate d ( p ) {\displaystyle \,d^{(p)}} is always bigger than d because the rate of discount convertible p {\displaystyle \,p} thly is applied in each subinterval to a smaller (already discounted) sum of money. As such, in order to achieve the same total amount of discounting the rate has to be slightly more than 1/pth of the annual rate of discount.

Business calculations

Businesses consider this discount rate when deciding whether to invest profits to buy equipment or whether to deliver the profit to shareholders. In an ideal world, they would buy a piece of equipment if shareholders would get a bigger profit later. The amount of extra profit a shareholder requires to prefer that the company buy the equipment rather than giving them the profit now is based on the shareholder's discount rate. A common way of estimating shareholders' discount rates uses share price data is known as the capital asset pricing model. Businesses normally apply this discount rate by calculating the net present value of the decision.

See also

  • Notation of interest rates



  1. ^ Kellison, S. G.: The Theory of Interest (Irwin: Illinois, 2008, 3rd edition), p.17.

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