What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox

What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox

Salesforce sandboxes give you more agility and reduce the risks. They make it safer for you to make changes and by doing that allow Salesforce developers, admins, and citizen developers to make changes more quickly and easily. Since it is isolated from the production org, it lets you write code, build whatever configurations you want, perform changes or integrations you want without affecting your production org.

What are the different types of Sandboxes in Salesforce?

There are 4 types of Salesforce sandbox environments:• Developer sandbox• Developer Pro• Partial Copy

• Full sandbox

Developer Sandbox

Developer sandbox environments are intended for coding and testing by a single developer. Multiple users can log into and share a single Developer sandbox, but the primary purpose of a Developer sandbox is to provide an environment in which changes under active development can be isolated until those changes are ready to be shared. Developer sandboxes copy all of your production organization’s metadata, or Setup data. This includes custom settings, custom object definitions, Apex classes and triggers, Visualforce pages, reports, dashboards, price books, and so on.

Developer sandboxes provide a limited amount of file and data storage, which is enough for many development and testing tasks.

Developer Pro Sandbox

Developer Pro sandbox environments types provide the same functionality as Developer sandboxes types do, with increased file and data storage. With the added storage, a Developer Pro sandbox can host larger and more complete data sets, so you can use it for additional tasks such as data load and integration testing and user training.

Partial Sandbox

Partial Copy Salesforce sandbox types include all of your organization’s metadata and a sample of your production organization’s data that you define by using a sandbox template. To create a Partial Copy sandbox, you must apply a sandbox template at creation time.

A Partial Copy sandbox is, at its base, a metadata copy of your production organization, just like Developer and Developer Pro sandboxes. In addition, the sandbox copy engine samples data from your production organization based on what is defined by a sandbox template. For each selected object in the sandbox template, the sandbox copy engine samples up to 10,000 records. For example, when you use a template that includes only Accounts to create a Partial Copy sandbox, up to 10,000 Account records are copied into the new sandbox, but no other records are copied.

The sandbox copy engine has a special copy strategy to handle Partial Copy sandbox creation. The copy strategy understands the data relationships that are defined in your production organization’s standard and custom object schema. The copy strategy ensures that sample records maintain valid relationships as defined in your production organization’s standard and custom object schema.

For example, if you create a sandbox template that includes two custom objects that are called Master and Detail, and these objects have a Master-Detail relationship, the copy engine ensures that every sampled Detail record points to a Master. The copy engine also understands required relationships between objects, whether they are Master-Detail or required Lookup relationships. The copy engine samples the master records first and then uses the IDs of the master records to sample related detail records.

When you use sandbox templates to create valid subsets of your organization’s data, you can use Partial Copy sandboxes for virtually any development, testing, or training purpose. The only task for which they aren’t well-suited is full performance and load testing.

Full Sandbox

Full sandbox environments are a replica of your entire production organization and all its data, including standard and custom object records, documents, attachments, code, settings, and so on.

When you create a Full sandbox, you can apply a sandbox template to limit the data that is copied, so that your sandbox contains only the records that you need for testing or other tasks. For example, you can omit confidential or sensitive data if it’s not needed for testing. Create a sandbox template that includes everything except the sensitive data. When you apply a sandbox template to a Full sandbox, the sandbox copy engine copies all of the records for the selected objects in the template. For example, when you use a template that includes only Accounts to create a Full sandbox, all of the Account records are copied into the new sandbox, but no other records are copied.

When you create a Full sandbox, you also have to decide how much field tracking history and Chatter activity to include.

The default is to omit field tracking, but you can include up to 180 days of field tracking. This might be an excessive amount of data if you track field history for many objects in your production organization.

Chatter activity data can be extensive, which can add a significant amount of time to your Full sandbox copy.

Limit the amount of field history that you copy, and copy your Chatter data only if you need it for your testing use cases.

You can use Full sandboxes for many purposes, but the size of the sandbox and length of the refresh interval don’t produce an environment that stays current with your production organization. We suggest that you use Full sandboxes for data load testing, integration testing, user acceptance testing, performance and load testing, and staging purposes. In particular, this environment is the only one that can support full performance and load testing.


Developers use sandboxes for staging, performance testing, UAT, SIT, training, etc. as part of their development process to create and test changes. These when used together with scratch orgs and Salesforce DX’s source-driven development drive developer productivity and collaboration during the development process. Packaged development happens. Flosum, gives developers full-scale power tools they need, in the ways they’ve always wanted.

What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox

One day I sit in the office and wonder what are the Salesforce sandbox refresh best practices, does a Salesforce sandbox refresh checklist exist? I google-searched, but couldn’t get a good answer. So I spent time on this topic and combined all the points you need when refreshing a Salesforce sandbox.

In this article, I describe both basic concepts (what is Salesforce sandbox, what types of Salesforce sandboxes exist) and the Salesforce Sandbox Refresh Best Practices.

Feel free to use the table of content below to jump straight to any section as you need.

What is the Salesforce Sandbox

Salesforce sandbox is the test environment for your Salesforce Production organization (or org for short). You can create different types of sandboxes, or different copies of the same type to fulfill different purposes, such as development, integration test, training, or User Acceptance Test(UAT).

The Sandbox environment is totally isolated from the production org. You can test as you want without affecting the production org.

What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox

Different Types of Salesforce Sandboxes

Salesforce offers 4 types of sandboxes:

  1. Developer Sandbox 
  2. Developer Pro Sandbox
  3. Partial Data Sandbox
  4. Full Sandbox

You can view your sandbox information by following these steps:

  • Log into production org with an admin user
  • Go to Setup
  • Type Sandboxes in the Quick Find box, then select Sandboxes
What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox
Types of Salesforce sandboxes

Developer Sandbox

Developer sandbox replicates production org metadata without user data. The metadata includes:

  • Configuration
  • Apex
  • All users

The developer sandbox has only 200MB space. It’s suitable for individual development, but can’t accommodate a large volume of datasets.

Developer Pro Sandbox

Developer pro sandbox includes the same metadata as the developer sandbox.

However, developer pro sandbox has a larger space, 1GB limitation. So it is suitable for development requiring interaction with user data, or integration tests.

Partial Copy Sandbox

Partial copy sandbox includes:

  • the same metadata as the developer sandbox
  • a sample of the production org data defined by a sandbox template

Partial copy sandbox is suitable for the integration tests, user training, or UAT.

Full Copy Sandbox

Full copy sandbox replicates the production org. It contains both metadata and user data. 

Full copy sandbox is a full-fledged copy of the production org. It is suitable for UAT.

We use the full copy sandbox as an example to go through the Salesforce sandbox refresh best practices. If you are refreshing another type of sandbox, pick only subsets or adjust according to your needs.

According to the timeline, we divide all points of the checklist into three categories:

  1. Pre-actions, which take place before the refresh button clicks.
  2. Refreshing actions, which take place between the refresh button clicks and the sandbox is ready.
  3. Post-actions, which take place after the refresh is completed.
What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox
sandbox refresh actions


Document Sandbox Configurations

Document all sandbox configurations that need to be updated after the refresh. Once the refresh is completed, all current sandbox configurations are lost. So it is important to compile them into a document so we can revert after the refresh is done.

You need to take these points into your Salesforce sandbox refresh checklist, including:

  • Scheduled jobs
  • Deliverability
  • Named Credentials
  • Custom Settings
  • Custom Metadata Types
  • Remote Site Settings
  • Managed package configurations
  • Connected Apps
  • Apex Exception Email
  • Hardcoded values both in Apex and declarative tools
  • User credentials used in the integrations
  • Salesforce apps and their configurations

Take your time to compare these configurations between the sandbox and the production org. Write down the ones with different values and figure out why they are different. When you create this Salesforce sandbox refresh checklist document, using screenshots sparingly is a good idea.

Define Sensitive Data

Salesforce is a CRM system that contains sensitive customer data. Full sandbox inherits all sensitive data from the production org.

So we must take action to mask these sensitive data. Action points are:

  1. Define what objects and fields to mask
  2. Decide how to mask the data

Typical sensitive objects are account and contact

Typical sensitive fields are name, phone number, mailing address, and birthday

Salesforce provides a paid data masking tool. You can use the Trailhead module to see if it fits you. Alternatively, you can create a tool of your own, for example, a data masking Apex function to run in the batch context.

Document Existing Integrations

It is common that the Salesforce environment has integration channels with other systems, such as SAP, Microsoft Office 365.

You need to have an up-to-date integration diagram to answer questions like:

  • What are the integration channels in place?
  • What are the credentials used?
  • Is the Connected App used?
  • Which Salesforce API is used?
  • How would two-side teams collaborate in the entire refreshing time period?
  • How to switch the integration endpoint from production to test environment?

The last question is the most critical one. It is the bottom line – make sure you do NOT screw production data, i.e. send Salesforce sandbox data into the integrated system production environment.

A sample integration diagram looks like the picture below.

What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox
Sample Salesforce Integration Diagram

Refreshing Actions

Refreshing actions are the ones to take between the sandbox refresh button clicking and the sandbox is ready. This phase is easily forgotten, but important in Salesforce Sandbox Refresh Best Practices.

Depending on the size and complexity of the Salesforce production org, full copy sandbox refresh takes from several days up to 1+ week to finish. 

During this time, the refreshing sandbox is not accessible, but you can take actions outside of the sandbox, such as preparing the integration system.


Post-actions are the actions to take after the sandbox is ready. Most of the reconfiguration of Salesforce Sandbox Refresh Best Practices is done in this phase.

Configure the Sandbox

If you are new to the sandbox refresh, I’d recommend the manual way. Once you are more familiar, you can gradually move to a semi-automated way.

First, we describe the manual way. Log into the sandbox with a system admin user. Then execute all steps documented in the Document Sandbox Configurations section of the pre-actions category.

Then, the semi-automated way can save your time. It includes two ideas:

  1. The sandbox can automatically run an Apex file when the refresh is done. You can use this Apex to create data records, run batch jobs, or anything Apex supports.
  2. You can create a batch script to invoke the Salesforce CLI to update the metadata, like Named Credentials, Custom Settings, Custom Metadata Types, in the sandbox environment.
What is refresh interval in Salesforce sandbox
Auto run apex

Mask Sensitive Data

Whether you decide to use a Salesforce data masking tool or create your own tailored tool, it’s the time to execute and mask user sensitive data.

Depends on the volume of data, deactivating triggers or/and declarative tools (Process Builders and Flows) can reduce the total execution time.

Re-establish the Integrations

Now it’s the time to take action to resume the sandbox integrations. Make sure the endpoint URLs, credentials, etc. are all updated. These values are typically saved in the Custom Settings, Custom Metadata Types, and Named Credentials.

Test the connections work as expected.

Reactivate Scheduled Jobs

All scheduled jobs are deactivated after the refresh. Activate the ones needed to run in the sandbox.

Test and Update the Documents

Now it’s time to test everything end-to-end in the sandbox.

Make sure you also have added things you have learned during the refresh period into your documents. This avoids hassles for the sandbox refresh next time!


As you see, the Salesforce full sandbox refresh is a time and energy taking task. Moreover, there is no single Salesforce sandbox refresh checklist fitting all. A lot of planning, exploration, communication, and collaboration are required. But if you treat it carefully you gain invaluable benefits, such as:

  • a close-to-production full copy sandbox
  • teams with excellent Salesforce technical capability
  • up-to-date technical documentation and integration diagram

That’s all I’d like to share with you about Salesforce Sandbox Refresh Best Practices. You might also wanna check other posts on this site.

If you see some action points are missing, please leave comments below, I will keep this article up-to-date. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask. I will answer as many and as soon as possible.