UC Berkeley and Berkeley Haas have a number of programs to assist employees integrate different components of their life in a way that 1) fits their needs and 2) provides them control over managing the boundaries of work and personal life.

Why Work/Life Integration Instead of Work/Life Balance?

We use the term Work/Life Integration instead of Work/Life Balance because the latter evokes a binary opposition between work and life. In fact, the traditional image of a scale associated with work/life balance creates a sense of competition between the two elements. Work/Life Integration instead is an approach that creates more synergies between all areas that define “life”: work, home/family, community, personal well-being, and health.

Technological tools have created new ways for us to collaborate and work virtually, bringing with them tailored alternatives for work schedule flexibility. Wellness programs and volunteer opportunities promoted by Berkeley Haas as well as support for child and elder care at UC Berkeley are just a few examples of programs that facilitate in the workplace the integration between work and personal life.

What is meant by work/life integration in organizational behavior?