What is a 3D BBL?

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Introducing the NEW non-surgical 3D-bum lift, as Loved By Celebrities! A non-invasive procedure to lift, firm and contour the buttocks with no downtime.

  • What is a 3D BBL?


Using a combination of non-surgical technologies for fat removal, cellulite and skin tightening, we can use our 3Dimensional approach to enhance the buttocks to create a firmer, tighter, smoother appearance.

Your therapist will assess your body shape to ensure that the best treatment program for your bespoke 3D Bum lift is devised to effectively sculpt, contour, lift, and smooth the buttocks ensuring maximum results.

Using a combination of non-invasive fat melting and skin tightening, we can destroy the fat pockets that cause dimpled and lumpy skin, repositioning some of the malleable fat for a more appealing buttock contour. Broken down fat is then deposited naturally throughout the body, via the lymphatic system causing a reduction of fat in the area treated.

What is a 3D BBL?

The 3D- Bum lift is a package of 8 treatments to achieve maximum results

The new 3D Bumlift has several benefits including reducing loose skin, stretch marks and cellulite on the thighs and saddlebags, whilst simultaneously lifting and shaping the buttocks. The results are permanent ensuring the perfectly shaped bum you’ve always desired…

What is a 3D BBL?

The 3D Butt Lift uses a combination of non-surgical 3D Lipo technologies.

First of all a non-invasive fat freezing treatment is used, followed by fat melting, and skin tightening. Therefore as a result broken down fat is then deposited naturally throughout the body, via the lymphatic system causing a reduction of fat in the area treated. Consequently this will enhance the buttocks and as a result create a firmer, tighter, smoother appearance.

A course of 8 is required to achieve optimal results.

What results can I expect?

The new 3D Butt lift has several benefits including reducing loose skin, stretch marks and cellulite, and will simultaneously lift and shape the buttocks. Furthermore, results are permanent ensuring the perfectly shaped bum you’ve always desired.

What happens during treatment?

First of all a cool gel pad is placed on the area of treatment for the reason of protecting the skin. A vacuum will then be attached to the area, resulting in the fat being drawn up inside, consequently you will experience a mild cold sensation. Finally the temperature freezes to around -7 / -8 degrees Celsius, therefore freezing the fat cells. This is then followed by 8 weeks of radio frequency skin tightening.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, 3D-Body Contouring cannot guarantee specific results.

  • Procedure Time:
    Up to 60 minutes for freeze and 40 minutes for the skin tightening
  • Treatment Duration:
    8 weeks
  • *Individual results and reactions may vary.

What is a 3D BBL?

We Introduced 3D BBL

Dr. Bill Johnson of Innovations Medical introduced 3D BBL procedure and coined the term.  Dr. Johnson was one of the first physicians in Dallas/Fort Worth to perform BBL (fat transfer to the buttocks).  He has been doing the procedure for over 10 years and has performed over 700 buttock fat transfers (BBL) procedures in the Dallas and Fort Worth offices.

“3D BBL was the next step in fat transfer to the buttocks.  I believe shaping the buttocks with liposuction at the same time we are transferring fat to increase the volume is the future.  We not only want the buttocks larger, we want it round and shapely too.  3D BBL can do that for a lot more women than fat transfer alone”, Bill Johnson, MD.

What is different about 3D BBL?

A regular fat transfer procedure to the buttocks or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) using fat from another body area and injects it into the buttocks to lift and enhance.  The 3D BBL takes this the next step.  In addition to injecting fat into the buttocks, 3D BBL uses carefully planned and performed liposuction on the buttocks and lower back.  This allows patients with certain body and buttock shapes to see better results from their BBL procedure. See our blog Taking Treatments to a Whole New Level

Who is a Candidate for a 3D BBL?

The three most common shapes that can really benefit from  3D BBL  procedure are:

  • Cliff shape, prominent upper buttocks and flat below
  • V shape, wider at the top and narrower at the bottom
  • Square shape, same size top, and bottom with typically flat sides
  • Significant “doggy ears” or protrusions in the lower middle buttock
  • In addition, many patients who desire a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)  but have been told they do not have enough fat for the procedure.

3D BBL can get better results for patients with limited amounts of fat.  Read more below to learn more about what patients and buttock shapes benefit most.


Q: 1. How does 3D BBL help the Cliff shape?

Patients with the cliff shape have prominent upper buttocks and flat lower buttocks.

What is a 3D BBL?

Since most patients desire round buttocks, the cliff shape can be very challenging. Simply put, the skin of the lower buttocks will not stretch enough to make the buttocks round.

What is a 3D BBL?

The upper portion needs to be trimmed with liposuction. Then a nice round shape can be achieved.

What is a 3D BBL?

With the 3D BBL approach, the final results are much rounder and more shapely.

What is a 3D BBL?

Q: 2. How does 3D BBL help the V shape buttocks?

V Shape buttocks are common and present different challenges from the cliff shape (although some women have aspects of both shapes). V Shape often have an extension or “doggy ear” on the lower inner part of the buttocks. Also, since a full lower outer buttock tends to be more attractive and desirable, it can be challenging getting to this shape.

What is a 3D BBL?

3D BBL adds liposuction to trim not only the doggy ears but the upper lateral buttocks (green areas) prior to injecting fat into the buttocks

What is a 3D BBL?

Now we have a shape that will allow the skin to stretch and fat to form a more attractive shape (green is transferred fat).

What is a 3D BBL?

Q: 3. How does 3D BBL help the Square shape buttocks?

Square buttocks are similar to V Shaped buttocks in approach. The lower inner extensions or “doggy ears” are frequently present. The upper outer buttocks often need are an undesirable shape as well.

What is a 3D BBL?

3D BBL uses liposuction again to trim the doggy ears and upper outer buttocks (green areas). This decreases the amount of fat required to get a round lower and outer buttock shape. Without the liposuction, the skin often will not stretch to the desired shape or the buttock may remain too flat.

What is a 3D BBL?

Now when fat is injected (green areas) we can achieve a round, attractive shape and avoid flat areas much better than BBL alone can.

What is a 3D BBL?

Q: 4. How does 3D BBL help when limited fat is available?

In slender individuals or those with previous cosmetic procedures, it can be difficult to find the 300-500 cc of fat needed to give a good standard BBL result. Adding a small amount of liposuction to these patients not only supplies a little bit of fat, it allows smaller amounts of fat injected to get a more desirable outcome just as we have described above with the various shapes.

Q: 4. How do I know if a 3D BBL is right for me?

Finding out if a 3D BBL is right for you is easy. Click on the consultation button on the upper right part of the page or call one of the phone numbers below. Our trained consultants can guide you to the best way to get a great bottom.