What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

Minecraft version 1.18 adds the Caves and Cliffs Part II update, bringing revamped overworld generation, most notably new caves as well as mountains. Along with higher mountain peaks, now you can go much deeper down in the Y-coordinate — or into the ground — than ever before. However, this also means that in Minecraft 1.18 a number of Ores including the extremely valuable Diamond can only be found deeper underground compared to previous versions. Here’s where you can locate and eventually farm the new Diamond spot in the Minecraft 1.18 update.

How to Get and Farm Diamonds

In the previous versions, they can already be found below level 15. But in Minecraft 1.18, Diamond Ores are instead found below Y-coordinate 16 to -64. However, you should concentrate your search between levels -53 and -59, as these levels have the highest concentration of Diamond. The deeper you go, the more Diamonds, Redstone, and Lapis you can find. Meanwhile, at Y -60 Bedrock blocks start to spawn and might end up hindering the Diamonds from spawning, so with that in mind you should start looking above -60. Here’s how to find out what coordinates you are located at in Minecraft:

  • Java Version: Press the F3 key. Your exact coordinates are listed in the “XYZ” line. You could also refer to the “Block” line but it doesn’t display your exact coordinates since the numbers are rounded.
  • Bedrock Version:
    • When you first create your World, turn on the Show Coordinate option in the World Options menu.
    • If you forgot or didn’t turn on the Show Coordinate option the first time around, don’t worry. Simply click the Pen icon or Edit button next to your World, then turn on Show Coordinate.

According to the Minecraft YouTuber Ducky (seen above), here are the best tips to farm Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.

  • Ores are less likely to spawn in areas where they’re exposed to air. Don’t bother to dig outside of caves and stay in enclosed spaces.
  • Use the 2×1 Strip Mining method:
    • Get Pickaxes, food, and Torches.
    • Dig down to -58 coordinate by making two block-wide holes.
    • Once you reach the coordinate, just start mining in a two blocks-tall path and making one continuous path to make it easy to go back.
  • Or you can do his second farming method:
    • Get Pickaxes, a Shovel, Water Bucket, and food.
    • Dig down to coordinate -59. Once there, dig out five blocks in front of you at eye level.
    • Next, switch to the Water Bucket (Java players can put it in their off-hand).
    • Place the Water Bucket on the block in front of you. Then walk as far forward as possible, and then make a sprint to the swimming animation and swim into the five block gap you just dug.
    • Once in the gap, dig in one straight line as far as you need.
    • For more details, the explanation starts at minute 6:26 in the video above.

Minecraft 1.18: How to Find Lush Caves

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation platforms.

What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java
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Diamonds are one of the most revered resources and items in Minecraft. They are the pinnacle tier of swords and armor. Additionally, they are the ingredients to some of the most durable and efficient tools in the game.[1] X Expert Source

What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java
Zac Churchill
Minecraft Specialist Expert Interview. 2 December 2020. Go to source With diamonds, you can mine materials like obsidian and ancient debris. However, finding diamonds is not a simple game. Found at the lower depths of the earth, players will fight to the death for them. Luckily, players have discovered efficient ways of obtaining diamonds, which are listed on this article.

  1. 1

    Prepare your inventory for branch mining. Branch mining involves digging down to a Y coordinate of between 16 and 5, setting up a home base, and mining in two-by-two tunnels in each horizontal direction. The more ground you cover, the more likely you are to come across diamonds. Having a furnace will allow you to smelt any ore you come across (e.g., iron or gold), meaning you can make a conceptually unlimited number of pickaxes.

    • Crafting table - Requires four wood planks (one wood log). A crafting table in your base will allow you to build more tools and structural items as you dig.
    • Doors - Requires six wood planks. A door will keep monsters out of your home base while you sleep.
    • Wood logs - Wood is one of the two resources you likely won't find in your mine. It will allow you to create handles for your tools and other structural replacements. Aim for at least 64 wood logs.
    • Map (console and PE only) - Requires eight pieces of paper and a compass. The map will track your coordinates and update as you dig downward.
    • Raw meat - The other resource you won't find in your mine. Having meat you can cook while you're in your mine will help keep your hunger and health bars full.

  2. 2

    Dig downward to a height of at most 16 blocks. Diamonds occur between the Y-coordinates 5 and 16, though they occur most often between layers 5 and 12. You can check your Y-coordinates by opening your map (console and PE), or by pressing F3 (PC) or Alt+Fn+F3 (Mac).[2] X Research source Go to source

    • You may want to do this in a zig-zag fashion, since digging straight down might lead to falling through the top of a cavern roof, a mob room (Room with 2 small chest a torch and a mob spawner) or even lava.
    • If you can't make a map or your map isn't working, dig down to the bedrock (unbreakable) layer; this layer marks a height of 4, which means your character is standing at 5 and 6 whilst standing on bedrock.

  3. 3

    Set up your home base. To do so, you'll want to hollow out a three-block-tall, five-by-five (at least) space, create a doorway, and place all of your items (e.g., your torches, bed, table, furnace, and chests).

  4. 4

    Dig your main tunnel. You'll want it to be around twenty blocks and two blocks wide to start. This tunnel can go straight out of your base's doorway, or you can create a right angle that branches away from your base.

    • You'll be digging perpendicular to this main tunnel, so make sure the first branch off of the tunnel won't go through your base.
    • Place torches every few blocks so that you don't get lost.

  5. 5

    Dig a branch on the left or right side of your tunnel. Start with about twenty blocks of length. This branch can be one or two blocks wide; you'll be expanding it eventually.

    • Make sure you dig this branch a few blocks back from the end of your tunnel.

  6. 6

    Dig a small branch a few blocks left or right. You shouldn't go past the row of blocks where your tunnel ends, so keep that in mind as you dig.

  7. 7

    Dig back to the main tunnel. Once you reach the main tunnel, you should have two equally long, narrow tunnels a few blocks apart from one another.

  8. 8

    Mine anything in between the two tunnels. Doing so will clear out a strip of the mine; as you dig, make sure you're looking for diamonds in the ceiling and floor as well.

    • You'll repeat this process until your whole main tunnel has been expanded, then dig further and repeat as necessary.
    • Make sure to dig around the ores in case there's lava. Sometime ores will have lava behind it. If you find lava behind the ore, use non-flammable blocks to stop the flow of lava.

  • Question

    How do you get Netherite?

  • Question

    Are diamonds usually by bedrock?

    They are relatively close to bedrock. The bedrock layer is about 3 blocks tall. The best elevation to look for diamonds is about y = 10. I usually go strip mining and find a ton.

  • Question

    What should I do if I am mining for diamonds when suddenly my last pickaxe breaks, and I run out of rescources but am near the bedrock layer?

    If you are mining manually, go up through the shaft you have created to get more materials to continue. If you are cave mining though, you need to follow your paths (hopefully you have marked it out). If there is no way out, usually you should always bring chests. Put your stuff in that chest, then commit suicide. Respawn and get back there with some resources.

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This article was co-authored by Zac Churchill and by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd. Zac Churchill is from Davidson, North Carolina, and currently attends Tufts University. He has played Minecraft for over eight years and has extensive knowledge on how to play Minecraft and how the game has changed over the different versions. Specifically, Zac has expert experience in survival worlds, large builds on creative mode, and server design/upkeep. This article has been viewed 1,562,090 times.

Co-authors: 167

Updated: May 9, 2022

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Article Rating: 67% - 111 votes

Categories: Minecraft Mining

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  • What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

    "The tunnel mining one was amazing and now I have 47+ redstone blocks, almost 4 blocks of lapis lazuli, almost 3 blocks of gold, 4+ blocks of iron, and 7 diamonds."

  • "I got diamonds by mining only one block long and two blocks high. I always found diamonds at y level 12."

  • What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

    "I got a bane of 5, so I got a pic, enchanted it with fortune and now I have lots of diamonds!"

  • "Good info, but strip mining should be 3 wide hallways and not 2; saves time."

  • "Thank you for the well-detailed steps and answers to many questions."

  • "I did what the article said and it worked! I now have 75 diamonds."

  • What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

    "Wife and I found at least 12 diamond so far using this method."

  • "I got 16 diamonds using branch mining. Thanks for the method!"

  • "I have been going between 8-15 with somewhat slim results. "

  • "I used the diamonds I found to build a wall!"

  • "I did what you said and I found 19 diamonds!"

  • "It helped me find diamonds in Minecraft."

  • What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

    "I am now victorious at finding diamonds!"

  • What coordinates are Diamonds in Minecraft java

    "I have found more than 5 diamonds."

  • "It told me how to mine more."

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