What can you do to maintain or improve your fitness level

What can you do to maintain or improve your fitness level

What can you do to maintain or improve your fitness level

I recently went on my first run in a while. It wasn’t great – it turns out my body doesn’t quite move like it used to, and wanting to fly at my usual speed only resulted in nausea from a build up of lactic acid. That got me thinking: if i’m ever to get fit again, what’s the quickest way to get there? Do I really need to commit to a 6-8 week program, let alone wait 2 months before I see results? I don’t have that kind of time and neither do you.

The science behind getting fit is (sort of ) simple: effectively, it’s all about improving your VO2 Max – a person’s ability to use oxygen efficiently during exercise. The greater our VO2 Max, the less likely we are to “run out of breath”. Every time you push yourself so that you’re out of breath, your lungs are forced to adapt and become better equiped to deal with the physical exertion. 

If you want to go one further, you can also work on your anaerobic capacity – the ability to maintain a high intensity for prolonged periods of time. When you work in the anaerobic zone ( a good way to think about it is the energy system required for a 400m sprint), your body produces lactic acid (caused by a lack of oxygen in the muscles to break down glucose and glycogen) – that nauseating feeling you get after exercise is your body trying to deal with the lactate.

Again, if you want to improve you anaerobic capacity and work at a high intensity for long periods of time, you can improve by pushing your lactic threshold – every time you push yourself, your body will adapt and become better at dissipating lactic acid. 

So with that in mind, we spoke to celebrity personal trainer, Jono Castano, co-owner of Acero Training Series and the man responsible for Lincoln Lewis’ incredible MH transformation, to find out the best exercises to get fit fast (and it doesn’t just have to be boring cardio). 

The Best Exercises To Get Fit Fast

In recent years HIIT (High-intensity interval training) has become the go-to class when it comes to getting in shape and even Castano is a fan. 

“Short bursts of intense exercises with short breaks – it’s not only good for burning calories, it’s also great to increase stamina – using aerobic and anaerobic systems to help you boost your fitness fast. I’m a fan of HITT as it’s short, efficient and effective,” he tells Men’s Health. 


Shifting tin is best for building muscle, there’s no denying that. But Castano says you can alter the workout to also improve your aerobic capacity.

“The trick is to shorten those rest periods to less than 30 seconds and focus on back to back exercises that work the same muscle group AKA tri sets and supersets,” explains Castano.

“If you don’t need the rest then don’t take it. You should be leaving that session sweaty and definitely out of breath – look for over 130 BPM.”

If you’re struggling to lift weights continuously, incorporate bodyweight exercises like push-ups.

What can you do to maintain or improve your fitness level

If you’ve ever taken the stairwell, you’ll notice how much you’re huffin’ and puffin’ once you get to the top. Now, try running up and down for prolonged periods. This is the perfect exercise to boost your fitness level, says Castano.

“To break it down, the higher the heart rate the more oxygen we need to take in, leaving us breathless,” he says.

“If we do a few sets up and down while pushing past your limit, we will see quick results. The more you do it the better you’ll get.”


Coming back from injury, getting back into exercise can be tough, especially if you’re worried about aggravating any damage you’ve done. Castano recommends jumping on a bike to take some of the stress off your body.  

“There are so many cycle classes out there now and the best part about it is that is non impact so it’s gentle on the joints and muscles. Don’t underestimate how effective a bike can be. Riding for long periods of times and working intervals Is a perfect way to boost those fitness levels.”


If jogging is a little too slow for you, give sprinting a go. The best bit? Your heart rate is elevated even in between high-intensity bursts.

“It can be done outdoors or on a treadmill – my go-to is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off done at your max and repeat that 5 times. The benefits of sprinting is that it’s a complete workout. Using short bursts and short recovery times is going to elevate the heart rate helping boost those fitness levels,” Castano adds. 

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You most likely know that exercising, sleeping and healthy eating should be at the top of your priority list. When you exercise regularly, you're more positive, energetic, productive and creative. That all translates into making you a more effective entrepreneur who can generate more revenue and create a bigger impact in the world.

What can you do to maintain or improve your fitness level

But maintaining a consistent fitness routine on top of being a productive entrepreneur isn't a walk in the park (although even that would be better than nothing). A business leader's average day consists of working from a to-do list, dealing with clients, managing a small team, racing against deadlines and replying to emails -- our favorite.

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing there's no time to have a life beyond work, much less one that carves out time for regular exercise. But personal health doesn't have to become a daunting task that commands large chunks of your day.

As an entrepreneur, you're adept at using your time and energy in the most efficient way possible. You can apply the same mindset to fitness if you follow these six core principles.

You schedule doctor appointments, date nights with your significant other (hopefully) and important business meetings. So why not schedule workout time? After all, without personal health, we can't achieve our best possible versions of ourselves.

Outline a weekly schedule and include an exercise block, preferably at the same time each day. Seeing this item regularly on your calendar will decrease the odds that you'll skip out on a commitment you've made to yourself.

Related: Exercise is One Thing Most Successful People do Every Day

2. Sleep smarter.

Sleep is your foundation to maintain fitness routines and function at your peak performance level as an entrepreneur. Like workouts, sleep must be scheduled.

Studies have shown that healthy sleep habits can help you keep your waistline under control. Sleep also plays a positive role in increasing your creativity, productivity, energy levels and decision-making abilities.

What you do in the hour before bed is one of the biggest barriers to attaining quality, consistent sleep. Intelligent sleeping starts with self-discipline. Create sleep rituals to "automate" this important habit.

3. Start a culture of health and fitness at work.

It's no secret that support, accountability and enjoyment increase the likelihood you'll stick to your goals. However, the
the biggest predictor of success often lies in the quality of your environment.

If you spend most of your time in an office, why not make fitness a part of the conversation? Build a health-minded community within your workplace. Unlike friends, whose lifestyles and schedules might be markedly different than yours, colleagues and peers understand the daily demands and intricacies of your work life. These coworkers can provide a solid network of support.

You might start with an office-wide weight-loss challenge or a display board to tally the progress toward weekly walking or running goals. You also can turn to the internet health community for support. A wide variety of fitness sites offer sample workout plans and video tutorials. You even can download health and nutrition information to develop homegrown seminars to further educate team members in your office.

4. Get creative and multitask.

Many entrepreneurs spend way too much time sitting at their desks and at cafes in meetings. During the busiest of days, separating exercise time from work may not be realistic. Life happens.

But it's still no excuse to skip activity altogether for the day. If work is that hectic, the most logical solution is integrating exercise into your daily workflow.

A favorite strategy of mine -- famously used by Steve Jobs -- is to hold walking meetings. Instead of sitting at the cafe talking, get some activity in while conducting business. Take the stairs, park your car farther from the door, walk to your favorite lunch spot or invest in a treadmill or standing desk.

Related: 5 Reasons You Need to Get a Walking Desk Right Now

5. Make high-intensity training your friend.

When you're short on time or traveling frequently, you must maximize every moment. During workouts, focus on quality instead of quantity and prioritize intensity over duration. Choose full body workouts, circuit-training intervals and other high-intensity methods to optimize your workouts. These tactics reduce the time you need in the gym to build muscle and lose fat.

6. Have a Plan B.

Whether it's an impromptu work meeting, traffic on the way home, a family commitment or an unexpected setback on a
project, you will face unforeseen circumstances. Establishing a backup plan ahead of time is essential to fail-proof your fitness.

If you can't make it to the gym for your scheduled session, seek other forms of movement to continue your daily exercise habit. Alternatively, you could invest in some kettlebells or a TRX for some home workouts. Any regular activity is better than nothing.

Related: Why Exercising Is a Higher Priority Than My Business

The busy life of an entrepreneur or small-business owner makes it tempting to come up with excuses for diverting your time elsewhere. But achieving healthy fitness levels doesn't require marathon exercise sessions. At a minimum, 30 minutes can be plenty, and that's only around 2 percent of your day (nothing in the grand scheme of things).

Small, intelligent actions can help you take control of your health and maximize your effectiveness as an entrepreneur.

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