What can I feed my cat if I ran out of cat food?

If you’re a cat owner, you know the feeling. You’ve got a hungry feline on your hands, but all the stores are closed and you can’t get your hands on any cat food. What do you do? It’s not like you can just give them water or something, that would be cruel. So what are some options for when your cat runs out of kibble?

First off, let’s set the record straight: It’s not like cats need to eat every day. They can go for months at a time without food if they have to, so don’t worry about starving your pet. Your cat can survive quite comfortably on an empty stomach for quite some time.

If you’re in a bind and have run out of cat food, don’t panic. You can still feed your cat if you know what to do. First, make sure your cat has plenty of water. If you have dry food, leave it out for them and give them access to a dish of fresh water. Second, try calling your local pet store or grocery store to see if they have any old bags of cat food that are on sale and would be willing to donate them to you. Some stores will do this if they know the food is going to be used for animals who need it most.

Third, check with your friends or family members who may have some leftovers from their own pets’ meals they could give you. If they don’t mind sharing with yours, that’s great. And if they do mind sharing with yours but still want to help, ask them if they can give you some advice on what kinds of foods might work well for your cat (and which won’t).

What can I feed my cat if I ran out of cat food?

If you run out of cat food, you’re probably wondering “What to feed my cat.” There are a few things you can feed your cat in a pinch, including bread, whole grain or multigrain cereal, spinach or cheese, and other healthy foods. Here are some ideas:


When I run out of cat food, I usually use bread as an emergency substitute. However, bread should never contain toppings, such as butter or peanut spread. These foods are high in calories and fat, and they can also be toxic for cats. Bread also offers no nutritional value to cats. Despite its high-calorie content, bread is also filling and will not lead to weight loss, especially white bread. Just one slice of white bread contains about one-fifth of your cat’s daily caloric intake, with no nutritional value.

Cats cannot digest bread because it contains active yeast. This yeast produces carbon dioxide and alcohol, which are toxic to them. Uncooked bread can also cause stomach distention and even bloating. Eventually, surgery may be necessary to remove the mass of dough from your cat’s stomach. In some cases, cat owners also end up feeding bread to their cats in emergencies. To make matters worse, some cats don’t like bread at all and prefer the taste of freshly baked bread.

Besides the protein and fat in bread, cats also like corn and polenta, which is coarsely ground cornmeal. If you run out of cat food, you can also try breadcrumbs and meat, which are rich in nutrients and protein. Some commercial cat food brands use eggs as an important ingredient. Cats also like the texture of raw meats and vegetables. However, they shouldn’t be fed bread for a cat who’s on a grain-free diet.


Some brands of commercial cat food include spinach in their recipes. While the amount of spinach in these recipes varies, most cat foods contain between one and five percent of spinach by weight. Although spinach is not necessarily bad for cats, the amount of Omega-3s it contains isn’t high enough for your feline friend to consume. And while spinach does contain a lot of fiber, your cat’s digestive system only processes so much of it at one time.

In addition to its high fiber content, spinach also contains a large amount of water, which makes it suitable for your kitty to consume. The high fiber content of spinach means your cat won’t get too full from the food. But don’t worry – most domestic cats do not need additional calories. Besides fiber and water content, spinach is also loaded with vitamins and minerals that your feline should be getting in his diet. While spinach is not toxic, it is high in antioxidants, which can help prevent kidney stones in your cat.

Another plus to using spinach in cat food is that it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Although the amount isn’t nearly as beneficial as fish oil or salmon, it’s still helpful. One disadvantage of spinach, however, is that it can aggravate some cat health issues. Though spinach is a safe food for cats, it can be counterproductive. You should consult with your vet before feeding spinach to your feline friend.


Luckily, cats can have cheese. However, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they need a diet rich in meat to remain healthy and thrive. Cheese is not a healthy food for cats. You should check the nutrition label of any cheese before giving your cat a piece. Otherwise, it could lead to digestive issues. Therefore, if you’re considering feeding your cat cheese, there are some things you need to know before you give it to your feline friend.

As with human food, cheese can be high in calories, so it is best to limit the amount of cheese your cat eats to around 10% of its total daily intake. You should also check the nutrition labels of cheese to know what size to give your cat and how much is safe. Also, check whether the cheese contains any poisonous ingredients. Cats who are allergic to dairy products should avoid cheese entirely.

One important note about bread: cats do not like bananas, which may make them unappealing. Bread, on the other hand, contains fiber and protein. In a pinch, you can use breadcrumbs to mix with meat and vegetables. However, you should avoid bread if your cat is on a grain-free diet. As for cheese, it is high in protein, but it is not as complete as meat protein. Also, many cats cannot tolerate dairy.


If you are out of cat food and are looking for a tasty alternative, consider feeding your kitty some eggshells. While the yolks are high in fat, the eggshells are not. They contain some minerals and calcium. You can also grind eggshells and sprinkle them on your kitty’s food. Make sure to keep the leftover eggshell powder in a cool place away from moisture. Always remember to cook eggs thoroughly and leave out any salt or seasoning. It’s best to use egg whites instead, as they contain less fat.

Eggs are packed with protein but don’t give your cat raw yolks. Raw yolks contain a protein called avidin, which interferes with the absorption of biotin, a vitamin that cats need for healthy skin. Cooking eggs removes the avidin protein and provides your kitty with the vitamin. Be sure to measure the number of egg whites and yolks carefully.

Before feeding your kitty with eggs, make sure to properly cook them and cool them. Some cats may be allergic to eggs, so be sure to check with your veterinarian. Veterinary specialists at Tufts University treat pets with food allergies. In addition to gastrointestinal problems, food allergies can lead to itchy skin and gastrointestinal issues. In addition to eating high-quality cat food, you can also give your kitty some eggs if it’s a curious one.

Spinach is a good place to serve your cat

When you’re running out of cat food, you can offer your kitty some raw spinach. Spinach leaves are just as healthy for cats as cooked ones, but be sure to remove any seasonings or toppings before serving them to your cat. While cooked spinach is still beneficial, never give your cat a bowl of spinach with sauces or toppings. Spinach is a vegetable, and should not be treated as a supplement or a laxative.

Although it’s not safe for your cat to eat spinach in large amounts, it’s a healthy and nutritious addition to your cat’s diet. You can also use spinach as a tasty treat if you’re out of cat food. However, be sure to feed your cat small amounts at a time and seek veterinary advice before adding spinach to your cat’s diet.

Although spinach is generally safe for cats, you should still check with your veterinarian if you notice any problems with your cat’s urinary tract. While it may sound healthy, spinach can cause kidney and bladder stones. If your cat is suffering from urinary problems, don’t feed him spinach. If you have a kitty with kidney or bladder stones, it might be safe to switch to this new diet for a while.


You might have wondered whether you can use human foods for your cat, like chicken for example, as a replacement for its regular meal. If you’re not sure whether you should give up your beloved cat food, you may want to consider the following options. These include salmon and trout, which are not commonly found in cat foods, and potatoes. If you don’t want to give up chicken entirely, bone meal powder is a great alternative.

Another good alternative to chicken is beef and vegetable soup. This recipe takes a while to make, but the extra time will ensure that your cat gets to lick up every last drop. Once your cat is used to the flavor, you can freeze the rest for later use. Once you run out of your usual brand of cat food, don’t worry. You’ll still have plenty of healthy foods available for your feline friend.

If you can’t afford to purchase a new kibble for your feline friend, consider buying canned fish instead. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that keep your cat’s eyes sharp, and can help with heart disorders. While canned fish is fine for your kitty, you shouldn’t give them raw fish. Eggs are also good sources of protein, but they’re best cooked. Raw eggs can harm your cat’s stomach, so be sure to use them sparingly.

Feeding your cats can be a heavy task for pet owners, but what happens if you run out of food? Are there healthy options you can do to sustain your pet? The good thing about this thought-provoking assignment has a positive answer. You can feed your cats with canned goods of fishes, like tuna, sardines, or salmon.

Cats are known to be carnivorous much to one of their favorite meals. Just like humans, cats love meat whether it be chicken, beef, or pork. If you run out of cat food, remember that cats love to indulge themselves with chicken because of its taste and delicious flesh.

Cats love fish and are widely known as lovers of it. There are even times where they steal fish from your kitchen or dining table because of their irresistible smell, which can attract the cat’s senses. Fish have a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and calories.

What Human Food Can I Feed My Cat?

If you run out of cat food the best food for the cat is meat of various kinds. Cats are carnivores and need the animal-protein in meat. You might also feed them some all-time breakfast like what humans eat, such as rice, pieces of bread, eggs.

Cats also enjoy beef because of its grams of muscle, source of high-quality protein and bright red color and well-marbled flesh. Another food cats can take which is pork, a kind of meat that can be consumable with a guaranteed flavor. We can feed these extended foods to our cats.

However, there are top considerations as well, you need to cut the meat properly to avoid struggle when they chew or break down into smaller crumbs so the cats will better enjoy it. The advantage of eating meat develops their body structure, when this happens your cat will most likely be stronger and more active.

It Is Important To Feed Your Cat Meat

The more your cat consumes meat on his/her body the more your cat will grow bigger. In addition, there are advantages of having a big cat; one would be their dominating nature. Cats who grew big from their food intake tend to be more aggressive, when this happens your cat becomes more effective as a hunter for troubling crawling insects and rodent animals. However, there are top considerations, which you will need to ponder before deciding to hand it over to your pet.

You need to give your cat a diet that will lengthen their lives. While it is not certain that cats do not want to eat the same food all the time, it is healthy for them to have a taste of the foods we also consume as human being. Cat’s life is shorter compared to humans; at least allow them to enjoy different kinds of food while they are able to.

What Foods Are Bad For Cats?

Knowing your pet’s weaknesses is an edge for their well-being and heath. It’s very important that you feed your pets right to avoid them getting ill and sick. Things of which you must not feed your cats are foods that can cause allergies, such as shrimps or other seafood, excess meat organs and preservatives, which brings irritation, hair fall, red skin and stress.

Research also suggests to avoid cats with onions, garlic, shallots, and scallions which can affect your cat’s red blood cells and lead to anemia.

Chocolates are also known to be dangerous not just for cats but for many animals. Some of which are found to be the cause of diarrhea, muscle tremors, abnormal heart rhythm, abdominal discomfort, increased thirst, and seizures.

Even though your cats tend to ask for the food you eat, you must be considerate and be mindful for their health status. Cats cannot speak on their own and does not tell you what is good for them, but you can extend their life by monitoring and feeding them what they mostly need.

While it is unlikely that you run out of food, it is good to be prepared. Also, remember that the best way to solve a problem is to prepare for it. Organic or not, we have plenty of choices which we can feed our cat. Always be in the manner of checking your food storage if you have enough, not only for yourself but for your cats as well. Therefore, before you run out of food, be sure to buy the food items we list above to make sure your cat stays healthy and well fed all the time.

Unfortunately, cats aren’t like us and can’t just change up what they eat from meal to meal. Sudden changes in a pet’s diet can cause them to develop some not-so-pleasant digestive issues that often require a visit to the veterinarian.

Ask any vet, and they’ll tell you that abrupt food changes are a common cause of digestive upset in cats.

greasy pizza digestive upset for pets

To help paint the picture of what the sudden change in diet feels like to your pet, I will “cook up” this scenario.

Picture eating only bland and easy-to-digest foods. Then one day, you decide to eat a huge spicy meal or a giant pizza with all the toppings. Your tummy aches, you feel nauseated, you have heartburn, etc. Are you now able to relate to how bad your pet may feel when you suddenly switch their food?

I know, I know, our pets eat all sorts of things off the ground. BUT that is only small amounts and not several main meals. And in reality, many do suffer digestive issues when they have been naughty sneaking extras here and there. They just aren’t always as obvious or messy.

What to Feed Your Cat When You Run Out of Pet Food

No matter how much energy we put into trying not to run out of our cat’s food, we just do. And many times, we don’t realize it until the pet supply store or your veterinarian’s office is closed. But even if you make it to either location, sometimes they are out of your brand of food. Don’t panic! While you may feel you have no choices, you do.

Even as there are foods you can immediately feed your cats once you run out of cat foods, you should avoid running out of your cat food as much as possible.

Tips For Not Running Out Of Pet Food

Ask your veterinarian for a few cans of the “bland” (highly digestible, low fat, nutritionally-balanced) diet they stock and recommend. Keep these on hand for any “out-of-food emergencies.”

When getting a new bag of food, portion off a week’s worth into a Ziploc® bag. Store that Ziploc in the same place you normally keep your pet’s food. When you have to open the Ziploc bag, that’s your reminder that it’s time to get or order more food.

Store a week (or two) worth of your pet’s food in a gallon size Ziploc bag (press all the air out) and store it in the freezer. Then you know you always have an emergency backup that is fresh.

If you made an emergency batch of bland food, freeze a couple of feedings worth so that you are covered in a pinch.

Check with your veterinarian, or wherever you get your pet’s food from, to see if they have a food auto-delivery option. Sign up to get regularly scheduled deliveries. You often get extra perks or discounts if you subscribe.

Feed your pets food that is readily available from a good pet supply store or your vet, rather than one that’s so exclusive that it can only be bought at one store in your town. This is especially important if you travel with your pets frequently, as that’s a common time to run out of (or even forget) your pet’s food.