What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?

Here my dog "Flame" has her face made perfectly symmetrical with a bit


of photo magic.

The white line down the center is the
Line of Symmetry

Read more at Reflection Symmetry.

You can find if a shape has a Line of Symmetry by folding it.

When the folded part sits perfectly on top (all edges matching), then the fold line is a Line of Symmetry.

Here I have folded a rectangle one way, and it didn't work.

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?

So this is not a Line of Symmetry

But when I try it this way, it does work (the folded part sits perfectly on top, all edges matching):

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?

So this is a Line of Symmetry


A Triangle can have 3, or 1 or no lines of symmetry:

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
Equilateral Triangle (all sides equal,

all angles equal)

  Isosceles Triangle (two sides equal,

two angles equal)

  Scalene Triangle (no sides equal,

no angles equal)

3 Lines of Symmetry   1 Line of Symmetry   No Lines of Symmetry


Different types of Quadrilaterals (a 4-sided plane shape):

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
Square (all sides equal,

all angles 90°)

  Rectangle (opposite sides equal,

all angles 90°)


4 Lines of Symmetry   2 Lines of Symmetry   No Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
(all sides equal length)
1 Line of Symmetry   2 Lines of Symmetry

Regular Polygons

A regular polygon has all sides equal, and all angles equal:

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
An Equilateral Triangle (3 sides)
has 3 Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
A Square (4 sides)
has 4 Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
A Regular Pentagon (5 sides)
has 5 Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
A Regular Hexagon (6 sides)
has 6 Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
A Regular Heptagon (7 sides)
has 7 Lines of Symmetry
What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?
A Regular Octagon (8 sides)
has 8 Lines of Symmetry

And the pattern continues:

  • A regular polygon of 9 sides has 9 Lines of Symmetry
  • A regular polygon of 10 sides has 10 Lines of Symmetry
  • ...
  • A regular polygon of "n" sides has "n" Lines of Symmetry

A line (drawn at any angle) that goes through its center is a Line of Symmetry.

So a Circle has infinite Lines of Symmetry.

What are the angles of rotation for a 20-gon how many lines of symmetry lines of reflection will it have?

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