The sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers and three consecutive even numbers together is 231

Correct Answer:

Description for Correct answer:

The smallest odd number =x\( \Large \therefore \) The smallest even number = x + 11\( \Large \therefore \) x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 11 + x + 13 + x + 15 = 231=>6x + 45 = 231=>6x = 231 - 45 = 186\( \Large \therefore x = \frac{186}{6} =31 \)\( \Large \therefore \) Required sum= x + 4 + x +15= 2x + 19 = \(\Large 2 \times 31 + 19 \)

= 62 + 19 = 81

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