Power of the purse in Constitution

16th Amendment

Income Tax

17th Amendment

Popular Election of Senators

18th Amendment

Prohibition of Liquor

19th Amendment

Women’s Right to Vote

20th Amendment

Presidential Term and Succession, Assembly of Congress

21st Amendment

Repeal of Prohibition

22nd Amendment

Two-Term Limit on Presidency

23rd Amendment

Presidential Vote for D.C.

24th Amendment

Abolition of Poll Taxes

25th Amendment

Presidential Disability and Succession

26th Amendment

Right to Vote at Age 18

27th Amendment

Congressional Compensation


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power lunch, power mower, power nap, power of appointment, power of attorney, power of the purse, power pack, power plant, power play, power point, power politics

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

The power of the purse is an informal name for the influence that comes with having the authority to decide how money is spent. The phrase is typically used in relation to such power held by legislative bodies, especially the U.S. Congress.

The word purse can be used as shorthand for money or the power to spend money. In the United States, Congress (the legislative branch) has the power of the purse because of its role in authorizing the president’s budget proposals and other executive branch funding (a process called appropriation).

While power of the purse can be used generally, it is most often used in the specific context of government spending, especially as it relates to the U.S. Congress and its balance of power with the executive branch.

When you were a kid, did your parents ever threaten to stop paying for something you wanted if you didn’t listen to them? They could do that because, well, they’re your parents—and because they had the power of the purse, meaning they got to make the decisions because they had the power to pay for things.

The balance of power among the branches of the U.S. government is a little more complicated, but when it comes to paying for things, the same concept applies: Congress has the power of the purse because it has final say of how and when tax money will be spent.

This power is spelled out in the U.S. Constitution (in Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, known as the Appropriations Clause, and Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, known as the Taxing and Spending Clause). It applies to all legislation that requires federal spending, not just the federal budget.

When they wrote the Constitution, the founders still had a king in mind, so they wanted to keep money-spending power away from a single, powerful figure (the president). The idea behind giving this power to Congress was that members of Congress are directly elected by the people and therefore (at least theoretically) most accountable.

The power of the purse is important to the U.S. system of government because it helps balance power (which is the whole point of having separate branches of government in the first place). When you hear someone use the phrase power of the purse, there’s a good chance they’re talking about Congress reining in the power of the president by refusing to authorize funding requests.

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Massachusetts delegate Elbridge Gerry (later of gerrymandering infamy) promoted the idea that the power of the purse should be given to Congress, stating that “the people ought to hold the purse-strings.”

The power of the purse is often cited as one of the checks and balances that are used to equally distribute power among each branch of the U.S. government.

Which branch of the U.S. government has the power of the purse and controls the appropriation of money?

A. Legislative branch B. Judicial branch

C. Executive branch

almighty dollar, money belt, wallet

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muonnoun | [myoo-on ]SEE DEFINITION


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