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Just as you need to change a light bulb in your house when it stops working, you’ll need to replace your automotive lights when they go dark.

Turn signal bulbs are housed inside lens assemblies that protect the bulbs and focus their light outwards. These can be found in each of the four corners of your car. It is necessary to remove the housing assemblies to access the bulbs and replace them.

Here’s how a mechanic will replace a turn signal bulb:

  • Test the turn signal lights to verify which bulb is out

  • Open the trunk or hood to access the lens assemblies

  • Remove the screws and fasteners that hold the assembly in place

  • Swap out the old bulb with a new bulb of the same specifications

  • Reinstall the unit and test the turn signals again to ensure the whole system is working

Technicians should inspect your turn signals during most routine maintenance procedures, such as oil changes and tire rotations—so it’s likely that this check will be included in your standard maintenance.

Many modern cars have warning lights on the dashboard that indicate one of your lights has gone out. Reference your car manual to learn what the warning might look like.

It is also good practice to occasionally check whether your turn signal bulbs are working. While the car is in park, signal a left or right-hand turn on your steering wheel stalk, and walk outside the car to make sure both front and rear turn signal bulbs are flashing. Repeat this step with the opposite side.

While the short-term operation of your car won’t suffer because of a burnt-out signal bulb, functional turn signals and hazard lights are important to your safety and the safety of others on the road. Be sure to replace the bulbs as soon as you are able.

The best way to keep your car safe on the road is to have the right car insurance.

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