How many different ways can a coach select the captain and co captain

16. How many different ways can a coach select the captain and co-captain of a team from a group of people?
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How many ways can a team of 24 hockey players choose a captain and two alternate captains?

Mathew S.

asked • 04/25/19

1 Expert Answer

CRUZ C. answered • 04/25/19

PhD Applied Mgmt and Decision Science-Information Systems Mgmt

Given 20 players on the team

and two positions that the coach wants to fill,

there are 20!/ (20-2)! = 20!/18!

= (20*19*18.....1) /18!

18! in the numerator and 18! in the denominator cancel each other out

= 20*19 = 380 ways that the coach can assign the two roles.

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