What does maitake do for the body?

If you’ve done any research about the health benefits of mushrooms, chances are you’ve come across maitake.

Like all other edible mushrooms such as shiitake, turkey tail, reishi, and lion’s mane, maitake mushroom offers many potential health benefits thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants, micronutrients, and other beneficial compounds including complex sugars (aka polysaccharides) called beta-glucans.

Along with being a tasty, eye-catching ingredient for recipes, maitake is considered a medicinal mushroom or adaptogenic mushroom, which means it can help the body adapt to stress and function normally.

Maitake mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for centuries, and it’s also been used as a supplementary treatment for cancer patients in China and Japan for more than 30 years. (1)

However, it’s only in recent decades that Western culture has taken notice of this ancient remedy. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of maitake mushroom and how including more of this fantastic fungi in your diet can help you.

Its scientific name is Grifola frondosa, but you probably know maitake (pronounced my-tah-keh) by its other more common names: hen-of-the-woods, cloud mushroom, dancing mushroom, king of mushrooms, ram’s head, and sheep’s head.

Native to areas of Japan, China, and North America where it grows wild at the foot of oak, elm, and maple trees, maitake mushrooms can be distinguished by their striking appearance—unlike many mushrooms that grow individually, maitakes grow in clusters, which look like giant pine cones or blooming bouquets of brown, beige, and gray blossoms.

One cup of diced maitake mushroom has just 25 calories, no cholesterol, less than one gram of fat, one gram of sodium, 1.4 grams of protein, and almost two grams of dietary fiber. (2)

What’s more, maitake has 143 grams of potassium (4% of the daily recommended value) and a whopping 196% of the daily recommended value of vitamin D, which is important for strong, healthy bones and overall health. (3)

It also has a good amount of B vitamins including niacin, riboflavin, and folate.

One of the most noteworthy aspects of maitake mushrooms is its high concentration of beta-glucans, which are complex sugars (polysaccharides) found in the cell walls of certain plants, yeast, algae, and fungi (hello, mushrooms!).

Among these powerful beta-glucans is D-fraction, a maitake extract that has been shown to have therapeutic effects for cancer patients. (4)

As with many natural remedies, more scientific studies are needed on the health benefits of maitake mushroom. Even so, the evidence is mounting on how this functional mushroom is helping people today. Below are some of the most researched health benefits tied to maitake mushroom.

A strong immune system is essential for overall health—it helps ward off everything from the common cold to more serious diseases. Multiple studies have demonstrated that maitake mushroom stimulates immune response. (5)

In a 2014 study, researchers found that maitake-derived glucans behave “via the same mechanisms as other highly active glucans to strongly stimulate immune defense reactions” and are even more active when combined with glucans from shiitake mushroom. (6)

There have been some promising findings when it comes to maitake and its role in fighting cancer. As mentioned, it’s long been approved in Japan and China as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for cancer patients. (1)

Maitake is thought to activate certain cells that attack cancer, including macrophages, T-cells, and natural killer cells.

One study in 2013 found that maitake d-fraction suppressed the growth of breast cancer cells (7), while other research indicates that combining maitake D-fraction with vitamin C can be a possible alternative approach for cancer therapy. (8)

Keeping glucose levels in balance is important for everyone to sustain good health, but it’s particularly crucial for diabetics. Studies going as far back as 1994 show the anti-diabetic effects of maitake extract. (9)

A 2001 study concluded that the fruiting body of maitake can improve blood glucose levels (10), while two studies published in 2015 found that maitake alleviated the symptoms of rats with Type 2 diabetes and improved insulin resistance, respectively. (11, 12)

Keeping your cholesterol in check is a must for heart health and maitake mushroom could be one way to help keep you on track. In a four-week test conducted on mice, freeze-dried maitake extract was found to lower cholesterol levels. (13) This is promising for future human clinical trials as high cholesterol is linked to coronary heart disease.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke by damaging and weakening your brain’s blood vessels and your arteries (14), but adding maitake to your diet could help stabilize your blood pressure.

In a 2010 animal study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences, maitake was shown to lower blood pressure as well as enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce aspects of inflammation. (15) Similarly, an earlier study found that maitake was able to improve hypertension in rats over an eight-week period. (16)

Research has shown that maitake d-fraction enhances antitumor effects and reduces immune system suppression in mice and “can provide a potential clinical benefit for patients with cancer.” (17)

Furthermore, a human study in 2013 found that oral administration of maitake d-fraction spurred immune function and provided tumor-fighting effects for cancer patients. (18)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is when the ovaries overproduce male hormones, which creates small ovarian cysts.

This health condition affects an estimated 5 million women and is one of the leading causes of infertility. (19)

While more studies are needed, there are some promising findings that maitake can induce ovulation in PCOS patients and may be useful as an adjunct therapy for women who failed with clomiphene citrate treatment.(20)

You can buy fresh, whole maitake mushroom and dried maitake at many grocery stores and health food markets. Fresh maitake is usually in plastic packaging, but you can store it in a paper bag and keep it in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

Like other mushrooms, you can sauté, fry, roast, grill, or add maitake to any dish—they add meaty texture and an earthy flavor to pizza, stir-fries, pastas, sandwiches, and soup.

Maitake mushroom extract may also be taken as a supplement in powder form, capsules, or liquid concentrate. Look for trusted brands with organic maitake and be sure to avoid any fillers and artificial ingredients.

Because supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, there is no dosage set in stone. Talk to your healthcare professional to determine the correct dosage, and remember that taking maitake with vitamin C and shiitake could amplify its benefits. (6, 8)

Whether you know it as hen-of-the-woods on restaurant menus or as maitake d-fraction supplements, the bottom line is that there are many health benefits of maitake. It’s a low-calorie, low-sodium, no-cholesterol food loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and immune-boosting beta-glucans.

So go ahead and try some maitake in your next recipe or smoothie (use powdered extract for that, of course) and discover the power of this medicinal mushroom that not only tastes great, but can help your health in more ways than one.

Posted by

Tony Shields

Hi' I'm Tony. I've dedicated a ton of time to learn all about the amazing world of mushrooms- and would love to share that information with you! I am particularily passionate about growing mushrooms, and teaching others how to do the same.

If you know a little about wellness, you already know that cremini and portobello mushrooms are good for you. (Hey, they are found in the produce section, after all.) If you know a lot about wellness, you've likely heard of 'shrooms like lion's mane, reishi, and chaga. The trio are adaptogenic mushrooms, which means that when consumed regularly over time, they could help the body ward off stress. But you have to be super into the wellness scene to know the benefits of maitake mushrooms, which tend to fly under the radar.

Like lion's mane, reishi, and chaga, maitake mushrooms are also adaptogenic and share many of the same benefits—and have some unique ones of its own. Grown in Japan, China, and North America, maitake mushrooms (also known as hen of the woods or king of mushrooms) have been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for thousands of years. Here, registered dietitian Erica Ingraham, MS, RDN shares the key maitake mushroom benefits to know as well as where to find and how to consume them.

What are maitake mushroom benefits?

1. They could help the body combat stress

As previously mentioned, maitake mushrooms are adaptogenic. This means that they could help the body ward off stress better, though Ingraham says that scientifically, the jury is still out on adaptogens. "The research on adaptogens is limited, and their efficacy on human health is unclear. There is not much research on the effect of adaptogens on human health," she says. Consider this an exciting space to watch rather than a complete given.

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2. Consuming maitake mushrooms may support the immune system

Ingraham says this is traditionally how maitake mushrooms have been used in Japanese and Chinese medicine, and there's a lot of scientific evidence to back up that they truly do support the immune system. One study found that when mice consumed maitake mushrooms in supplement form (combined with shiitake mushrooms) for two weeks, there was a "significant stimulation of defense reaction." The reason why they're so good for the immune system is because the compounds in maitake mushrooms have been shown to increase white blood cell activity and production. (Just note that this was a mouse study, so take its findings with a grain of salt.)

It's exactly because maitake mushrooms increase white blood cell activity that led scientific researchers to experiment with them in terms of cancer prevention and treatment. The experiments are promising, shown to stimulate fighter cells into action that may be beneficial in cancer treatment. But they should not at this time be considered any kind of alternative to cancer treatment—nor should people with cancer experiment with herbs without consulting their doctors for risk of contraindications and other side effects.

Maitake mushrooms are high in antioxidants, which Ingraham says directly benefits the brain and cognitive health. "As research shows that antioxidants may help reduce oxidative stress, there is reason to suspect that they play a role in protecting cognitive function like memory," she says. "The brain uses and requires a lot of oxygen for optimal functioning, which makes it at an increased risk for oxidative stress. Some studies have shown that antioxidants may inhibit cell death and help prevent memory loss."

The antioxidants in maitake mushrooms are also beneficial for cardiovascular health. Reducing oxidative stress isn't just good for the brain, it benefits the whole body—including the heart. "Too much oxidative stress is associated with certain chronic conditions and diseases including heart disease, cancers, stroke, respiratory conditions, and inflammatory conditions," Ingraham says.

Maitake mushrooms also have decent amount of the trace mineral copper, which is also good for your heart. "The human body doesn’t need a lot of copper to function well though it is a very important nutrient. Copper is important for red blood cell production, immune system function, and supports a healthy heart rate and blood pressure," Ingraham adds.

While consuming maitake mushrooms can be beneficial in all these ways, there are some risks to be aware of. Like any other foods and herbs, some may have an allergic reaction. Also, because they increase the number of white blood cells, they may not be the best choice for anyone with a bleeding disorder or who has just had surgery. Check with your doctor before consuming to play it safe.

How to buy and consume maitake mushrooms

There are several different ways you can reap the benefits of maitake mushrooms. One is to buy them in their whole form and work them into your cooking, such as stir-fry dishes, rice, or soups. "You can find maitake fresh or dried. It also freezes well if you’d like to stock up during quarantine and limit trips to the grocery store," Ingraham says.

You can also purchase maitake mushroom extract in powder form, which can be mixed into your tea, coffee, or other beverages. Because maitake mushrooms have an earthy taste, it will taste better if you blend it with something that has some flavor, as opposed to just mixing it in with plain H20. (Unless you're into the idea of mushroomy water, in which case...go for it.)

Maitake mushroom supplements are also available, if you want to consume it regularly for its benefits but aren't a fan of the taste.  Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so if you do choose to purchase supplements, it's important to do your research first—good advice to follow no matter what type of supplement you're thinking about purchasing. Check to see where the maitake mushrooms are sourced from and if they are tested for toxicity before being incapsulated, bottled, and sold.

As long as you keep these buying tips in mind, you're green-lit to start trying out maitake mushrooms if their potential benefits interest you. And just like that, there's another 'shroom ready to be worked into your wellness routine.

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