How long after a dog gives birth can she get pregnant again

  • Answered by

    Bette Isacoff Dog Trainer

    No, it is not. A bitch needs time to recover from the demands of pregnancy, whelping, and raising a litter. She should have at least one heat in between breedings.

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  • Answered by

    Andrea M. Brodie, DVM Veterinarian

    If the dog is in good physical condition, being pregnant again after 6 months should not pose a health risk. However, unless you intend to breed her so intensively you should consider having her spayed. If you do not want those puppies, it is possible to spay early in pregnancy without too much risk. If you intend to let her have the puppies, start now looking for homes for them.

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  • When a dog gives birth, She will not get pregnant again straight away! Maybe after maybe sometimes a month, couple of weeks, or maybe never again!  :D Hope I hepled - Wolf Loverr

    thanked the writer.


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    juice · 19/05/2006 13:05

    as thread asks, dog had pups 5-6 weeks ago, how long does it take for her to get pregnant again.

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    SaintGeorge · 19/05/2006 13:09

    Unless you are a breeder - which I doubt or you would know the answer to your own question - why the hell do you want her pregnant again?

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    juice · 19/05/2006 13:13

    i am not asking for my benefit, i just want to know.

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    FuglyDucking · 19/05/2006 13:18

    Soon as she goes back into season again..

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    juice · 19/05/2006 13:26

    why do u all jump to assumptions and think i am breeding a dog of mine back to back. this is not my dog, ok. i just wanted to know the answer to a question.
    so think before you all jump in mouth first ok.

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    SaintGeorge · 19/05/2006 13:33

    You posted "as thread asks, dog had pups 5-6 weeks ago, how long does it take for her to get pregnant again." No explanation as to who the dog belonged to or why you were asking such a strange question. What exactly did you expect as a response?

    I think you would find the comments would be of the same nature anyone, whoever owned the dog.

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    GaelicRose · 19/05/2006 13:33

    She won't come back into 'season' until the pups are 3 to 4 months old. People assumed the worse because of the way you asked the question is why they reacted the way they did. If this is a pet and not a show dog, I recommend having her spayed after she weans the pups from this litter.

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    SaintGeorge · 19/05/2006 13:34

    anyway not anyone.


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    VeniVidiVickiQV · 19/05/2006 14:06

    Well, i did say give the bitch a break, not your bitch.

    Why are you so quick to assume the worst?

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    wannaBe1974 · 19/05/2006 15:00

    agree with other posters, back to back breeding is a very bad idea, whether it's your dog or anyone else's. Most reputable breeders will let a dog have at least one season between breedings, so the dog might have pups once a year, and even then it wouldn't be adviseable to let this continue for too long.

    We had a dog that had pups many years ago, we sold one of the pups to a friend of my mum's and she over bred the dog, that poor dog had three litters of puppies back to back and when the woman decided to have her spayed after her last litter she was actually so weak that she died under the anesthetic.

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    JustQueen · 08/04/2019 05:20

    Well, i joined this site specifically to comment on this. I also posed the question "how long after my dog has her puppies........"! Now, the reason behind my asking is this....My Chihuahua, Penelope had puppies 2 weeks ago and my other Chihuahua, Sox is going nuts! He acts like he did when she was in heat. He will not leave her alone. He constantly has his nose up her butt and he's even mounting her. I cover her bottom with my hand or a blanket arcs he goes insane. Digging at my hand, biting me. He'll even start taking to me like he's trying to tell me " come on, mom! Wtf is your problem? Geez. Why you blocking me?" Idk what to do but i just wanted to be sure she couldn't get pregnant.

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    bunnygeek · 08/04/2019 13:28

    JustQueen, keep Sox away from mum and puppies. She needs to bond with them and raise them without being constantly harassed. She really doesn't need that stress right now.

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    dementedpixie · 16/04/2019 15:14

    Neuter Sox then and then Penelope will stop getting harassed and won't have more puppies

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    dementedpixie · 16/04/2019 15:15

    And start your own thread as this is a zombie one!

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    Gilley · 09/08/2019 20:11

    I followed this post because I just adopted a bitch in Honduras who had pups about 3 months ago. I cannot spay her now because she is also being treated for heartworm. Vet appointment on Monday I will follow her advice. She also needs an eye removed. Adopt don’t buy or breed

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    123456Sw · 30/09/2019 02:26

    My name is Stephanie and my dog got pregnant it was not intentional because I don’t believe in breeding and I’m so scared she got pregnant again the puppies are only one month old I have a male dog who I’ve been keeping them apart but sometimes they end up jumping the fence getting to each other as I have a fence inside my house to separate them so I’m getting him neutered next week he has an appointment but I don’t know when breeding season is or if she can even get pregnant after having puppies that are a month and two weeks old but her stomach is looking kind of big I don’t know If she is just gaining her weight back ? I am so scared because I don’t want my dog to go through giving birth again and for me to have to try to find all these loving homes for my puppies. So if she was pregnant would it be possible that she could be pregnant that soon after giving birth?

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    123456Sw · 30/09/2019 02:30

    My name is Stephanie and my dog had puppies about a month and two weeks ago. It was not intentional because I do not believe in breeding dogs I do have a male dog who is actually still technically not even a year old so I didn’t even think that they would have sex and I was waiting for him to be At least one year old to get him neutered to prevent him impregnating her. So to my surprise at a little over 6 months he got her pregnant. So my husband and I set an appointment for him to get neutered next week because I After she had the puppies she doesn’t want him near her so I figure he won’t be able to have sex with her anytime soon. So now I noticed her stomach is getting a lot bigger and I’m very concerned and scared that she may be pregnant again after only having puppies less than two months ago. I don’t ever want her getting pregnant Again or going through that because one it was painful for her and two I’m worried about finding really loving homes for my puppies to go to I don’t have the space for all those puppies so I really love animals and wanna make sure that they go to really good homes And I am already really attached to the puppies and love them all so I know I’m going to be devastated and it’s going to be very hard for me to give them away so I don’t want to put my dog through the pain and suffering I’m going through birth again plus the pain and suffering I have to go through with letting go of the puppies and praying to God they go to good homes. So if anyone knows if it’s possible for a dog to get pregnant this soon please let me know. Thank you

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    JinnyA1 · 24/02/2020 09:51

    Hi stephanie i know your post is old but what happened i'm in the exact same position caught alfie mounting sophie who was nursing 6 pups..i am terrified that its even possible..but is it? I reckoned her nxt season is 3 months away!! Please give me some advice if yout still around. Jinny x

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    Fluffycloudland77 · 26/02/2020 20:15

    Can’t you just neuter them and then you won’t have the worry?.

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    idahloo · 03/03/2020 16:24

    Hi there. A girl can be pregnancy by multiple dogs in one pregnancy. For example if the sire wasn't able to fertilise all her eggs another dog can.
    There ya a pill that can be given to the bitch to stop pregnancy.

    How long after a dog gives birth can she get pregnant again
    How long after a dog gives birth can she get pregnant again

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    Nanc1968 · 21/03/2020 17:33

    How long do i need to keep my daddy dog away from mommy dog so she won’t get pregnant? She can not get fixed yet because she is nursing. My house is tiny and it’s hard to keep them in separate rooms.

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    Stellaris22 · 22/03/2020 20:03

    Is there a reason the male can't be neutered instead?

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    Lockdownshockdown · 27/03/2020 05:46

    How long do i need to keep my daddy dog away from mommy dog so she won’t get pregnant?

    Until one of them is done, is the safest.

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    Sophielouise12 · 28/04/2020 14:50

    Hmm I'd like some confirmation too jumping on the post, my dam gave birth 5 weeks ago and is showing signs of being in heat, my Male dog will not leave her along foaming at the mouth and whining and trying to mount her every time I've split them up obviously but just wondered if this was normal? I thought it would have been a lot longer than that

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    HopeYouStepOnALego · 28/04/2020 15:03

    Recent posters should be starting a new thread, this one dates back to 2006 FGS!

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