Wisdom teeth removal when can i eat solid food

At Hill Country Oral Surgery, we understand that wisdom teeth removal can be a complicated procedure. It involves a minor surgery that can be distressing for many patients and has a recovery time that can last up to seven days. During this time, patients usually feel discomfort. They need to modify many aspects of their routine, including work, leisure, and physical activity. Still, we consider that the most drastic changes are usually made in patients’ diets.

Although each patient is different and our surgeon will give specific recommendations according to the particular case, as a general rule, we advise patients to wait at least seven days to incorporate solid foods into their diet. Hard foods can interfere with recovery and disrupt the healing process, and as the main idea of this diet is to enable patients to go back to normal as soon as possible, we strongly recommend those who undergo this procedure follow this advice.

Why Do I Need to Avoid Solids After the Surgery?

The reason is simple: solid foods can injure the recovery site provoking pain, bleeding, or even the dislodge of the blood clot. This latter scenario is the one that worries dentists the most. The blood clot has a crucial role in the wound’s healing process, and if it is accidentally dislodged, it can lead to a dry socket, a painful infection that can make patients see the stars.

Luckily, you can avoid this shooting pain and prevent all these inconveniences by following a soft diet for a week (or until the wound is completely healed). This might be challenging and a bit unhandy, but it is the only way to ensure effective healing.

What Can I Eat in the Meantime?

We always provide some guidance regarding what to eat or drink after an extraction. At first, cold or warm (not hot) soft foods are recommended, like smoothies, soup, jelly, yogurt, and mashed potatoes. Ice cream is also highly advisable, as the cold can also help reduce inflammation and pain.

As the wound heals and you feel better, you can slowly introduce other foods to your diet, like oatmeal and scrambled eggs. You should always monitor how you feel after the meals and then evaluate if you’re doing fine or would rather go back to softer foods.

A few more recommendations…

Besides solids, other foods and habits can dislodge the blood clot and interrupt the healing process. It would be best if, after surgery, you avoid:

  • smoking
  • using a straw
  • chewing gum
  • strong physical activity
  • lifting heavyweight
  • whistling

Contact Hill Country Oral Surgery

If you are looking to have your wisdom teeth removed, or still have some doubts about post-op indications or the procedure itself, contact our team! Our dentists will explain the step-by-step in detail and answer all your questions.

Wisdom teeth removal is the most common oral surgery procedure performed across the U.S., and the same is true for Drs. Jandali and Hur in Naperville. These pesky molars are likely to cause other oral health problems if not dealt with, therefore, many men, women, and teens from the area choose wisdom teeth removal sooner rather than later.

When our oral surgeons sit down with patients during an initial wisdom teeth removal consultation, they review every aspect of the surgery, including the recovery period. While recovery is often overlooked by patients, it is one of the most important aspects of wisdom teeth removal. During your recovery, your diet will be temporarily limited to allow your gums and surrounding tissue to heal properly. No need to worry—it won’t be long before you’ll be visiting your favorite Naperville eatery and back to eating solid foods again.

Diet Restrictions Immediately Following Wisdom Teeth Removal

Many patients believe that a diet full of milkshakes and ice cream is “just what the doctor orders” after wisdom teeth removal. However, while the occasional treat is okay, our oral surgeons recommend that patients eat nourishing foods during their recovery—even immediately after their surgery, so long as they can be eaten with comfort.

Be careful to avoid any foods that are extremely hot, crunchy, or spicy as these can irritate the surgical sites and cause discomfort. Instead, consider foods that are soft or liquid for the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Remember, in order to avoid dry socket, do not drink any liquids through a straw, as this could dislodge the needed blood clots from the empty sockets in your jaw.

Eating Solid Foods After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Within about a week, you may gradually increase your intake of solid foods. Again, only eat what feels comfortable, and stop eating and make changes if you begin to experience any discomfort or pain.

No matter the stage of recovery you’re in, it’s important that you not skip any meals. Eating on a regular schedule improves the recovery period as patients feel better, gain strength faster, and have less discomfort when nourishment is taken in. Foods that are high in nutritional value such as soups, puddings, yogurt, eggs, applesauce, or flaky fish are recommended.

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Oral and Facial Surgery of Naperville recommends that wisdom teeth removal patients plan ahead and prepare their pantry and fridge with the right types of foods before they come in for their surgery. This will ensure you have what you need available and easily accessible while you recover at home. Remember, keep the nutritional value high and balance your intake of protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats and carbs so your recovery period will go smoothly.

Call Our Naperville Office with any Questions

If you find you have questions or concerns about the wisdom teeth removal process, or the recovery period afterward, please do not hesitate to call Oral and Facial Surgery of Naperville. Our entire staff values your safety and wellbeing, and if you are concerned, we want to know. You can reach a member of our team in Naperville by calling (630) 961-5151 today.

Soft foods are in, chewy or hard foods are out while you recover from wisdom teeth removal. Here, our Ottawa dentists give advice on which foods to stock up on and what to avoid.

If your dentist finds your wisdom teeth are impacted or coming in at crooked angles, they’ll often recommend having wisdom teeth removed and eating a healthful diet full of soft foods while you heal.

Though your schedule may vary depending on your dentist’s recommendations and other factors, we’ve put together a general timeline of what to eat at different stages of recovery - and answered the important question of when you’ll be able to get back to your regular diet.

Why maintain good self-care and eat soft, healthy foods after wisdom teeth are removed?

While having your wisdom teeth removed is a common procedure, maintaining a healthy diet full of soft foods, following instructions from your dentist and managing self-care are important to healing. You’ll want to avoid infections or complications, which can result from food or bacteria becoming trapped in the extraction area.

What can I eat after having my wisdom teeth removed?

For 3 to 5 Days

Generally, you’ll want to stick to liquids and soft, mushy foods for 3 to 5 days, including:

  • Blended soups (easy to eat, nutrient-rich and hydrating)
  • Broths (full of essential vitamins and minerals to aid recovery)
  • Yogurt
  • Pudding
  • Smoothies
  • Potatoes (mashed, sweet or regular)
  • Apple sauce
  • Seedless, pureed fruit
  • Pureed or mashed vegetables (carrots, squash)
  • Banana ice cream or regular ice cream
  • Jell-O

As you begin to heal, gradually incorporate more regular, semi-soft foods such as:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Instant oatmeal
  • Toast

Let any hot foods cool before eating, keep the area clean per your dentist’s recommendations, and don’t forget to take prescriptions as directed.

Which foods should I avoid?

For 1 Week or More

For the first few days, the extraction site will be tender and vulnerable to infection. You’ll want to avoid foods that may irritate the area or lead to complications, such as:

  • Acidic, tough or spicy foods (citrus juice, peppers)
  • Crumbly, crunchy or tough foods (pizza, jerky, popcorn, hamburgers, etc.)
  • Grains (rice, quinoa)
  • Alcohol
  • Seeds

For 2 to 4 weeks

These snack foods may be delicious. However, you should ban them from your diet until you're fully recovered. These can get stuck in the wound and disrupt healing.

Other Helpful Routines

For 3 to 5 Days

Avoid using a straw and spitting for 3 to 5 days after surgery. These create suction in your mouth, which raises the risk of developing dry socket - a painful condition where the clot that protects the area your tooth is removed from becomes dislodged. This exposes your bones and nerves to air, which hampers healing and causes pain.

Avoid smoking for 5 days, as the nicotine in cigarettes impedes healing and prolongs recovery time. Avoid chewing tobacco for at least a week.

One Week After Surgery

At the 7-day mark following your surgery, start to rinse your extraction sites to rid the area of debris and food (your dentist may provide a syringe for this). Do not rinse before this as you may also remove the healing blood clot.

When can I start eating normal food after wisdom teeth extraction?

Many patients find they can resume normal eating within a week of having their wisdom teeth removed.

Maintaining a diet full of soft, delicious and healthy foods in the days and weeks after wisdom teeth removal is crucial to your recovery. As long as you stick to the right foods - and steer clear of foods that can disrupt your recovery - you’ll feel more comfortable and help reduce your risk of infection.

Are you experiencing jaw pain or swelling, red or swollen gums, or bad breath? You may need your wisdom teeth removed. Contact our Ottawa dentists to book an appointment today.

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