Why was the New England experience so much different than the Chesapeake experience?

During the late 16th century and into the 17th century, two colonies emerged from England in the New World. The two colonies were called the Chesapeake and New England colonies. Even though the two areas were formed and governed by the English, the colonies had similarities as well as differences. Differences in geography, religion, politics, economic, and nationalities, were responsible for molding the colonies. These differences came from one major factor: the very reason the English settlers came to the New World. 
The Chesapeake colonies were primarily created by companies interested in profiting from the natural resources of the New World such as gold or silver to bring back to England. The New England colonies were primarily created…show more content…
Both colonies were an experiment as a “new society” for colonization. In New England, the population was almost entirely English and white. Religious families, including Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics made up a large percentage of the population due to the reputation the New England colonies had as a place of religious freedom. In the Chesapeake colonies, the population was a majority white indentured servants and later had more black-slaves. With the boom in the tobacco industry, plantation owners relied on the cheap labor slaves or indentured servants provided. Both colonies take lead in driving off the natives and seizing their own land. Most of the population in both colonies were English/White. The political difference between the New England and Chesapeake region was that New England government associate more with religious matter than the Chesapeake government. The type of government was a theocratic environment. Each town, which was filled with educated people, had a local authority and held monthly town meetings in the meeting hall. The Chesapeake Colonies was a legislative owned by aristocrats. The county governments were more spread out; therefore the backcountry farmers were underrepresented. Both colonies had their set way of organizing their government. The New England and the Chesapeake colonies differed in numerous ways. These differences included geography, religion, economics, nationalities, and politics, which

Differences in the Development of New England and the Chesapeake Region Question: Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? By the 1700s the two regions, New England and Chesapeake varied greatly in spite of being from the same mother country, England. Physical and cultural differences separated these two regions distinctively. While religion moulded the daily life in New England, Money and tobacco farming dominated the Chesapeake.

Puritans fleeing religious persecution in England settled New England. They were a highly religious people. Document A, John

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Religious uniformity was very important as they were intolerant of any other religion, and only church members were part of the government at first. Citizens were required to attend Church services as part of the law. Most of the people in New England had been merchants or small farmers in England. In New England however, the rocky soil made it hard for a lot of farming, so the Puritans turned to the coast. They built up major industries such as shipbuilding and fishing, and established trade routes with England, and the Caribbean. The New Englanders were a very pious and hardworking people, very different from their southern neighbours.

The Chesapeake region was the first region to be colonized. The first settlers had a very hard time adapting to the moist swampy climate and lack of commerce and civility that they were used to in England. Most of the early settlers were gentlemen sent by companies such as the Virginia and London Companies. They were determined to find wealth in the North American wilderness, and suffered greatly due to famine and diseases like malaria. Most of these unlucky settlers were men, which was a drawback for the new colony of Virginia because there was very little reproduction. Document C, a ships list of emigrants bound for Virginia shows the lack of families travelling to Virginia, as well as the very few women, most of them single. The men fought over these

The Chesapeake Colonies were the Colony and Dominion of Virginia later the Commonwealth of Virginia and Province of Maryland Maryland both colonies located in British America and centered on the Chesapeake Bay. Settlements of the Chesapeake region grew slowly due to diseases such as malaria.

When comparing the Chesapeake colonies to the new England settlements?

What were the main differences between the New England colonies and Virginia?

How were New England settlements different from Virginia settlements? New England’s strong religious values restricted settlement far from the center of town while Virginia’s pursuit of wealth pushed settlers to the coast and away from others. 2. One was based on reason and the other was based on religious faith.

Why did New England and the Chesapeake regions of North America develop so differently despite both being settled largely by the English?

These differences developed as a result of different motives and incentives of the English settlers the composition of their respective groups the forms of government they established in North America and finally geography. These stark contrasts outweigh the aforementioned similarities.

How did the economies of the Chesapeake region and South Carolina differ?

It was perfectly suited to tobacco farming. How did the economies of the Chesapeake region and South Carolina differ? They both thrived but both of the sales were successful. … The demand for tobacco was greater than supply.

Who settled in the Chesapeake colonies?

The first English colonists arrived in the Chesapeake Bay aboard the Susan Constant Godspeed and Discovery in April 1607 settling Jamestown the following month. (The town was named after the English king and the colony in honor of the virginity of Elizabeth I.)

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How did the Chesapeake and New England colonies develop?

By the 1700s the New England and the Chesapeake regions developed into two different colonies due to each colony’s reason for settlement consisting of religious and economic reasons their personal beliefs and their growth in their society.

Why did the New England colonies develop differently from the Chesapeake colonies Quizlet?

Why did the New England colonies develop differently from the Chesapeake colonies? Religion was a much more important force in shaping New England society than it was in shaping Chesapeake society.

How did the Chesapeake colonies develop?

Four centuries ago a band of English adventurers built a fort on the James River near the Chesapeake Bay. In the decades after 1607 shipload after shipload of colonists sought new lives in North America. They began moving inland settling along the coastal rivers of Virginia and Maryland.

What was one similarity between Chesapeake colonies and middle colonies?

Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake engaged in export trade/triangular trade. Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake were part of a mercantilist system centered on Great Britain. Both the middle colonies and the Chesapeake exported raw goods to/imported finished goods from Great Britain.

What are the Chesapeake and New England colonies?

New England was made up of Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut and New Hampshire. New Hampshire however was formed for economic reasons instead of religious ones. The Chesapeake region which is made up of the colonies of Maryland and Virginia was founded by the British colonies for farming.

When comparing the Chesapeake colonies to the new England settlements?

How were the colonies similar and different?

How were the colonies similar and different? The colonies were alike in that they all had close ties to England. They were mainly inhabited by English-speaking people. The Middle colonies and New England had few slaves while the southern colonies had Africans as much of the population. …

What did the New England colonies and southern colonies have in common?

The colonies of the south and New England had one similarity their relationship with the natives. Both of the colonies had very bad relations with the natives. The south needed the native land for tobacco plantations which caused a lot of conflict between the two groups.

What was unique about the Chesapeake colonies?

Economics in the colonies: Both the Chesapeake and Southern colonies had rich soil and temperate climates which made large-scale plantation farming possible. Both regions had an agriculture-based economy in which cash crops like tobacco indigo and cotton were cultivated for trade.

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Were the Chesapeake colonies Southern colonies?

The British colonies in the American south were divided into two regions: the Chesapeake colonies which included Maryland and Virginia and the Southern colonies which included Georgia and the Carolinas. … Mary’s just north of the Potomac on the Chesapeake Bay.

How did the Chesapeake colonies survive?

The Chesapeake offered immigrants upward mobility despite the dangers of disease hunger and hostilities. Indentured servants bound by a contract to work several years moved to work as tenant farmers who paid rent or a share of the crop. Most who survived eventually owned small or “middling” plantations.

How were New England settlements different from Virginia settlements?

How were New England settlements different from Virginia settlements? New England’s strong religious values restricted settlement far from the center of town while Virginia’s pursuit of wealth pushed settlers to the coast and away from others.

What were the main differences between the Massachusetts and Virginia colonies?

While they had many similarities some key differences existed between the two colonies. The Virginia colony was primarily an economic venture while the Massachusetts Bay colony was founded as more of a social entity. Massachusetts was settled by people seeking religious freedom and self-determination.

What are the differences between middle colonies and southern colonies?

The Middle colonies had rich farmland and a moderate climate. … The Southern colonies had fertile farmlands which contributed to the rise of cash crops such as rice tobacco and indigo. Plantations developed as nearly subsistent communities.

How were English colonial societies in the New England and Chesapeake regions before 1700 similar?

Examples of acceptable thesis:

Å “Before 1700 colonial societies differed greatly by region in the New England area societies valued community and collaboration while colonies in the Chesapeake regions were competitive and very hostile.”

When comparing the Chesapeake colonies to the new England settlements?

What were the characteristics of the English colonies in the Chesapeake region?

The Chesapeake Colonies were known for growing tobacco while the Carolinas grew indigo rice and cotton. The climate in both regions was very suitable for farming. The climate was very mild. Additionally the soil was very fertile.

Comparison Chesapeake and New England

The New England And Chesapeake Colonies

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