Why does my cat take over my pillow

By Michael Arbeiter

If you’ve ever gone to sleep with a cat at your feet, there’s a fairly good chance you’ve woken up with your face enveloped by a tummy of fur. Although your bed is large enough to afford the both of you ample resting space, your cat has no doubt shown a preference for setting up camp right on top of your head. Your feline friend’s behavior may be vexing, but don’t be so quick to assume that he’s trying to do you in. In fact, the reason behind this quirk could be fairly simple.

'Why Does My Cat Sleep on My Head?'

“First of all, it’s warm on the top of your head,” said Marilyn Krieger, certified cat behavior consultant and proprietor of the Redwood City, California, based operation, The Cat Coach. Though it’s warm on other places, the heat from your body usually escapes from you head, which can influence your cat’s decision on finding the warmest spot to sleep. A cat's average body temperature is 102 degrees Farenheit and they need to maintain heat for proper basal metabolism, so seeking an external heat source allows the body to not have to work as hard to stay warm while sleeping.

This is just one of several theories Krieger has. Consistent among several of her suggestions is the notion of comfort; a cat seeking hospice at the head of a bed may not only be seeking warmth, but evading the tics of a restless sleeper.

“A lot of people … toss and turn or have restless legs. There’s always some movement, but some people are more agitated than others,” Krieger says. “Being towards the head, there’s less agitation than there would be lower down. The cat wouldn’t have to move as much or be as accommodating.”

In other words, your cat’s sleeping habits may say a little something about your own.

Krieger does offer a more complementary option, however: your cat may like your scent (particularly the smell of your hair), which can help them feel safe and secure when sleeping. Cats are also territorial and dominant animals that want to mark their people with their scent, so as much as they are picking up on your scent, they are marking you with theirs. That sense of security plays a role in another trifling habit many have found in their feline bedfellows. 

“A lot of people complain about their cat sleeping with its rear end toward its person’s face,” Krieger said. While it may not be the most appealing ritual, it is indeed a good sign. “This is the cat showing trust for the person,” she said, highlighting the improbability of the animal to turn its back on a creature it didn’t consider a part of its proverbial family. In a natural environment, cats will find the safest place to take refuge and sleep. In a home, the safest place is next to the owner, where if something awakens the person, the cat will be alerted to the present danger. In the wild, they find the safest place—away from predators and other dangers—in order to rest between hunts.

Your Cat’s Nocturnal Patterns

While innocuous, or even flattering, these habits may prove disruptive to your own sleep. A cat’s after-hours restiveness can be thanked to its ingrained inclination to be constantly on the prowl for potential meals. According to the Indoor Pet Initiative of the Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, cats do not have the daily sleep-wake cycle that we and many other animals have and instead sleep and wake frequently throughout the day and night. Cats in the wild need to hunt as many as 20 small prey each day and must be able to rest between each hunt. Though domesticated cats don’t eat this way, they maintain the same internal clock as their wild relatives. 

Finding a Comfortable Solution

Though predisposed toward late night stirring, Krieger said that cats are nevertheless naturally flexible and can indeed be convinced to adopt more convenient sleeping habits, starting with some activity before bedtime.

“[Use a cat toy] in a way that imitates the hunt—drag the toy away from cat and let the cat catch it,” Krieger said. “After a nice workout, immediately following that last catch, give the cat a nice bowl of cat food. The cat will then eat, groom, and go to sleep.”

While any behavioral modification may take some time, repetition can always help encourage predictable behaviors, Krieger said. Your pet may be stubborn at first, but time and patience will indeed lead to a more mutually comfortable schedule and sleeping quarters.

See Also:

Find out why cats get "the crazies" at night: The Nocturnal Habits of Cats

Why does my cat sleep on my pillow?

I know! We are all cute!

Most seasoned veterinarians, cat behavior specialists, cat researchers, and yes, even Crazy Cat Ladies like me, do not have all the answers about cats.

Every answer is as good as another and I do not believe that there is a wrong or right answer to any questions posed about this wonderful furry friend. A great many questions are answered through observation. 

Why Do Cats Sleep by Your Head?

While some cats enjoy sleeping on your pillow with their tail resting across your face, others are perfectly content sleeping at the side of your head on your pillow. 

If your cat prefers to sleep by your head, count yourself lucky. At least our Wee Willy chooses to sleep at the side of my hubby’s pillow.

There have been a few instances where Willy has slept directly on hubby’s head. My hubby wakes in the morning or during the middle of the night to find Willy’s butt and tail hanging over his forehead. Hubby does resemble Davy Crocket with his racoon-skin cap.  

I had a friend at one time, who owned a Maine Coon cat. She had to use caution when putting on her night cream. Her cat always inched his way closer and closer while she slept, only to wake up in the morning with cat hair stuck in her face cream all over her face!

No matter what action she took, nothing worked and every morning she said she looked like the bearded lady in the circus. Count yourself fortunate indeed if all your furry friend wants is one small piece of your pillow.

Cat professionals tend to think that if your cat enjoys sleeping at the foot of your bed or at your side, and suddenly moves to your head, it may be because you are a restless sleeper. If you are thrashing about in bed and having a restless night, don’t be surprised to find your kitty by your head.

Our Willy knows that there is less action from the shoulders up. A seat at the head allows for a more peaceful sleep.  

This pillow is just right?

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow?

Your cat may opt to sleep by your head for a few common-sense reasons.

  • They love you.
  • They feel safe and secure. 
  • It is a territorial thingy.
  • You offer warmth.
  • Your cat continues to bond with you even during sleep. 
  • Your cat is letting you know that they are the boss in this hacienda.

Related: Why Does your cat Prefer Your Pillow? Why Does Your Cat Knead You But Not Your Husband? The mysteries of cat behaviour.

Is It OK for My Cat to Sleep on My Pillow?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Letting your cat sleep on your pillow is entirely up to you. However, truth be known, if your cat loves sleeping on your pillow, it will be hard to break them of this habit. Cats are persistent little creatures and will find a way to get what they want, including your pillow. 

If you have certain medical conditions like asthma, it probably is not such a great idea. If your doctor is treating you for asthma, they will undoubtedly discourage you from even having a cat in your basement while you sleep in the attic. 

This Crazy Cat Lady has asthma and sleeps with little Mia the cat. I take my asthma medication as directed, and none of our cats (we have six) bother my breathing. It would break Mia’s heart if I barred her from her sleeping place.

A cushion is nearly as good as a pillow!

I would rather go to sleep in the recliner than upset her. Recliners are good! A cat’s life is tough enough. Although I have tried the recliner a time or two, Mia followed me there. So there you go. I love having Mia by me, and we both work around our sleeping patterns. 

If you have a kitten who insists on sleeping with you, it is wise to remember that this little kitten will get bigger. Mia weighs nearly 15 pounds, and I have no problem with her. Every cat is different, the same as every human. All are unique to their own set of qualities.

Related: Why Do Cats Like Sleeping Under Blankets? How do they breathe?

Why Does My Cat Sleep Exactly Where I Sleep?

When your cat must sleep exactly where you sleep, it means your cat sleeps on you. If where you are sleeping seems comfortable to your kitty, your kitty will sleep precisely where you are. They are wise enough to know they want some of that comfort. 

Warmth is another reason why your cat may want to sleep precisely where you sleep. Perhaps, in their minds, they need to keep you warm because you were not blessed with a fur coat.

I have awakened during the night to see Mia lying on my shoulder, front paws crossed, staring at me with her big green eyes. Bonding and companionship with your cat continues day and night.

Cats have a sixth sense when things in their hacienda are not right. Cats sense when you do not feel well and may change their sleep pattern and come to you to keep a watchful eye.

However, no one seems to know precisely why cats do what they do. Please know that cats always have a good reason for their behaviors. Veterinarians and cat owners come up with the following reasons why your cat may sleep precisely where you sleep.

  • This offers extra comfort and warmth for them.
  • Your scent brings them security and comfort.
  • They are embracing your love for them and they for you.
  • They claim you as their personal property, and no other pet dare intrude on their territory. 

Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Pillow During the Day?

From the Perspectives of a Devote Cat Parent

Did you speak with your cat about the type of pillow they prefer; soft, medium, or firm? Perhaps a feather pillow would suit their needs well. At any rate, I do not think that cats care about the type of pillow they sleep on, but they do this because they enjoy soft, warm, cushy things. 

When a cat sleeps on a pillow, it keeps your cat warm and cozy. Cats love to curl up and cuddle on a pillow about as much as humans. Sleeping on your pillow provides them with added security. Because cats have enhanced hearing, vision, taste, and smell, they can detect your heartbeat and your scent, which may lull them to sleep.

Can you see me? I’m just warming up the pillow!

From the Perspectives of Some Cat Specialists

Do not get hot under the collar when your cat wants to snuggle next to you. Cats are empathic, sometimes more than human beings. Cats are creatures born with a vast emotional bond with their human parents. These cats want to remain close and cozy.

Cats are not totally selfish creatures when they try to take over your pillow as they will leave you a corner. They also embrace warmth and comfort; please do not take this away from your furry best friend when all they want the most is your affection and love, day and night. 

When cats sleep on your pillow or bed, they yearn for warm comfort, your presence, and your love. When cats opt to sleep with you, it means that your cat trusts you and knows that you will protect and secure its surroundings. 

Always appreciate the efforts of your cat to show their love and affection. Since a cat cannot make a trip to the dollar store to buy its best friend a gift, they do the next best thing and try to stay close to you day or night.

At times, this lovely creature may even drop a dead mouse or bird at your feet to show you their appreciation for you sharing your bed and pillow with them.

It’s obvious isn’t it dear? We can see what is going on when we are sleeping on the pillow.

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