Why do cats show their buttholes

Why do cats put their butts in your face? If you thought this was an accident and that your cat was just clumsy, think again, they do it on purpose. So let’s figure out why they do it.

Cats put their butts in your face to show friendship and affection. Cats use to socialize, smelling each other butt. Cats assume you want to take a sniff at it too. Cats let other cats sniff their butt to smell their scent and figure out more information about each other. It is a sign of trust.

Let’s examine this subject a bit more.


Finally, my cat comes near me and jumps on my chest, purring. Now, I can pet him and enjoy a bit of purring and kisses… until he decides the turnaround and puts his butt on my face while sitting on me.

What to do now?

It is usual for cats to show their butts to other cats as a sign of friendship. If you were a cat, you should be happy that your cat gives you the possibility to inquire into his very personal space to learn about him.

Only…… you are not a cat!

If you were another cat, your cat would come to you with the tail upwards, rub against you to leave all his scent, and then as a final touch. He would show his butt and let you smell it.


There are a few more reasons for cats showing their butts. Here are the main reasons for it:


Putting the butt in someone’s face is not an offense but an offer of affection and love in a cat universe. He wants to show you that he really likes you and wants to leave his scent on you. Therefore, while it is an offensive act for humans, it is the opposite for cats.

You may have seen it when a cat meets another cat. They usually start to smell their butt. Dogs do similar things. But when a cat smells another cat’s butt, it is to say “hello” and understand from the smell things about the other cat through the scent emanating from the anal glands.

Therefore, when they want to greet you, they show you the butt, thinking that you, like any other cat, want to say hello, by smelling their rear end! It is like a handshake.

The scent from the rear end of a cat is a sort of communication between cats.


When cats meet each other for the first time, it is common to see them smelling each other buts. So when your cat wants to greet you, what is better than showing off the butt? Your cat is happy to see you.


Through the anal glands and the scent coming from them, cats can understand the general state of the other cat, such as the age, health conditions, and additional information.

Cats have a very acute sense of smell that allows them to smell the smallest particles in the air and perceive things that would be very difficult to find, even for a veterinarian.

Cats do not meow with each other to communicate as much as they use the sense of smell. They smell other cats’ scents left in the environment by rubbing and urine and understand many information about the other cats.


If your cat is really obsessed with putting his butt on your face and if he has the tendency of rubbing, it can signify that they have a problem right there, maybe itching or another type of discomfort.

If you think your cat is weird and does it excessively, you should bring your cat to the vet.


Often cats sit with their butt on their face because they are comfortable with the position. However, some cats do not like to put their face near you because when you breathe, they do not like the sensation of the air on their whiskers.



One of the reasons your cat sleeps with his bum towards you is that he trusts you, and he doesn’t have to guard his back since you are there. If you have observed your cat, he always tries to sleep with his back against the wall, where he can’t be attacked, and he rests from where he can see the room, either from a tall place or a corner. So basically, you are his wall and his security guard!

Well, pretty much, yes, cat’s butt holes touch the ground when they sit. Some cats have longer fur, so it is not a problem, some other cats are not that lucky, and they touch the floor with their rear end!

Cats’ bums can spread bacteria when sitting on a table with their butt flat on it. However, they spend most of their day cleaning themselves up. But for sure, their bum has had contact with poop. So if you are worried about it, just make sure you clean often and disinfect surfaces before eating or cooking. It is a small price to pay for our babies.

Cats act weird when you scratch the base of their tail because they enjoy the touch; it is like you tickle them. There are a lot of nerves at the bases of the tail, and it is a very sensible place for cats.

Cats lick another cat’s bum as a sign of friendship. As disgusting as it may seem, this is a good sign of cats bonding. If cats do that, it is a good sign of friendships. Cats leave their scent when doing so. In this way, they can recognize their “friend cat” or “family cat.”

Well, the old cat decided to be the kitten’s mom, which is why he licks the kitten’s bum. Mom cat needs to lick the kitten’s bum to make them poop or pee. When they are very young, kittens need a mom’s intervention to go to the bathroom.

Cats do not get sick from licking themselves because they have an immune system prepared to handle most things they fond around; their system is built to stay clean and kill the most harmful thing that comes into the stomach. This is how cats groom themselves without getting sick, even if they clean their private parts.

Cats clean themselves in front of you as a sort of communication that he doesn’t want to be touched. Never happened to you that you are petting your cat, and immediately after your touch, he starts licking himself? This is because he is annoyed and doesn’t want to be touched. Additionally, when you touch him, you leave a scent on him; he is trying to clean it off.

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