Why are raccoons dangerous

Raccoons, like any other animal, have the potential to spread diseases. The most common diseases spread by raccoons are salmonella and E. coli. Raccoons spend their time in garbage looking for food and this also makes them carriers for a wide assortment of diseases that can be spread to humans or other animals.

  • Rabies
    • Raccoons are infamous for their connection to the rabies disease. Be wary of raccoons with a drunken gait, wet face/drooling excessively, or are showing aggressive tendencies in the day. By far the highest number of rabies cases are attributed to raccoons. Rabies is only transferable by the saliva in bites and incubates from 2-12 weeks. The disease attacks the nervous system of whatever it infects and can possibly kill someone if no action is taken before symptoms appear.
  • Roundworms (Baylisascaris)
    • Due to the habit of raccoons creating community latrines, they create locations ripe for parasites and bacteria to culminate. This leads to the growth and spread of raccoon roundworms. Roundworms will generally infect people in their eyes, organs, and even the brain. While not the most common spreadable parasite, it can also infect pets and other animals as well.
  • Giardiasis
    • Another disease they spread through their excrement is Giardiasis. Their fecal matter can spread the bacteria into water and soil. Infection causes severe gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea in those afflicted.
  • Leptospirosis
    • Leptospirosis is a disease common in wildlife that can cause an assortment of symptoms. The disease is spread through the urine of a raccoon by either ingestion or through an open wound. The disease has two phases, the first of which is similar to different kinds of flu symptoms. The second phase can cause kidney or liver failure and usually can take months to recover from.

Raccoons generally have no interest in being near humans. They will keep to themselves unless they are comfortable coming closer for food. Raccoons will usually only attack people when threatened or infected with rabies. A rabid raccoon should be avoided as the disease will make raccoons more likely to be aggressive. While raccoons tend to stay away from pets, they can seriously injure or kill pets should a fight break out.

Raccoons are nocturnal animals and will look for high places to sleep during the day. When active, raccoons can greatly damage a home. They will create nests in attics by ripping up insulation and destroying ducts while creating holes for easy outdoor access. Raccoons will also create a community latrine where urine and feces will pile up. Raccoons should not be removed on your own as it is too dangerous. You can take steps to prevent or discourage raccoons but leave raccoon removal to wildlife removal professionals.

It is far easier to keep raccoons away than getting rid of raccoons after they have moved in. Keeping raccoons away centers around access to food. To discourage raccoons or encourage them to leave, simply take away any access they have to food.

  • Bring in any pet food left outside for your pet. Pet food is a favorite of raccoons and attracts them to your home and cause them to lose the fear of people.
  • Seal your garbage so raccoons have no food to access if they approach your home, especially at night as they are nocturnal creatures.
  • There are devices to scare off raccoons such as motion detection sprinklers which will usually keep them away from your yard.
  • Raccoon removal services can help you with the immediate problem. Sealing any access points, a raccoon has made or has exploited is more important.

No matter how irritating raccoons can be, they can and should be dealt with. It is important to get rid of raccoons quickly. Critter removal professionals can help you eliminate a raccoon problem. The Bug Master has plenty of resources on how to keep your homes safe from all kinds of pests, including raccoon pest control.

Raccoons are one of the most abundant animals in North America, and I have read some stories recently of people being attacked by them. I wanted to find out if raccoons are dangerous, and if so, what makes them attack.

Raccoons will attack if provoked or if they feel threatened. They can bite and scratch humans and can cause fatal injuries to small pets. Raccoons can also cause thousands of dollars of damage to your home.

I wanted to find the best way to avoid being in danger from a raccoon and what to do if it does attack. If you want to find out more about these lovable but dangerous animals, please read on.

If you or someone you know loves raccoons, check out some of my favorite raccoon gifts on Amazon.

Why Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Raccoons are wild animals and are very good at defending themselves from predators. Raccoons have several tools at their disposal to help protect them in the wild.

They have jaws that are different from humans as their jaws are hinged at the side. This means that they cannot move their jaws from side to side and up and down.

Like cats, raccoons can open their mouths up and down only. This helps them to rip and pull at their prey, rather than grinding to eat as we do. If a raccoon bites you, then they will try to tear at you with their teeth.

Raccoons have up to forty teeth. These include four sharp canine teeth at the front of their mouth, which they use to grip their prey. The four canines at the front have the premolars behind, which get larger as they go back into the mouth of the raccoon.

Raccoons do not have opposable thumbs but do have very short sharp claws. The claws are recurved but do not retract.

Do you think that a raccoon has dug up your lawn? If you want to know why they do it and how to stop them, check out this article I have written here.

Are Raccoons Aggressive?

Raccoons can sometimes be aggressive, but try to stay away from people. Under normal circumstances, they will not attack.

However, raccoons can be aggressive if they are sick, injured, or feel threatened. A raccoon that has been corned in an attic, for example, with not enough room to maneuver away from you may attack.

The typical response of a raccoon is to freeze and stare. They do this to see what your next move may be.

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Are Raccoons Dangerous to Pets?

Raccoons can be dangerous and potentially deadly to small pets. Pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs should be kept indoors at all times if there are raccoons in your area.

Raccoons are unlikely to attack a dog due to their size but have been known to attack and kill small dogs. Whereas other pets will try to get away from a raccoon, dogs are known to attack raccoons.

Raccoons are vicious when it comes to being attacked and will do everything they can to win a fight over a dog. The raccoon will first try to roll the dog on its back. The speed of their bites and scratches from their claws is almost overwhelming for a dog, and they will use their claws to try to take the dog’s eyes out.

The raccoon has a fierce bite, and they will use their teeth to try to get through the chest wall, leading to a collapsed lung. Raccoons are vicious at protecting themselves in a fight and will generally get the best of a small dog. Make sure you keep your dogs on a leash at all times if in raccoon country.

If you would like to know what raccoons eat, I have written a complete guide here.

What Diseases do Raccoons Carry?

Raccoons are known to carry rabies and are among the most common species in North America to carry this disease. As they have adapted to urban life, raccoons can be around people a lot.

The raccoon in eastern and southeastern parts of the country are the most frequently reported species with rabies in the U.S. If you get bitten or scratched by a raccoon, please go to your local medical facility as soon as possible.

Raccoons that look sick or unsteady on their feet may be carrying rabies. It is a common myth that raccoons that are out during the day will be carrying rabies, but this is not true. While rabies cause animals to change their normal behavior, raccoons may be out during the day for other reasons.

A female looking after her young may go out to look for food for her young. In urban areas, raccoons are often seen during the day looking for food.

Raccoons can also cause leptospirosis. This is caused by people coming into contact with the urine or feces of raccoons. Dogs are susceptible as they are known to drink water from the ground.

Leptospirosis is also carried in the urine of rats and other wild animals. People with leptospirosis may suffer from severe headaches, muscle aches, and influenza-like symptoms. In severe cases, the liver and kidney may suffer.

Raccoons also suffer from a roundworm, which can also infect humans and other animals such as cats and dogs. The roundworm is found in the droppings of raccoons. If you have raccoons in the area, then children should be supervised while playing outside.

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How do you Scare a Raccoon Away?

The best way to scare a raccoon away is to make yourself large, take a step towards it, yell and clap your hands. If this doesn’t make the raccoon back away, then throwing something in its general direction (but not at it) will typically make them run away.

If the raccoon does not respond, then it may be sick or injured. Do not approach the animal, and contact your local wildlife department.

Should you be afraid of Raccoons?

Raccoons are generally not dangerous to people, but raccoons that are sick, injured, or even protecting their young can attack. Raccoons are more likely to attack a cat or small pet over you or your dog but will fight fiercely and to the death to protect themselves.

Although a raccoon that visits your yard may seem cute and not initially dangerous, it can cause a lot of damage. Destroyed flower beds, overturned trash cans, stolen fruits, and vegetables are broken bird feeders are just the start of your problems.

Raccoons can get bolder in time if not adequately scared away. A raccoon that has got used to seeing you staring at them may move from your yard into your home.

Along with the problems with the diseases they carry, once a raccoon gets into your house, it can cause extensive damage costing thousands of dollars.

Raccoons can destroy your property from inside. They will chew through pipes and cables, causing plumbing and electrical issues, leading to floods or even fires. They will also eat and trample insulation, destroy air ducts, and even damage the roof or walls.

To find a way into the property, raccoons may tear away wooden planks or take tiles off the roof.

The next problem is with feces. Wherever the raccoon makes their den in your house will be contaminated, and with the risk of raccoon roundworm, this can be hazardous to your health.

Want to know more about raccoons. Check out my article, 101 facts about the raccoon.

How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your Home?

Raccoons are attracted to one thing in and around your home, and that is food. To keep raccoons away from your property, you need to secure any food sources.

Trash can – Raccoons have a great sense of smell, and the rotting matter in your bin will smell fantastic to them. Make sure to keep your trash can sealed with a lid and not leave trash bags around the yard.

Raccoons are known to knock over trash cans whether they are sealed or not. The best way to combat this is to secure your trash can against a fence post or a pole to stop the raccoon from knocking them over.

Several products can help secure your trash can from animals. The straps that I use fit my trash can perfectly, unlike the bungee cord I was using that would fly off. You can find this on Amazon here.

Pet Food – Make sure to bring in all pet food at night to stop raccoons from coming into your yard and eating it. If you feed your pets outside, make sure to leave the food and their food bowls outside only while eating.

Fruit and nuts – Raccoons love fruit, and they are happy to eat the fruit and nuts that have recently fallen from trees. Make sure to pick up any fruit or nuts from the ground to stop raccoons from coming into your yard.

Bird feeders – Raccoons, will quite happily eat the nuts and seeds from bird feeders. Unique feeders can be purchased, but if this is not an option, then it is best to bring them in at night if you have raccoons in the area.

The bird feeder that I use is the Woodland absolute squirrel resistant bird feeder. I purchased this one because it has a fantastic system where if a heavy animal such as a raccoon or squirrel sits on it, the access to the food closed. You can find this on Amazon here.

If you already have a bird feeder, I would recommend the Squirrel guard baffle, which stops raccoons and other animals from getting to the food. You can find this on Amazon here.

Raccoons are great creatures but can be dangerous to pets and humans. It is best to keep raccoons away from your property, and I hope these tips will help you.

If you or someone you know loves raccoons, check out some of my favorite raccoon gifts on Amazon.

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