Which statement after a teaching session about arteriosclerosis indicates teaching was effective


#1 MeSH descriptor: [Myocardial Infarction] explode all trees

#2 myocardial infarct*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#3 MeSH descriptor: [Angina Pectoris] explode all trees

#4 angina pectoris:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#5 angor pectoris:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#6 stenocardia*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#7 coronary artery bypass*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#8 CABG:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#9 aortocoronary bypass*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#10 (coronary near/3 angioplast*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#11 PTCA:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#12 (coronary near/2 dilatation*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#13 MeSH descriptor: [Coronary Disease] explode all trees

#14 (coronary near/2 disease*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#15 MeSH descriptor: [Myocardial Revascularization] explode all trees

#16 coronary artery stent*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#17 MeSH descriptor: [Percutaneous Coronary Intervention] explode all trees

#18 (percutaneous coronary near/2 (interven* or revascular*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#19 MeSH descriptor: [Angioplasty] explode all trees

#20 angioplast*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#21 ((coronary or arterial) near/4 dilat*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#22 endoluminal repair*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#23 MeSH descriptor: [Stents] explode all trees

#24 stent*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#25 (pci or ptca):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#26 Atherectomy:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#27 atherectom*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#28 acute coronary syndrom*:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#29 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28

#30 MeSH descriptor: [Patient Education as Topic] this term only

#31 MeSH descriptor: [Health Education] this term only

#32 MeSH descriptor: [Telemedicine] this term only

#33 (patient* near/6 (educat* or communicat* or interacti* or inform* or advi*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#34 (educat* near/6 (intervention* or rehabilation* or program*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#35 (education near/6 (service* or group* or program* or session*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#36 (education near/6 prevent*):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#37 ((rehabilitati* or educat*) near/6 (literature or audiovisual or av or audio visual or internet or web* or telecare or telemedicine or telephone* or phone* or teleconference* or telehealth or transtelephonic* or podcast* or email* or e‐mail*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#38 ((educat* or intervent*) near/6 (communit* or famil* or spouse* or nurs*)):ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)

#39 #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38

#40 #29 and #39 Publication Year from 2010 to 2016


1 exp Myocardial Infarction/ (153085)

2 myocardial infarct*.tw. (146020)

3 exp Angina Pectoris/ (48551)

4 angina pectoris.tw. (16788)

5 angor pectoris.tw. (37)

6 stenocardia*.tw. (929)

7 coronary artery bypass*.tw. (30408)

8 CABG.tw. (12609)

9 aortocoronary bypass*.tw. (2354)

10 (coronary adj3 angioplast*).tw. (13556)

11 PTCA.tw. (6101)

12 (coronary adj2 dilatation*).tw. (565)

13 exp Coronary Disease/ (189971)

14 (coronary adj2 disease*).tw. (108936)

15 exp Myocardial Revascularization/ (82266)

16 coronary artery stent*.tw. (870)

17 exp Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/ (38918)

18 (percutaneous coronary adj2 (interven* or revascular*)).tw. (17683)

19 exp Angioplasty/ (56065)

20 angioplast*.tw. (36109)

21 ((coronary or arterial) adj4 dilat*).tw. (4567)

22 endoluminal repair*.tw. (207)

23 exp Stents/ (57098)

24 stent*.tw. (63468)

25 (pci or ptca).tw. (19345)

26 exp Atherectomy/ (2017)

27 atherectom*.tw. (2227)

28 acute coronary syndrom*.tw. (18048)

29 or/1‐28 (503551)

30 Patient Education as Topic/ (72978)

31 Health Education/ (53706)

32 Telemedicine/ (12531)

33 (patient* adj6 (educat* or communicat* or interacti* or inform* or advi*)).tw. (133035)

34 (educat* adj6 (intervention* or rehabilation* or program*)).tw. (54507)

35 (education adj6 (service* or group* or program* or session*)).tw. (43822)

36 (education adj6 prevent*).tw. (7681)

37 ((rehabilitati* or educat*) adj6 (literature or audiovisual or av or audio visual or internet or web* or telecare or telemedicine or telephone* or phone* or teleconference* or telehealth or transtelephonic* or podcast* or email* or e‐mail*)).tw. (6087)

38 ((educat* or intervent*) adj6 (communit* or famil* or spouse* or nurs*)).tw. (71758)

39 or/30‐38 (354368)

40 randomized controlled trial.pt. (404415)

41 controlled clinical trial.pt. (91176)

42 randomized.ab. (297250)

43 placebo.ab. (155316)

44 drug therapy.fs. (1811236)

45 randomly.ab. (210643)

46 trial.ab. (308679)

47 groups.ab. (1332430)

48 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 (3410956)

49 exp animals/ not humans.sh. (4078149)

50 48 not 49 (2906978)

51 29 and 39 and 50 (3534)

52 (20108* or 201009* or 201010* or 201011* or 201012* or 2011* or 2012* or 2013* or 2014* or 2015* or 2016*).ed. (3869988)

53 51 and 52 (804)


1 exp Myocardial Infarction/ (281562)

2 myocardial infarct*.tw. (199379)

3 exp Angina Pectoris/ (78516)

4 angina pectoris.tw. (20262)

5 angor pectoris.tw. (54)

6 stenocardia*.tw. (836)

7 coronary artery bypass*.tw. (40577)

8 CABG.tw. (22875)

9 aortocoronary bypass*.tw. (2231)

10 (coronary adj3 angioplast*).tw. (16678)

11 PTCA.tw. (7865)

12 (coronary adj2 dilatation*).tw. (725)

13 exp Coronary Disease/ (239803)

14 (coronary adj2 disease*).tw. (154969)

15 exp Myocardial Revascularization/ (23708)

16 coronary artery stent*.tw. (1348)

17 exp Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/ (67150)

18 (percutaneous coronary adj2 (interven* or revascular*)).tw. (33814)

19 exp Angioplasty/ (70172)

20 angioplast*.tw. (49254)

21 ((coronary or arterial) adj4 dilat*).tw. (5705)

22 endoluminal repair*.tw. (245)

23 exp Stents/ (114572)

24 stent*.tw. (109268)

25 (pci or ptca).tw. (40833)

26 exp Atherectomy/ (3792)

27 atherectom*.tw. (3109)

28 acute coronary syndrom*.tw. (33277)

29 or/1‐28 (720658)

30 Patient Education as Topic/ (91427)

31 Health Education/ (79681)

32 Telemedicine/ (13152)

33 (patient* adj6 (educat* or communicat* or interacti* or inform* or advi*)).tw. (218886)

34 (educat* adj6 (intervention* or rehabilation* or program*)).tw. (75754)

35 (education adj6 (service* or group* or program* or session*)).tw. (60070)

36 (education adj6 prevent*).tw. (10354)

37 ((rehabilitati* or educat*) adj6 (literature or audiovisual or av or audio visual or internet or web* or telecare or telemedicine or telephone* or phone* or teleconference* or telehealth or transtelephonic* or podcast* or email* or e‐mail*)).tw. (9451)

38 ((educat* or intervent*) adj6 (communit* or famil* or spouse* or nurs*)).tw. (90582)

39 or/30‐38 (505428)

40 random$.tw. (986880)

41 factorial$.tw. (25324)

42 crossover$.tw. (52424)

43 cross over$.tw. (23038)

44 cross‐over$.tw. (23038)

45 placebo$.tw. (216471)

46 (doubl$ adj blind$).tw. (152174)

47 (singl$ adj blind$).tw. (15997)

48 assign$.tw. (263111)

49 allocat$.tw. (94003)

50 volunteer$.tw. (189353)

51 crossover procedure/ (43468)

52 double blind procedure/ (121614)

53 randomized controlled trial/ (376146)

54 single blind procedure/ (20516)

55 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 50 or 51 or 52 or 53 or 54 (1555250)

56 (animal/ or nonhuman/) not human/ (4831248)

57 55 not 56 (1374700)

58 29 and 39 and 57 (2796)

59 (20108* or 201009* or 201010* or 201011* or 201012* or 2011* or 2012* or 2013* or 2014* or 2015* or 2016*).dd. (7210311)

60 58 and 59 (1249)

61 limit 60 to embase (1113)


1 exp Myocardial Infarction/ (2478)

2 myocardial infarct*.tw. (3655)

3 exp Angina Pectoris/ (274)

4 angina pectoris.tw. (331)

5 angor pectoris.tw. (0)

6 stenocardia*.tw. (8)

7 coronary artery bypass*.tw. (740)

8 CABG.tw. (375)

9 aortocoronary bypass*.tw. (8)

10 (coronary adj3 angioplast*).tw. (106)

11 PTCA.tw. (51)

12 (coronary adj2 dilatation*).tw. (2)

13 (coronary adj2 disease*).tw. (5470)

14 coronary artery stent*.tw. (3)

15 (percutaneous coronary adj2 (interven* or revascular*)).tw. (146)

16 angioplast*.tw. (299)

17 ((coronary or arterial) adj4 dilat*).tw. (46)

18 endoluminal repair*.tw. (0)

19 exp Stents/ (0)

20 stent*.tw. (370)

21 (pci or ptca).tw. (499)

22 exp Atherectomy/ (0)

23 atherectom*.tw. (0)

24 acute coronary syndrom*.tw. (410)

25 Health Education/ (10509)

26 Telemedicine/ (2882)

27 (patient* adj6 (educat* or communicat* or interacti* or inform* or advi*)).tw. (38816)

28 (educat* adj6 (intervention* or rehabilation* or program*)).tw. (51901)

29 (education adj6 (service* or group* or program* or session*)).tw. (43021)

30 (education adj6 prevent*).tw. (4319)

31 ((rehabilitati* or educat*) adj6 (literature or audiovisual or av or audio visual or internet or web* or telecare or telemedicine or telephone* or phone* or teleconference* or telehealth or transtelephonic* or podcast* or email* or e‐mail*)).tw. (8262)

32 ((educat* or intervent*) adj6 (communit* or famil* or spouse* or nurs*)).tw. (54258)

33 or/25‐32 (161409)

34 or/1‐24 (10643)

35 random$.tw. (144014)

36 factorial$.tw. (15416)

37 crossover$.tw. (5725)

38 cross‐over$.tw. (2130)

39 placebo$.tw. (33120)

40 (doubl$ adj blind$).tw. (19491)

41 (singl$ adj blind$).tw. (1662)

42 assign$.tw. (75187)

43 allocat$.tw. (22136)

44 volunteer$.tw. (31178)

45 control*.tw. (528436)

46 "2000".md. (30342)

47 or/35‐46 (712946)

48 33 and 34 and 47 (297)

49 limit 48 to yr="2010 ‐Current" (102)


S58 S40 AND S57 Limiters ‐ Published Date: 20100801‐20160510

S57 S41 or S42 or S43 or S44 or S45 or S46 or S47 or S48 or S49 or S50 or S51 or S52 or S53 or S54 or S55 or S56 or S57

S56 TX cross‐over*

S55 TX crossover*

S54 TX volunteer*

S53 (MH "Crossover Design")

S52 TX allocat*

S51 TX control*

S50 TX assign*

S49 (MH "Placebos")

S48 TX random*

S47 TX (doubl* N1 mask*)

S46 TX (singl* N1 mask*)

S45 TX (doubl* N1 blind*)

S44 TX (singl* N1 blind*)

S43 TX (clinic* N1 trial?)

S42 PT clinical trial

S41 (MH "Clinical Trials+")

S40 S29 AND S39

S39 S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38

S38 ((educat* or intervent*) N6 (communit* or famil* or spouse* or nurs*))

S37 ((rehabilitati* or educat*) N6 (literature or audiovisual or av or audio visual or internet or web* or telecare or telemedicine or telephone* or phone* or teleconference* or telehealth or transtelephonic* or podcast* or email* or e‐mail*))

S36 (education N6 prevent*)

S35 (education N6 (service* or group* or program* or session*))

S34 (educat* N6 (intervention* or rehabilation* or program*))

S33 (patient* N6 (educat* or communicat* or interacti* or inform* or advi*)) Search modes ‐ Boolean/Phrase Interface ‐ EBSCOhost

S32 (MH "Telemedicine")

S31 (MH "Health Education+")

S30 (MH "Patient Education")

S29 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28

S28 acute coronary syndrom*

S27 atherectom*

S26 (MH "Atherectomy+")

S25 (pci or ptca)

S24 stent*

S23 (MH "Stents+")

S22 endoluminal repair*

S21 ((coronary or arterial) N4 dilat*)

S20 angioplast*

S19 (MH "Angioplasty+")

S18 (percutaneous coronary N2 (interven* or revascular*))

S17 (MH "Angioplasty, Transluminal, Percutaneous Coronary")

S16 coronary artery stent*

S15 (MH "Myocardial Revascularization+")

S14 (coronary N2 disease*)

S13 (MH "Coronary Disease+")

S12 (coronary N2 dilatation*)


S10 (coronary N3 angioplast*)

S9 aortocoronary bypass*


S7 coronary artery bypass*

S6 stenocardia*

S5 angor pectoris

S4 angina pectoris

S3 (MH "Angina Pectoris+")

S2 myocardial infarct*

S1 (MH "Myocardial Infarction+")

"education" AND "coronary artery disease" OR "education" AND "coronary heart disease"

"education" AND "coronary artery disease" OR "education" AND "coronary heart disease"

"education" AND "coronary artery disease" OR "education" AND "coronary heart disease"

Page 2

Results of sensitivity analysis for fixed‐effect versus random‐effects models

Outcome or subgroupStudiesParticipantsEffect estimate (random‐effect) RR (M‐H, random, 95% CI)Effect estimate (fixed‐effect) RR (M‐H, fixed, 95% CI)
1.1 Total mortality at the end of the follow up period1310,0750.80 [0.60, 1.05]0.80 [0.66, 0.97]
1.1.1 Studies with 12 months or less follow‐up640630.78 [0.35, 1.78]0.87 [0.56, 1.36]
1.1.2 Studies with more than 12 months follow‐up760120.78 [0.60, 1.02]0.79 [0.64, 0.97]
2.1 Myocardial Infarction at the end of the follow‐up period22090.63 [0.26, 1.48]0.59 [0.25, 1.38]
2.2 Total revascularisations34560.58 [0.19, 1.71]0.58 [0.20, 1.69]
2.3 Other fatal and/or non‐fatal cardiovascular events23100.36 [0.23, 0.56]0.36 [0.23, 0.56]
3.1 Cardiac hospitalisations at end of follow‐up period514,8490.93 [0.71, 1.21]1.02 [0.90, 1.15]
4.1 All cause withdrawal or drop‐out at follow‐up1710,9721.04 [0.88, 1.22]0.98 [0.88, 1.10]
4.1.1 Studies with 12 months or less follow‐up1049601.18 [0.93, 1.49]1.18 [0.94, 1.49]
4.1.2 Studies with more than 12 months follow‐up760120.98 [0.80, 1.20]0.92 [0.81, 1.05]

Neuester Beitrag
