What time is 10 15am in military time?

10:15 on a 24-hour clock is is 10:15 AM on a 12-hour clock. This system is used throughout the world (not just the military) and leverages a 24-hour time clock rather than the 12-hour AM/PM system known to most English speaking countries. Below are ways to convert 10:15 through a time chart, automated converter, and how to convert the 24 hour clock into a 12-hour AM/PM system by hand.

24-hour format 12-hour format
10:15 10:15 AM

10:15 Time Conversion Chart

How to convert 10:15 from 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Standard Time

It is easy to convert from 24-hour time to 12-hour time once you know a few tricks. The primary difference between the two is that the hours in a 24 hour clock go all the way up to 23 (from 0 to 23). In a 12-hour clock, the hour resets to 1 after noon (midday). Follow the steps below to convert 10:15 to 12-hour time.

  1. First, determine whether or not 10 is greater than 12 (recall that this is one of the distinctions of the 12-hour clock, there are no hours "greater" than 12 on it)
  2. Since 10 is lower than 12, there isn't much to do! We can just add the "AM" designation to the end of the time: 10:15 AM

Our "Military time converter" is the Best online tool to convert time from a 12-hour clock to a 24-hour clock (military) and vice versa. Fill both the "Hours" and the "Minutes" boxes, and select the "pm/am" in the form, then click "convert to 24-hour".

The Military (or 24-hour system) time is larger than 12 hours. It begins with 00:00 and ends with 23:00. 00:00 means 12:00 midnight, and 23:00 means 11:00 PM. (Note: 24:00 and 00:00 are the same time).

1. Step One: To convert 10:15 am (ten fifteen am) to 24-hour, should know that: when we're converting the time from a 12-hour clock to a 24-hour clock, we just convert the hours, in this example: 10 hr (ten hours). And we leave the minutes and don't convert it. in the current example, it's 15 min (fifteen).

2. Step Two: If the time is "am" we leave the number of hours as is. And if the time is "pm" we add 12 to the hour.

In our case, it's 10 am (ten am), So we leave it as is. The result is: 15:15 (ten fifteen am),

See more examples in the next table

10:15 am in other Time Zones

See, The 10:15 am in the other time zones with 12-hour and 24-hour format.

Time Zone UTC offset 24-hour 12-hour
Yankee UTC-12 22:15 10:15 PM
X-ray UTC-11 23:15 11:15 PM
Whiskey UTC-10 00:15 12:15 AM
Victor UTC-9 01:15 01:15 AM
Uniform UTC-8 02:15 02:15 AM
Tango UTC-7 03:15 03:15 AM
Sierra UTC-6 04:15 04:15 AM
Romeo UTC-5 05:15 05:15 AM
Quebec UTC-4 06:15 06:15 AM
Papa UTC-3 07:15 07:15 AM
Oscar UTC-2 08:15 08:15 AM
November UTC-1 09:15 09:15 AM
Zulu UTC±0 10:15 10:15 am
Alpha UTC+1 11:15 11:15 AM
Bravo UTC+2 12:15 12:15 PM
Charlie UTC+3 13:15 01:15 PM
Delta UTC+4 14:15 02:15 PM
Echo UTC+5 15:15 03:15 PM
Foxtrot UTC+6 16:15 04:15 PM
Golf UTC+7 17:15 05:15 PM
Hotel UTC+8 18:15 06:15 PM
India UTC+9 19:15 07:15 PM
Kilo UTC+10 20:15 08:15 PM
Lima UTC+11 21:15 09:15 PM
Mike UTC+12 22:15 10:15 PM

10:15 am in the 24-hour clock time convention is 10:15.Civilian time and railway time are frequently used synonym with the twenty-four hour clock.10:15 A.M. is the 12-hour clock time convention equivalent of 10:15 in 24-hour time.Military time means the 24-hour clock time convention without the “:” between the hours and minutes: 1015.

For an overview, have a look at the list below the clock:

Clock and Time Converter

This Time Converter is Really Cool! Click To Tweet
  • 10:15 am in 24 hour time = 10:15
  • 10:15 am in military time = 1015
  • 10:15 am in civilian time = 10:15
  • 10:15 am in railway time = 10:15
  • 10:15 in 12 hour time = 10:15 am
Read on to learn the math involved in changing 10:15 a.m. to 24-hour clock time .

Convert 10:15 AM

When it comes to the 10:15 a.m. time conversion, the minutes (the two digits after the colon) never change.To obtain the 24-hour clock time equivalent of 10:15 AM consider only the number of hours (the two digits before the colon), then apply these rules:
  • If the period is “AM” and the number of hours is 12, then 12 changes to 00. Remove “AM”.As the number of hours is 10, this rule does not apply.
  • If the period is “AM” and the number of hours is in the interval [1;11], then the hour remains the same. Remove “AM”.As the number of hours is 10 and the Period is AM, process only this rule.
  • If the period is “PM” and the number of hours is 12, then 12 remains 12. Remove “PM”.As the period is not PM, this case is not relevant.
  • If the period is “PM” and the number of hours is in the interval [1;11], then add 12. Remove “PM”.As the period is not PM, this condition is not applicable.
Next you can find the frequently asked questions, followed by the summary of 10:15 ante meridiem as a depiction.


If you like to change a time different from 10:15 before midday, make use of our search box or simply overwrite the preset value of our time converter with your particular time in hh:mm am / pm syntax.

What is 10:15 AM in 24 Hour Time?

Reading our post, you know everything about the 10:15 before noon time conversion which we wrap up as follows:
If you like to know how to say 10:15 am and 10:15, visit our article what time is 10:15, and check out the last paragraph.

Military time notation is based on 24-hour clock. A time of day is written in the form hhmm, where hh (0-23) stands for full hours that have passed since midnight, mm (00-59) is the number of minutes that have passed since the last full hour. To convert hours greater then 12 to 12-hour clock just subtract 12 from the given hours and that will give you the PM time. ... more ...

See, what time is in the other military time zones at XXXXZ (Zulu Time).
Click on the table row to change the time zone.

Time Zone NameLetterUTC offsetMilitary
Yankee Time ZoneYUTC-122215Y10:15 P.M.22:15
X-ray Time ZoneXUTC-112315X11:15 P.M.23:15
Whiskey Time ZoneWUTC-100015W00:15 A.M.00:15
Victor Time ZoneVUTC-90115V01:15 A.M.01:15
Uniform Time ZoneUUTC-80215U02:15 A.M.02:15
Tango Time ZoneTUTC-70315T03:15 A.M.03:15
Sierra Time ZoneSUTC-60415S04:15 A.M.04:15
Romeo Time ZoneRUTC-50515R05:15 A.M.05:15
Quebec Time ZoneQUTC-40615Q06:15 A.M.06:15
Papa Time ZonePUTC-30715P07:15 A.M.07:15
Oscar Time ZoneOUTC-20815O08:15 A.M.08:15
November Time ZoneNUTC-10915N09:15 A.M.09:15
Zulu Time ZoneZUTC±01015Z10:15 A.M.10:15
Alpha Time ZoneAUTC+11115A11:15 A.M.11:15
Bravo Time ZoneBUTC+21215B12:15 P.M.12:15
Charlie Time ZoneCUTC+31315C01:15 P.M.13:15
Delta Time ZoneDUTC+41415D02:15 P.M.14:15
Echo Time ZoneEUTC+51515E03:15 P.M.15:15
Foxtrot Time ZoneFUTC+61615F04:15 P.M.16:15
Golf Time ZoneGUTC+71715G05:15 P.M.17:15
Hotel Time ZoneHUTC+81815H06:15 P.M.18:15
India Time ZoneIUTC+91915I07:15 P.M.19:15
Kilo Time ZoneKUTC+102015K08:15 P.M.20:15
Lima Time ZoneLUTC+112115L09:15 P.M.21:15
Mike Time ZoneMUTC+122215M10:15 P.M.22:15

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