What letters are unchanged if they are reflected horizontally? vertically?

  • Demonstrate how visible light is reflected.


  • Per student: small hand mirror

    Capital letters  (write your own with thick marker on paper or print out template)


Key Questions

  • What makes a letter or object symmetrical?
  • What are examples of symmetry in nature?
  • What are examples of symmetrical manufactured objects?
  • How can you test for symmetry?

What To Do


Review the definition of symmetry and ask the class to suggest examples of symmetry in the natural and the manufactured world (for example: human faces, butterflies, a bookshelf, maybe even the school building).


  1. Print out the alphabet card template or write the alphabet (capital letters) in thick marker on paper and cut the letters out.
  2. Use a mirror to find the letters that have a horizontal axis of symmetry (letters that have the same shape on top as on the bottom, like E, I and O).
  3. Create symmetrical words using these letters (for example, BOB). Write just the top half or bottom half of the word and ask a partner to read it, using a mirror. Can your partner solve the word without using a mirror?
  4. Now search for the letters with a vertical axis of symmetry (letters that have the same shape on the left as on the right, like M, A and O).
  5. Can you create words and sentences with vertically symmetrical letters? Create puzzles by using half-letters to spell out words for a partner to solve, with or without a mirror.

Hint: These words will have to be written vertically to solve with a mirror.

Horizontal symmetry can be found in the letters B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, and X. This means that the bottom of the letters is a reflection of the top. Some horizontally symmetrical words are: CHEEK, BIKE, BOX, BOOK, HIDE, X-BOX

Vertical symmetry is found in the letters A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X and Y. This means that the right side is a reflection of the left.Some vertically symmetrical words are:


  • Try to find symmetry in lowercase letters.
  • Did some letters change from being symmetrical to non-symmetrical, or vice versa?
  • Explain that rotational symmetry, seen daily by the students when they look at flowers, domes, round grates and many other objects in their surroundings. A kaleidoscope is a good example of rotational symmetry.

Other Resources

Science World | Alphabet Symmetry Template PDF


Question 7 Exercise 14.1



Solution 8

a) A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y are the letters having a reflectional symmetry about a vertical mirror.

(b) Horizontal mirror – B, C, D, E, H, I, O and X

(c) Both horizontal and vertical mirror – H, I, O and X

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Rotation about the vertical and horizontal axes: mirror and water images

When any figure, alphabets or number is rotated 180º about a horizontal axis laying on the plane we would get a water image. A figure, alphabets or number which symmetrically about a vertical axis will remain unchanged by mirror imaging.

Similarly a figure, alphabets or number which symmetrically about a horizontal axis will remain unaltered in the water image about this axis.

Mirror and Water Images of Digits and letters of Alphabet We frequently come across the rotation of letter of alphabets and digits about the vertical and horizontal axes respectively. Observe the following mirror and water images of digit and alphabets.

Vertical Axis: V.A

Horizontal Axis: H.A

Here follow some noteworthy points.

1) Four letter H, I, O and X, remain unchanged about both the vertical and horizontal axis.

2) Eight letter C, D, E, H, I, K, O and X after rotation about the horizontal axis, looks the same as they are.
3) Eight letter H, I, O, T, U, V, W and X remain unchanged in mirror reflection.

4) Two digits Zero (0) and eight (8) have their water and mirror image exactly like them.

5) The mirror image of number Six (6) is the same as the water image of number nine (9). Also the water image of
Six (6) is the same as the mirror image of nine (9).

Mirror and water images of few designs are given for your observation.

Water and Mirror Images Questions from Previous Year Exams

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Water and Mirror Images Video Lecture

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