What is the prime factor of 52

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The number 52 is a composite number because 52 can be divided by one, by itself and at least by 2 and 13. A composite number is an integer that can be divided by at least another natural number, besides itself and 1, without leaving a remainder (divided exactly).

The factorization or decomposition of 52 = 22•13. Notice that here, it is written in exponential form.

The prime factors of 52 are 2 and 13. It is the list of the integer's prime factors.

The number of prime factors of 52 is 2.

As 52 is a composite number, we can draw its factor tree:

Here you can find the answer to questions related to: Is 52 prime? or list the factors of 52. By using our online calculator to find the prime factors of any composite number and check if a number is prime or composite. This tool also draws the prime factor tree if the number is factorable and smaller than 16000.

Other calculators related to prime numbers:

Watch this video below to learn more on prime numbers, prime factors and how you can draw a factor tree.

You can also find this video about factorization at mathantics.com


Other way people search this question

  • Is 52 a prime number?
  • Is 52 prime or composite?
  • Is 52 a composite number?
  • How to find the prime decomposition of 52?
  • how many factors does 52 have?

Sample Factorizations

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In this lesson, you will learn the factors of 52, what they are, and how to find them.

By the end, you’ll know that factors come in pairs and that every number can be written using a product of prime factors.

You will also be able to find the factors of any number you like, with or without a calculator!

To get started, a factor is a whole number that neatly divides another whole number equal to or bigger than it. The division leaves no remainder.

52’s Factors
Factorizing 52
Divisibility Rules
How to Find 52’s Factors
Prime Factorization
Isn’t 52 Interesting?
To Sum Up (Pun Intended!)

All Factors of 52

52 has 6 factors:

Every number has 2 fewer proper factors than ‘regular’ factors because the number itself and 1 are crossed off the list.

So as you can expect, 52 has 4 proper factors: 2, 4, 13, and 26.

Factor Pairs of 52

Factor pairs are two factors which can be multiplied together to give the original number.

Most of the time, the factors in a pair are different from each other so most numbers have an even number of factors.

Square numbers are special; their square root is in a factor pair with… their square root! Square numbers always have an odd number of factors because one of their factor pairs has this repeat.

Every number has at least two factors: itself and 1.

52’s factors can be sorted into pairs which multiply to give 52:

What happens if you ignore the convention about including negative numbers?

To get a positive number, you must either multiply two positive or two negative numbers. The negative factors must all be in pairs with negative factors, like a reflection of the pairs above.

(-1, -52) (2, -26)

(4, -13)

Prime Factors of 52

Prime factors are exactly what it says on the tin. They’re factors which are prime!

Prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and 1 so they don’t have any proper factors. Think of primes as a strong foundation that cannot be factorized and broken down.

The prime factorization is where a positive integer is written as a product of its prime factors.

The prime factors of 52 are 2 and 13.

The prime factorization always exists, and no two numbers have the same one.

Factorizing 52

You could stop here, knowing the factors and prime factorization of 52. But where’s the fun in that?

It’s important to understand how to find factors on your own. Matter of Math won’t be available in your test!

Finding a number’s factors means thinking like a robot. A robot doesn’t just “see” factors, it has to check carefully if each number is a factor until they’ve all been found.

Thinking like a robot is quicker with a robot – a calculator! If you have one, divide the number being factorized by each positive integer, one at a time.

If the division gives a whole number, you’ve found a factor!

Every time you find a factor, find its pair by dividing the original number by the first factor. The dividing number is in a factor pair with the answer on the calculator.

Stop looking for more factors once you reach the original number’s square root.

You can find factors without a calculator too, using the same idea. The divisions might take longer by hand, but divisibility rules can help – especially if the number being factorized is super big!

Divisibility Rules

1: All integers, or whole numbers, are divisible by 1

2: All even integers are divisible by 2

3: Add up the digits. If the sum is divisible by 3, the original number is also

4: Just look at the last two digits. If this number is divisible by 4, the original number is too

5: If the last digit is 0 or 5, the number is divisible by 5

6: If the number is divisible by 2 and 3 using the above rules, it is also divisible by 6

7: Split the last digit from the number to get a shorter number and a single digit. Calculate shorter number minus 2×(last digit). If 7 divides this result, the original number is also divisible by 7

8: If the last three digits, as their own number, are divisible by 8 then so is the original. For smaller numbers, divide the original number by 2 and test the result for divisibility by 4

9: Add up the digits. If the sum is divisible by 9, so is the number

10: If the last digit is 0, the number is divisible by 10

How to Find the Factors of 52

Ready to think like a robot? Work along with this example to make sure you understand the divisibility rules and method.

1: always a factor
1’s pair is (1, 52)

2: a factor because 52 is even
2’s pair is (2, 26)

3: not a factor because 5+2=7 which is not divisible by 3

4: the divisibility rule doesn’t simplify things, but 52÷4=13 so 4 is a factor
4’s pair is (4, 13)

5: not a factor because 52’s last digit is not 0 or 5

6: not a factor because 3 is not a factor

7: not a factor because 5-2×2=1 which is not divisible by 7

Stop here because eight is bigger than the square root of 52, so all the factors have been found.

This has given 6 factors: 1, 2, 4, 13, 26, and 52. Just what you needed to find!

It’s a balancing act in the factor pairs! The square root is like the pivot in a seesaw.

If the first factor is smaller than the square root, the second factor must be bigger than the square root, or their product will be too small.

If the first factor is bigger than the square root, the second factor must be smaller than the square root, or their product will be too big.

Beyond the square root, any factors found are already in pairs with factors smaller than the square root.

Prime Factorization of 52

Every number can be written as a multiplication of its prime factors.

The method for prime factorization is very similar to what you’ve just seen.

This time, however, you don’t need to find all the factors; one proper factor pair is enough at each stage. Phew!

Start by picking your favorite of the number’s proper factor pairs. If the factors are both prime, you can stop!

If either or both aren’t prime, find their proper factor pair. If these are both prime, then you can stop!

Repeat this process until you have a list of only prime factors. It might help to imagine the original number as a tree, with its factors splitting off like branches.

The prime factorization is the product of these prime factors. If the same factor is there more than once, don’t skip it!

One more thing: it doesn’t matter which proper factor pairs you choose to start, the prime factorization will always be the same – it isn’t fussy about which route you take to find it!

You can use the result from the factor tree to write the prime factorization.

Start with the number you’re working with – 52.

Then choose two factors that multiply together to make 52. It doesn’t matter which two you choose, let’s go with (2, 26).

2 is a prime factor so we don’t need to go any further with that one.

Next, choose a factor pair of 26. Let’s use (2, 13)

2 and 13 are both prime factors.

If we gather all the prime factors:

And finally, tidy this up using exponent notation:

Here are two related problems for you to work through, to make sure you not only understand the method, but can use it yourself.

Find 96’s factors. Hint: You only need to check up to 9! (Open for method and solution)

1: always a factor

1’s pair is (1, 96)

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