What is the most popular Bang flavor?

Published 2 years ago: April 5, 2020 at 5:00 am

Energy drinks have become a big business in the last decade. Not that long ago there was only a handful of brands and flavours. Today, however, every company seems to have an energy drink. Even Coca-Cola. And one of the most successful and well-known energy drink brands on the market right now is Bang, which comes in a huge variety of flavours.

I found 19 of these flavours at Target and a few gas stations and after seeing folks recommend them in the comments on my past soda and energy drink reviews, I decided to check them out. Oh and I invited over some friends to help. They regretted coming over.

(Something to note: Buying all these drinks and consuming them was done many weeks ago, long before places were shutting down and social distancing was being advised. I don’t recommend anyone go out and buy 19 cans of Bang and then invite their friends over to try them at any time, but especially not right now. Stay home, save lives and wash your hands.)

To help keep this post organised and easy to read, I’ve split the flavours up into different groups.

Booze Flavours

None of these booze flavours actually contain any booze. So if you were a fan of Four Lokos back in the day and are craving some liquor and caffeine in a can, look elsewhere. Or actually don’t because that is a dangerous combo.

Pina Colada (1 out of 5): One of the worst flavours we tried. Too much coconut and a gross aftertaste made it hard to enjoy this flavour.

Frosé Rosé (2 out of 5): Better than Pina Colada, but it didn’t really taste like its namesake.

Champagne (4 out of 5): This was a strange one. On the one hand, it doesn’t really taste like Champagne. On the other hand, it had a nice bubblegummy flavour with a mild aftertaste. So good, but not because it tastes like booze.

Non-Alcoholic Drink Flavours

In the world of energy drinks, you often get flavours that are trying to replicate other drinks. This is because most energy drinks taste gross or overly acidic. So it makes sense to toss a bunch of fruit juice or whatever in the can to help improve the flavour.

Cherry Blade Lemonade (2 out of 5): My first sip of this was nice. But a few seconds later my mouth was filled with a terrible fake cherry aftertaste. It lingered too. Bleh.

Power Punch (3 out of 5): Totally fine. It tasted less like a punch and more like sweet candy. One of my friends described the flavour as melted down bottlecaps. Not metal bottlecaps, the candy ones. Remember those? This tastes like them.

Miami Cola (2 out of 5): Every can of Bang we opened contained a clear liquid. Not Miami Cola. It was just a brown cola. Unlike Coke Energy, Miami Cola just tasted like flat soda. If you like flat soda, I guess get some Miami Cola?

Fruit Flavours

If something smells like fruit and tastes like fruit then it must be healthy for you, right? Don’t answer that question. Let me live in denial.

Peach Mango (4 out of 5): One of the best flavours out of all 19 cans we tried. It does taste mostly like mango, but you get a bit of peach towards the end of your sip. A nice drink that I could see myself drinking again.

Purple Guava (3 out of 5): I’ve never had guava in my entire life. Luckily, one person in our group had eaten guava a few times and according to them this mostly tastes like that fruit. To me, it tasted like cheap juice you get in school.

Black Cherry Lemonade (2 out of 5): I don’t like black cherry, so keep that in my mind, but this was a terrible flavour. This was one of the worst aftertastes of all the Bangs. Only redeeming quality was the lemonade flavour, but it wasn’t enough.

Wild Flavours

Some flavours of Bang were just too weird and wild for a normal category like fruit flavours. So I grouped them up together. These had the coolest looking cans, with bright and bold colours.

Birthday Cake Bash (3 out of 5): Do you like birthday cake ice cream? If you do, this is going to be one of your new flavours of Bang. If you don’t, then stay the hell away from this can. The most divisive flavour of the night. Some loved it. Others called it garbage in a can.

Rainbow Unicorn (4 out of 5): I had no idea what this flavour would taste like. After drinking it I still don’t know what it tastes like. It was really sweet and fruity, but not any specific fruit or flavour. Maybe this is what unicorns taste like? If so, I’m down to eat some unicorn burgers.

Cotton Candy (2 out of 5): It didn’t remind me of cotton candy, instead just a slightly sweet juice with a weird after taste. It is far less messy than real cotton candy, which is nice.

Candy Flavours

Sour Heads (2 out of 5): This flavour is, as the name implies, sour. But quickly that goes away and you are left with a weird taste in your mouth. Just eat Sour Heads instead.

Candy Apple Crisp (5 out of 5): I don’t like apples all that much, so I expected my reaction to this flavour would be me spitting it out or making a weird face. Instead, it was one of the best flavours of the night. One of my friends commented that they were upset about how good it tasted because they might now buy some in the future. (They are probably reading this post, so let me say once again: I’m sorry I made you drink 19 flavours of Bang energy. You are good friends and I love you.)

Lemon Drop (5 out of 5): This is just Sprite, but with a slightly sour twist. It is super good! The best flavour of the night. It was very refreshing too. I could see myself filling up a big glass with a ton of ice and drinking this on a hot summer night.

I Don’t Know

Some flavours of Bang are so strange, generic or different that it was impossible to categorise them. We all decided to just toss them into their own group. These are the IDK flavours.

Purple Haze (0 out of 5): The worst flavour by a wide margin out of all 19 we tried. It tasted like expire cough syrup. Artificial grape is never great, but in this can, it somehow got worse. Wild. Don’t drink. Avoid. Run away.

Bangster Berry (4 out of 5): It felt wrong to stick this in with fruits. After tasting it, yeah, it’s just mixed berries flavored juice with a lot of caffeine. Now I love berry flavored drinks, so that’s good news for me. But others thought it was just fine. I’m the one writing this post though, so I get to rate it a 4 out of 5.

Star Blast (2 out of 5): The can is red, white and blue. It is called Star Blast. We assumed that this was some sort of patriotic Bang flavour. It was meh and I barely remembered its flavour a few minutes later. Someone declared it the Joe Biden of Bang flavours. Accurate.

Blue Razz (2 out of 5): As I mentioned in the Bangster Berry blurb, I like berry flavored juices and sodas. But this flavour wasn’t berry enough for me to enjoy it. It had almost no taste. Just a can of mildly flavored berry soda. I’ll stick to Bangster Berry.

Mixing Them All Together

After taking a shot or two of each flavour, the group was feeling sick and wired. So it was in this mindset that we decided to mix them all together. We added a small pour of each can into a large cup. The resulting liquid was clear until we added some Miami Cola, then it turned into something resembled tea. It smelled like everything but also nothing.

It tasted…completely fine. Weirdly, all the fake flavours mixed together created a bland fruity juice with a touch of sourness. Holding this concoction in your mouth for a few seconds did reveal more flavours, but overall not bad. I don’t ever want to drink it again, but not as bad as I expected.

Final Thoughts

And so, after drinking 19 cans of Bang energy and then drinking them all mixed up, we ended the night and people returned home. Folks later admitted they had trouble sleeping or felt like shit the next day. I felt sweaty for the rest of the night, but once I drank some water and got some sleep I woke up feeling fine!

Still, please don’t do this. Also, I know this isn’t every flavour of Bang. But this is all I could find around my local stores. I could have ordered some online, but most of the missing flavours were coffee-inspired and I can give you my rating right now for those: O out of 5.

Will I keep buying Bang Energy? probably not. None of the flavours were as good as my old reliable white Monster Ultra. However, if I ever find myself desperate for an energy drink and I only have Bang to choose from, I now know to grab some Candy Apple Crisp.

And to avoid Purple Haze like the Coronavirus.

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Among the Bang Energy Drinks and Shots flavors, my top picks are the Rainbow Unicorn, Frosé Rosé, Sour Heads, Bangster Berry, and Star Blast.

In energy drinks, the flavors of the beverage are also an important factor apart from the nutrients and ingredients since it can give you a huge variety to choose from depending on your taste.

It’s worth mentioning that Bang Energy drinks have 21 flavors, while the Bang Shots have 11. It would be a hassle to try them all out to just see what suits your palate best.

In this article, I’ll be listing down my Top 5 flavors which I think are the best, the 5 both coming from the regular drink and the shots as well.

Let’s start.

Bang Energy Drink Flavors

Bang Energy Drinks

Bang is the perfect vegan-friendly drink if you need a jolt of energy, a regular can being 16fl oz. per serving.

Apart from that, Bang gives you choices of flavors from their energy drink line:

  • Bangster Berry
  • Birthday Cake
  • Black Cherry Vanilla
  • Blue Razz
  • Candy Apple Crisp
  • Cherry Blade Lemonade
  • Cotton Candy
  • Delish Strawberry Kiss
  • Frosé Rosé
  • Lemon Drop
  • Miami Cola
  • Peach Mango
  • Pear Guava
  • Pina Colada
  • Power Punch
  • Purple Haze
  • Radical Skadattle
  • Rainbow Unicorn
  • Sour Heads
  • Star Blast
  • Wyldin’ Watermelon

Bang Shots Flavors

If a serving of Bang Energy is too much for you, Bang Shots will give the same energy boost in a tiny 3fl oz. bottle.

Some of the flavors from the regular Bang Energy Drink are also available in the smaller variety, Bang Shot. These are:

  • Bangster Berry
  • Birthday Cake Bash
  • Candy Apple Crisp
  • Delish Strawberry Kiss
  • Frosé Rosé
  • Key Lime Pie
  • Peach Mango
  • Purple Haze
  • Radical Skadattle
  • Rainbow Unicorn
  • Wyldin’ Watermelon
Bang Shot in Bangster Berry.

The General Ingredients of Bang

Before we get into the top five flavors of Bang, let’s first discuss some of the important ingredients included in Bang Energy Drinks and Bang Shots.

Bang Energy’s Caffeine Content

There’s a total of 300mg of caffeine in a 16fl oz. serving in Bang Energy Drink.

The caffeine content in this drink is high if you compare it to other well-known brands, like Monster Energy, which has 160mg in one serving.

However, this is still safe to consume because the FDA recommends that an average can consumes 400mg of caffeine daily.

Once you exceed the limit, side effects may occur especially if you’re very sensitive to caffeine:

  • Restlessness
  • Shakiness
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythm
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Dependency

However, caffeine can benefit you if consumed in the right amounts:

  • Cognitive Performance
  • Burned Fat
  • Post-Exercise Recovery
  • Protection Against Parkinson’s Disease
  • Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Bang Energy’s Sugar Content

Bang Energy Drinks and Shots are sugar-free, which adds up to the goods that this beverage can offer to you.

Here’s a list of good effects that may occur with the absence of sugar:

  • Less Headaches
  • Higher Energy Levels
  • Fewer Mood Swings
  • Weight Loss
  • Healthier Skin

Since this energy is sugar-free, Sucralose is used as an artificial sweetener to add a sweet flavor.

Sucralose is a zero-calorie sweetener added to energy drinks, and it’s 600 times sweeter than sugar to add the sweet taste sugar-free drinks lack.

Too much intake of this ingredient may lead to unwanted effects on your body:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Weight Gain
  • Neurological Disorders
The effects of sugar may vary depending on your consumption.

Other Important Ingredients in Bang Energy

On top of what was mentioned, Bang Energy offers many nutrients like SUPER CREATINE, EAAs, and CoQ10 which help a lot in your diet.

SUPER CREATINE or Creatine is a naturally made substance found in your muscles that help improve your strength and aid your muscles with energy, especially during high-intensity workouts.

Although it serves the job of repairing, there are rare instances that this substance may damage your health:

  • Weight Gain
  • Anxiety
  • Breathing Problems
  • Stomach Problems
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Kidney Problems
  • Nausea
  • Rash

Essential Amino Acids or EAAs are 9 of the 21 amino acids. Even though the 9 are essential, they can’t be made naturally in your body and can only be attained by consuming beverages with it like Bang.

Lastly, CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that helps create energy in your cells. Just like the other ingredients, it plays a huge role in this energy drink.

These are the health benefits you can get from this ingredient:

  • Aided Treatment for Heart Failure
  • Aided Treatment for Diabetes
  • Assisted Fertility
  • Younger Skin
  • Reduced Headaches
  • Better Physical Performance

Top Bang Energy Drink and Shot Flavors

Now that I’ve discussed the ingredients, I’ll be listing down what I think are the top five best flavors for both Bang Energy Drinks and Bang Shots.

These are based on my own thoughts and reviews from other people who’ve already tried Bang Energy.

The best flavors are still based on your preference because we all have different tastes.

The best flavors are still based on your preference because we all have different tastes. Despite this, I’ll give you my insight on how these flavors taste like and what makes them one of the best ones.

Note that some of these flavors are both available in Bang Energy Cans and Shots.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

Rainbow Unicorn

This flavor, in my opinion, is one of the best and most popular of the 21 flavors Bang has.

When I tried this drink, it’s very similar to eating any famous candy and bubble gum together as a comparison. Because of that, I think the “Rainbow Unicorn” name fits and describes how the taste is like.

However, some would describe the taste being similar to liquid medicine, which is an understandable take on it.

Because of the flavor, it doesn’t seem like you’re drinking a typical energy drink, and that’s what makes this flavor fun as well.

This is only available in Bang Energy Drink Cans.

Frosé Rosé

Bang’s Frosé Rosé is one of the new flavors, and if you’re someone who’s into Rosés, then this drink is definitely for you.

The flavor reminds me of grapes and berries due to the fruity flavor. On top of this fruitiness, it also has a candy-like taste, the same as the rest of the drinks on the list, despite having no sugar at all.

The beverage is also smooth and the sweetness didn’t make me thirsty at all. Rather, it quenched my thirst.

This drink is one of the most balanced drinks Bang Energy has to offer. To add, this is available in Bang Energy Cans and Shots as well.

Bang Sour Heads

If you like green apples and sour beverages, then Sour Heads would absolutely be the way to go.

This one, in particular, is strong and sourer than the others. It reminds me of apples that are very tart to achieve this level of flavor.

Despite this, it still has a hint of sweetness that you look for in an energy drink. The sweet aftertaste, however, isn’t as strong as Rainbow Unicorn. Because of this, I can say that the drink itself reminds me of famous sour candies.

Once you take a sip of this drink, there’s a bubbly or fizzy sensation on your tongue similar to carbonated drinks. This, alongside the flavor itself, helps the drink become very refreshing and light.

This drink stands out the most for me because of its strong sour taste, so I suggest you try this drink if you want a nostalgic sour candy flavor.

The flavor is only available in Bang Energy Drink Can.

Bangster Berry

Available both in the regular can and the energy shot of Bang, Bangster Berry is a part of the list.

This one is a mixed berry flavor that’s not too rich and balanced when it comes to its taste. Also, if you’re not too into sweets, then this one would be just right for you, compared to the others on the list.

Tastewise, Bangster berry tastes like a combination of strawberries and blueberries in my opinion. The after-taste is also sweet, but unlike the other drinks, the berry flavor can be distinguished along with the sweetness.

With that being said, I would actually go for more than one can of these if the very high caffeine content wasn’t there.

Bang Bangster Berry

Star Blast

Star Blast is like a toned-down version of ‘Rainbow Unicorn’. However, it still tastes sweet because of the taste mix of strawberries and other fruits. On top of this, the scent is like a mix between candy and tropical flavors, as others would describe it.

Surprisingly enough, despite not having any sugar in the drink, it’s still very sweet because of the artificial sweeteners and there’s no unsettling after taste at all.

Although this drink is one of the top ones out there, if you don’t have a sweet tooth, this might come off too sweet for you, same goes for the ‘Rainbow Unicorn’ flavor.

Overall, if I were to compare this with a fresh berry salad, it would be very similar.

Reminder that Star Blast is only available in Bang’s Can version.

If you need a much more in-depth review of the flavors in Bang Energy, I highly recommend watching this video:

Review of Every Bang Energy Drink Flavor

The Prices of Bang Energy Drink and Shots

If one of the flavors above has caught your interest, here’s the pricelist of the five flavors.

Keep in mind that these prices are all based on the Bang Energy website and they could still vary depending on where you’ll buy them. Below is a table to guide you with the said prices:

FlavorEnergy DrinkPriceEnergy ShotsPrice
Rainbow Unicorn16fl oz. (12 Pack)$27 3fl oz. (12 Pack) $36
Frosé Rosé 16fl oz. (12 Pack) $273fl oz. (12 Pack)$36
Sour Heads 16fl oz. (12 Pack) $27Unavailable
Bangster Berry 16fl oz. (12 Pack) $27 3fl oz. (12 Pack) $36
Star Blast 16fl oz. (12 Pack) $27Unavailable
The Prices of the Top Bang Flavors

Don’t buy Bang without first checking out my Bang buying guide to ensure you don’t pay too much and get the best deal possible.

Is Bang Bad For You?

Bang isn’t bad for you as long as you drink in moderation.

The alarming thing in Bang is the hefty 300mg amount of caffeine. If you’re someone who’s sensitive to caffeine, it might be too much for you to handle.

Although, as mentioned earlier, this amount is still safe to consume within the day for an average adult.

Despite this, Bang is sugar-free and has a lot of beneficial nutrients such as SUPER CREATINE, EAAs, and CoQ10. If you worry about sugar, consider this factor before consuming it.

I’d also like to remind you that if you’re not too familiar with your caffeine tolerance, get yourself familiarized and consult a professional before drinking any Bang Energy. It’s always better to be safer than ever, especially when it comes to your health.

If you want to know more about this matter, check this article I wrote: Is Bang Energy Drink Bad For You? (Find Out)

Final Thoughts

All of our preferences are different when it comes to flavor, and this list will still depend on what you like. Who knows, you might have another list of flavors you prefer for yourself?

With the large variety of flavors, Bang Energy has, you might find even at least one that will suit your taste and one of them might just be on the list I’ve provided.

If the top five that I’ve given out are not to your taste, you can check out the other flavors I have listed prior to that.

Bang is healthy as long as it’s consumed in moderation. Considering that it has 300mg of caffeine, it’s best to drink it on a down low.

When experiencing flavors, drink responsibly and enjoy.

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