What is the encryption algorithm give a comparison between asymmetric and symmetric encryption system?

If you’re familiar with web encryption or SSL certificates, you’ve probably heard the terms symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption at some point in your travels. If you’ve ever wondered about what these terms mean, what differentiates them, and which form of encryption is better than the other, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go through the ins and outs of both forms of encryption and which is the most secure option.

But first, a primer on encryption. 

How encryption works

As you may already know, encryption is what happens when someone visits a website with an SSL certificate installed via their web browser. An SSL helps create a secure connection between a website’s server and a browser. Any information sent over this connection is encrypted, which means that regular plaintext is turned into ciphertext, rendering it unreadable. 

Encryption works through the use of algorithms and keys. An algorithm is a set of mathematical steps that must be followed to carry out a specific process. Central to encryption algorithms is the use of keys. Keys are random strings of text and numbers that are used to encrypt (render unreadable) data and decrypt (make it readable again) data.

Let’s use a very basic example. Say someone wants to send a message to customer support using a chat function on an SSL-secured website. The person hits send on the message, and a key will encrypt or “lock” the message while it’s in transit so that it can’t be read by anyone who doesn’t have the correct key. When the recipient receives the message, a key is used to decrypt or “unlock” the message. 

But how do the server and browser on each end of the connection have the correct key for encrypting and decrypting data? The answer to that question is actually the main difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. First, let’s take a look at how symmetric encryption works. 

Defining symmetric encryption

In symmetric encryption, data is encrypted and decrypted by the same secret key that is shared by the recipient and the sender. This means that the key needs to be shared with the recipient in a secure way so that they and nobody else has access to it. It’s a high-speed method of encryption.

Defining asymmetric encryption

A more complicated process, asymmetric encryption works by using two different but mathematically related keys, the public key and the private key, to encrypt and decrypt data. The public key, which anyone can access, is used to encrypt the data. Only the complementary private key can be used to decrypt the message. 

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric encryption — the key differences

While symmetric encryption uses a single shared key to encrypt and decrypt data, asymmetric uses two separate keys. Symmetric encryption uses shorter keys (usually 128 or 256 bits). In comparison, asymmetric keys are a lot longer (sometimes 2048 bits or longer). This is why asymmetric encryption takes a little bit longer than symmetric. 

However, although symmetric encryption is a faster, more straightforward process, it’s more vulnerable to security risks due to the nature of keeping the shared key a secret. Meanwhile, asymmetric encryption may be a more complex and resultantly slower process, but it’s ultimately a far more secure encryption method. Unlike symmetric encryption, it can authenticate identities, which makes it ideal for messages sent between two parties previously unknown to each other (for example, a user visiting a website for the first time). 

On the other hand, symmetric encryption tends to mostly be used in internal IT security environments, where the secret key can be shared safely and securely between recipient and sender. 

TLS 1.3 and working in tandem

By now, you probably have a better idea of the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption and what kind of environments each is best suited to. But when it comes to SSL certificates, you don’t need to choose between the two. This is because TLS 1.3 — the current cryptographic protocol that underpins how SSLs work — uses a combination of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption. How exactly does that work?

For a user visiting a HTTPS website for the first time, the initial connection is made using asymmetric encryption. During the SSL handshake, the website server sends the client (the user’s browser) its public key. The client authenticates the public key, then uses it to create what’s known as a pre-master secret key. It encrypts this key with the public key and sends it back to the server. The server will then decrypt the pre-master secret key using the related private key. This pre-master secret key will be used to encrypt communications between the client and the server from this point forward, switching from asymmetric encryption to symmetric encryption.

By using this hybrid encryption system, TLS 1.3 has both the security benefits of asymmetric encryption with all the speed of symmetric encryption. 

Wrap up

Hopefully, you leave this article with a better understanding of the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. While both types of encryption have pros and cons, they are equally important in their own right, particularly when used in combination with each other. 
If you want to secure your site with an SSL certificate, why not explore the range of affordable options SSLs.com has to offer. 

Cora is a digital copywriter for SSLs.com. Having eight years of experience in online content creation, she is a versatile writer with an interest in a wide variety of topics, ranging from technology to marketing.

Table of Contents

Companies in every sector must comply with standards and regulations, and one of the best ways to do this is to utilize encryption. Encryption takes data that can be clearly read, also known as plaintext, and runs it through an encryption algorithm. An encryption algorithm uses a key and mathematics to convert the plaintext into ciphertext, which is an undecipherable collection of letters and symbols. The process of encryption can be reversed using the same key, or the other key in a key pair, in a process called decryption. There are two different types of encryption: asymmetric and symmetric encryption.

Asymmetric vs Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption involves the use of one key for both encryption and decryption. The plaintext is read into an encryption algorithm along with a key. The key works with the algorithm to turn the plaintext into ciphertext, thus encrypting the original sensitive data. This works well for data that is being stored and needs to be decrypted at a later date. The use of just one key for both encryption and decryption reveals an issue, as the compromise of the key would lead to a compromise of any data the key has encrypted. This also does not work for data-in-motion, which is where asymmetric encryption comes in.

Asymmetric encryption works with a pair of keys. The beginning of asymmetric encryption involves the creation of a pair of keys, one of which is a public key, and the other which is a private key. The public key is accessible by anyone, while the private key must be kept a secret from everyone but the creator of the key. This is because encryption occurs with the public key, while decryption occurs with the private key. The recipient of the sensitive data will provide the sender with their public key, which will be used to encrypt the data. This ensures that only the recipient can decrypt the data, with their own private key.

Uses for Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption

Asymmetric and symmetric encryption are each better used for different situations. Symmetric encryption, with its use of a single key, is better used for data-at-rest. Data stored in databases needs to be encrypted to ensure it is not compromised or stolen. This data does not require two keys, just the one provided by symmetric encryption, as it only needs to be safe until it needs to be accessed in the future. Asymmetric encryption, on the other hand, should be used on data sent in emails to other people. If only symmetric encryption were used on data in emails, the attacker could take the key used for encryption and decryption and steal or compromise the data. With asymmetric encryption, the sender and recipient ensure only the recipient of the data can decrypt the data, because their public key was used to encrypt the data. Both types of encryption are used with other processes, like digital signing or compression, to provide even more security to the data.

Common Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption Algorithms

Symmetric Encryption Algorithms:

Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms:

Comparison Table

 Asymmetric EncryptionSymmetric EncryptionDefinitionUse CasesAdvantagesDisadvantagesCommon Algorithms
A two-way function that takes in plaintext data, and turns it into undecipherable ciphertext. This process utilizes a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.A two-way function that takes in plaintext data, and turns it into undecipherable ciphertext. This process uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
  • Digital Signing: Asymmetric encryption is much better for digital signing, compared to symmetric encryption. The use of both a public and private key means the identity of the signer of the data can easily be known. The signer uses their private key for encryption, while the recipient verifies their identity with their public key. As only the public key of the signer can decrypt data encrypted with the signer’s private key, the identity of the signer is verified when the data is decrypted.
  • Blockchain: Again, the identification of the user during cryptocurrency transactions is much easier done with asymmetric encryption.
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): The identity of key owners is proven with certificates in PKI, and thus asymmetric encryption is the better choice in PKIs.
  • Banking: Encrypting sensitive customer data in banks is extremely important, as is decrypting that information as quickly as possible. For this reason, symmetric encryption is the preferred method of encryption in banks, as one key encryption is much swifter than two key encryption.
  • Data Storage: As with banking, data storage services and products tend to use symmetric encryption. This method is much swifter to encrypt and decrypt data needed in a timely manner.
  • The loss of the public key does not result in the compromise of data
  • More secure than symmetric encryption
  • Only the owner of the private key can decrypt the data sent to them
  • Simpler to implement
  • Faster than asymmetric encryption
  • Protects data from compromise
  • Slower than symmetric encryption
  • More complicated to implement than symmetric encryption
  • Loss of a key means any data encrypted with that key can be compromised
  • Less secure than asymmetric encryption
ECDSA, RSA, PGPAES, Blowfish, Twofish, RC4

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