What is patent ductus arteriosus manifestations?

Medically Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH on July 21, 2020

Patent ductal arteriosus, or PDA, is an opening between the two major blood vessels leading from the heart. It’s one of the most common heart problems in newborn babies.

The opening, called ductus arteriosus, is an important blood vessel in a baby. It connects the two major arteries that go from the heart. It's supposed to close soon after birth. A patent ductus arteriosus (“patent” means open) is one that doesn’t close.

In normal circulation, the right side of the baby’s heart pumps blood through the pulmonary arteries to their lungs. There, it picks up oxygen. The blood goes back to the left side of the heart, which pumps it through the aorta. From there, it goes to the rest of the body.

Babies don’t use their lungs before they’re born. They get oxygen from their mother’s blood. The ductus arteriosus is there to bypass the lungs. Instead, it sends blood straight from the pulmonary arteries to the aorta.

If it doesn’t close, blood can flow backward from the aorta to the pulmonary artery. That sends too much blood into the lungs and left side of the heart. Pressure builds in the blood vessels and heart chambers. Over time, that can cause fluid buildup in the lungs and an enlarged heart.

Your baby may show no outward signs. But the doctor may notice that your baby’s heartbeat has a distinctive sound (called a murmur). If the opening is large, this condition affects how well your baby’s heart and lungs work. If it's serious, it can cause:

  • Heavy, fast breathing or shortness of breath
  • Trouble feeding and failure to gain weight
  • A fast, pounding heartbeat
  • Sweating when they’re active, as when feeding

Premature babies are more likely to have problems. They may not get enough oxygen, which leads to organ damage.

In the U.S., PDA is a fairly common heart defect. It happens in 8 out of every 1,000 premature births and 2 of every 1,000 full-term births.

Doctors don’t know what causes PDA, but they have found several risk factors in moms and babies:

  • Premature birth. PDA happens more often in babies who are born too early than those who are full term.
  • Family history and genes. If heart problems or conditions that affect your genes, like Down syndrome, run in your family, then your baby is more likely to have PDA.
  • Rubella. The virus that causes this condition (also known as German measles) can pass from mom to baby during pregnancy and damage the baby’s blood vessels and organs, including their heart.
  • Gender. PDA affects twice as many girls as boys.

If your baby has symptoms, their doctor may send you to a children’s heart specialist. This doctor is called a pediatric cardiologist. They’ll give your baby tests to see how well their heart works. An echocardiogram is the best tool to diagnose this issue. It makes pictures of the heart and blood vessels with sound waves. It will show the size of the PDA and how much blood is flowing through it.

Your child’s doctor could also recommend other tests like:

  • Chest X-ray. This helps the doctor see the condition of your baby’s heart and lungs.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). This test records the heart’s electrical activity.
  • Cardiac catheterization. The doctor inserts a long, flexible tube, called a catheter, into a vein and guides it into the heart.
  • Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This test takes pictures of your child’s heart using radio waves, magnets, and a computer. 

Your child's doctor will close a PDA if the opening is large enough for blood to overload their lungs or to lower their chance of getting a heart infection. Doctors fix a PDA  one of three ways:

Medicine. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can often close a PDA in a premature baby. They work to block a blood chemical that keeps it open. These drugs have side effects, so they may not be safe for all babies.

Catheter closure. Depending on their age, your child will get medication to either help them relax or sleep. Then, a surgeon will block the opening with a tiny metal coil or piece of mesh. They’ll put a thin tube called a catheter into a large blood vessel in your baby’s groin. Then they'll thread it through to their heart. The doctor will take a picture of the blood vessel (called an angiogram) to define its shape and size. The coil or mesh goes through the tube into the ductus arteriosus to stop the blood flow. For larger openings, the doctor could block the vessel with a plug-shaped device. Your child may go home the same day.

Surgical ligation. A surgeon can also tie or clamp the ductus arteriosus closed. They'll make a cut in the left side of the chest between the ribs to reach the area. Your baby will likely stay in the hospital at least a couple of days. Small PDAs often close on their own by the time your baby is a few months old, so they may not need surgery.    

Doctors usually treat full-term babies or older children with the catheter procedure. Surgery may be best if the PDA is very large or your baby has other heart defects that need to be fixed.

For preemies, doctors usually try medicine first. If that doesn’t work, the doctor may suggest that you wait until your baby is big enough for a catheter procedure if they're OK otherwise. 

If left untreated, a large PDA can damage your baby’s heart and lungs and cause:

  • High blood pressure in the lungs. Too much blood circulating through the PDA opening can lead to high blood pressure in the lungs, also called pulmonary hypertension. If it isn’t treated, this condition could be permanent.
  • Heart failure. A PDA could cause a weak and enlarged heart and lead to heart failure, a condition that prevents the heart from pumping like it should.
  • Heart infection (endocarditis). Your child may also be more likely to get an infection in the lining of their heart called endocarditis, but this is rare. 

Treatments for this condition work well. If your baby doesn’t have other health problems, you can expect them to eat and grow normally soon after it’s closed. Your child probably won’t have any limits on physical activity as they get older. This is true whether doctors fix it or if it's so small you choose to leave it alone. Talk to your doctor about how often your child will need a checkup.

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Featured Expert:

  • John Thomson, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

Patent ductus arteriosus, or PDA, is a heart defect that can develop soon after birth. It affects the way blood flows through a baby’s lungs. Mild PDA might not need treatment, but some children with the defect may require catheterization or surgery.

Pediatric cardiologist John Thomson of the Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center describes what you should know additionally about PDA.

What is patent ductus arteriosus?

PDA occurs when the opening between the aorta (the artery that carries oxygen-rich blood to the body) and the pulmonary artery (the artery that carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs) does not close as it should.

How does patent ductus arteriosus affect blood flow?

PDA causes too much blood to flow into babies’ lungs. While a baby develops in the womb, an opening between the aorta and pulmonary artery (the ductus arteriosus) allows blood to bypass the baby’s lungs and go straight to the body. Blood does not need to go to the lungs first, because the mother supplies the baby with oxygenated blood through the placenta. The ductus arteriosus should close on its own within a few days after birth. When the opening does not close, this connection between arteries is considered a patent, or open, ductus arteriosus. Small connections may not cause problems, but larger connections can cause a range of symptoms and require closure.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Causes

Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes PDA. It is much more common in premature infants (babies born more than three weeks before the projected due date). Studies suggest PDA affects about 65% of infants born before the 28th week of pregnancy. It is rare in full-term babies and is twice as common in girls than in boys.

Sometimes PDA occurs with other heart defects. The risk of congenital heart defects like PDA may also increase due to:

  • Certain genetic conditions
  • Family history of congenital heart conditions
  • Fetal distress in the womb
  • Infections in the mother or fetus during pregnancy, such as rubella
  • Other pregnancy-related risk factors, such as smoking or taking certain medications

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Symptoms

Symptoms of PDA depend on the size of the opening between a baby’s aorta and pulmonary artery. If the opening is small, your baby may not have symptoms. But a larger opening may cause symptoms such as:

  • Fast or hard breathing
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Heart murmur (a “whooshing” sound made by abnormal blood flow through the heart)
  • Poor weight gain
  • Trouble feeding or tiredness while feeding

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Diagnosis

A health care provider may notice the signs of PDA soon after birth. During a physical exam, they listen for a heart murmur or congestion in the lungs. They also check the baby’s pulse rate and blood pressure.

Other tests for PDA help identify signs of the hole and may include:

Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment

If a small PDA does not cause severe symptoms, it may not need treatment. Sometimes the connection may close on its own a few months after birth. A baby may need medicine such as indomethacin (an anti-inflammatory) during these months to help close the connection, or water medicine (diuretics) to reduce the risk of fluid buildup. Larger connections usually need treatment with catheterization or surgery.

Cardiac catheterization

Catheterization is the most common treatment for PDA. During this minimally invasive procedure, a pediatric interventional cardiologist:

  • Makes a tiny incision near a large blood vessel in the leg
  • Inserts a catheter (thin, flexible tube) into the blood vessel and threads it up to the PDA
  • Slides a coil or other plug-like device through the catheter and into the PDA to close it

Patent ductus arteriosus surgery

Patent ductus arteriosus surgery is usually reserved for babies with very large PDAs. Open surgery presents more risks than cardiac catheterization and requires a longer recovery time. During this procedure, a pediatric heart surgeon:

  • Makes an incision in the chest
  • Closes the connection with stitches or small metal clips

  • Advanced expertise in treating all forms of pediatric and congenital heart disease.
  • Your child’s care team includes pediatric cardiologists, surgeons and child life specialists.
  • Care for the whole family to support you, your child and your child’s siblings.

Pediatric Cardiology Treatments and Doctors

Left untreated, PDA may cause complications such as:

Living with patent ductus arteriosus

The outlook for children who receive PDA treatment and have no other heart conditions is excellent. Most children go on to lead full, healthy lives with no restrictions on activities. They may need periodic checkups with their pediatric cardiologist to make sure no other heart or lung problems have developed.

People who had PDA treatment as an infant or child should seek care from an adult congenital heart specialist as they transition into adulthood. In very rare cases, a second surgery may be necessary if the hole opens up again.

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