What is a good blood pressure for someone with heart failure

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When the heart is squeezing blood into the arteries, the pressure is high. When the heart is relaxed, the pressure is lower.

Your blood pressure is a measurement taken of the highest reading (systolic) and the lowest reading (diastolic). It is given as 2 figures — highest over lowest or systolic over diastolic. Blood pressure is measured in ‘mmHg’, which refers to millimetres of mercury.

Your blood pressure varies from day to day, even moment to moment. Most doctors would say that a healthy blood pressure is higher than 90/60 mmHg but lower than about 140/90.

What is high blood pressure?

Generally, if a person has a blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 mmHg taken at least 3 times at the same clinic, they have high blood pressure. Your doctor may confirm this using a 24-hour blood pressure measurement or getting you to measure your blood pressure at home.

Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, and may feel quite well. This is why it’s important to see your doctor and have your blood pressure checked regularly, especially if you have one or more of the known risk factors.

A few people with very high blood pressure may experience headache, dizziness or the sudden effects of diseases of the arteries such as chest pain or stroke.

Find out more about high blood pressure.

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What is low blood pressure?

Most doctors would say that you have low blood pressure if it is below 90/60 mmHg.

For some people, low blood pressure is a sign of good health. These are generally people who are very fit and who have a slow pulse. For other people, low blood pressure is a problem.

Find out more about low blood pressure.

How to lower your blood pressure

The following steps towards a healthier lifestyle can help you lower your blood pressure and keep it at a healthy level:

Find out more about how to lower your blood pressure.

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Last reviewed: August 2020

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Medically Reviewed by James Beckerman, MD, FACC on November 02, 2022

If you have heart failure, there's a good chance you also have high blood pressure, or "hypertension." About two-thirds of people whose hearts can't pump enough blood because of the condition also have high BP or once did.

Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart failure. That's because the force pushing on the walls of your arteries as blood moves through them is too strong. That pressure hurts your arteries and makes tiny tears in them that can turn into scar tissue, which makes it easier for cholesterol, fat, and other things to build up. That causes your vessels to narrow and stiffen.

Over time, these things make it harder for blood to flow through your vessels. That forces your heart to work harder than usual. After a while, your ticker can't keep up. It gets thicker and larger, and it doesn't pump blood quite as well.

That brings the fatigue, breathlessness, and other symptoms people with heart failure deal with. Read more about heart failure symptoms.

Keeping your blood pressure in check can help you avoid heart failure -- and it's also important if you already have the condition. High BP can make it get worse. If you have heart failure, your doctor may ask you to get your blood pressure down to lower levels than others.

Eat a healthy diet, don't smoke, and get exercise to help lower your BP. Have heart failure? You'll probably need to take medicine, too. Your doctor may prescribe a beta-blocker, an ACE inhibitor, or an angiotensin II receptor blocker.

Certain medicines, like diuretics or "water pills," also help lessen the buildup of fluid that's common with the condition. Get more information on treatments for high blood pressure.

Regular checkups are key, but your doctor will probably want you to watch your blood pressure, too. Keeping tabs on it at home -- and working closely with your doctor -- can make a big difference, studies show. Ask them if you should chart the measurements you take yourself. Keeping a log can help provide a picture of your progress. Learn how to check your blood pressure.

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