What is 12pm in military time?

Military Time

Military time notation is based on 24-hour clock. It is similiar to the civilian 24-clock notation used e.g. some European countries with the exception that the colon is omitted and the leading zero is always written out. A time of day is written in the form hhmm, where hh (0-23) stands for full hours that have passed since midnight, mm (00-59) is the number of minutes that have passed since the last full hour. Military time is used by the army as well as in some specialist areas, for example emergency services such as firefighting or medical personel.

To convert military time to civilian time and civilian time to military time you can use military time chart displayed to the right or follow these rules.

    Military Time To 12-hour clock conversion
  • If the number of hours (two first digits) is between 0 and 12 (e.g. 0000, 0920, 1210), the hour will be the same in both notations with the exception that 0 will be 12 A.M. (midnight) and 12 will be 12 P.M. (noon)
  • If the number of hours is greater then 12 (e.g. 1330, 1535, 2305), subtract 12 from it and you will get P.M. time
  • 0012 is 12:12 AM because 0 is converted to 12 AM
  • 0930 is 09:30 AM because 9 is less then 12
  • 1230 is 12:30 PM because 12 is converted to 12 PM
  • 2130 is 9:30 PM because 21 is greater then 12 and 21-12=9
    12-hour clock to military time conversion
  • If time is AM, keep the hour the same with the exception of 12 AM which will be 00.
  • if time is PM, add 12 to the hour with the exception of 12 PM which will be 12 (not AM nor PM)
  • 12:15 AM is 0015 because 12 AM converts to 0 hours
  • 07:35 AM is 0735 because 7 is less then 12
  • 12:35 PM is 1235 because 12 PM converts to 12 hours
  • 05:45 PM is 1745 because 5+12=17

The following table lists military time zones names, abbreviations, UTC offset, and time in three formats: military, 12-hour clock and 24 clock.

See, what time is in the other military time zones at XXXXZ (Zulu Time).
Click on the table row to change the time zone.

Time Zone NameLetterUTC offsetMilitary
Yankee Time ZoneYUTC-121200Y12:00 P.M.12:00
X-ray Time ZoneXUTC-111300X01:00 P.M.13:00
Whiskey Time ZoneWUTC-101400W02:00 P.M.14:00
Victor Time ZoneVUTC-91500V03:00 P.M.15:00
Uniform Time ZoneUUTC-81600U04:00 P.M.16:00
Tango Time ZoneTUTC-71700T05:00 P.M.17:00
Sierra Time ZoneSUTC-61800S06:00 P.M.18:00
Romeo Time ZoneRUTC-51900R07:00 P.M.19:00
Quebec Time ZoneQUTC-42000Q08:00 P.M.20:00
Papa Time ZonePUTC-32100P09:00 P.M.21:00
Oscar Time ZoneOUTC-22200O10:00 P.M.22:00
November Time ZoneNUTC-12300N11:00 P.M.23:00
Zulu Time ZoneZUTC±00000Z00:00 A.M.00:00
Alpha Time ZoneAUTC+10100A01:00 A.M.01:00
Bravo Time ZoneBUTC+20200B02:00 A.M.02:00
Charlie Time ZoneCUTC+30300C03:00 A.M.03:00
Delta Time ZoneDUTC+40400D04:00 A.M.04:00
Echo Time ZoneEUTC+50500E05:00 A.M.05:00
Foxtrot Time ZoneFUTC+60600F06:00 A.M.06:00
Golf Time ZoneGUTC+70700G07:00 A.M.07:00
Hotel Time ZoneHUTC+80800H08:00 A.M.08:00
India Time ZoneIUTC+90900I09:00 A.M.09:00
Kilo Time ZoneKUTC+101000K10:00 A.M.10:00
Lima Time ZoneLUTC+111100L11:00 A.M.11:00
Mike Time ZoneMUTC+121200M12:00 P.M.12:00

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Making the conversion to military time from 12:30 standard time can seem confusing at first! You are likely here to get a quick answer, then you should know that 12:30 AM military time is equivalent to 0030 military time and 12:30 PM is equivalent to 1230 military time.

If you are still reading then you may be curious WHY 12:30 converts the way it does into military time. Good news is that we can certainly help! The exercise below will help you learn to convert standard time (AM/PM) into military time. The first thing to be aware of is that military time does not have an AM/PM version as standard time does. The military timekeeping system works on a 24 hour clock rather than 2- 12 hour clocks. So, the first thing you must do is identify whether the time is in AM or PM before conversion.

12 AM-12 PM (before noon) is 0000-1200 military time while 12 PM to 12 AM (afternoon) is 1200-2400 military time.

Military time starts at 12 AM with the clock at 0000 “zero hundred hours.” So 12:30 AM would be 30 minutes after the clock started at 0000, making the time 0030 in military time. 

12:30 PM, however, is treated differently as that is twelve hours and thirty minutes into the day which makes the military time 1230.

  • What is 12:30 AM Military Time? 0030
  • What is 12:30 PM Military Time? 1230

This guide and much more on our site were created with you in mind. We encourage you to stick around and explore some of our many guides on learning military time which includes a printable chart that you can take with you on the go. You can also use our military time converter to do conversions quickly.

Get a Widget for this Calculator

Convert military time to regular time with the Military Time Converter. This calculator also does conversion to military time from regular time.

This converter assumes 12:00 am is midnight, and 12:00 pm is noon.

How to Convert to Military Time

To convert from regular time to military time refer to the time chart below or follow these steps.

  • If the time is morning or am remove the colon. Military time is the same as regular time in the morning hours. Add a leading zero if the time is earlier than 10 am. For example, 9:30 am is 0930 in military time.
  • If the time is after 12:59 pm, remove the colon and add 12 hours to the regular time. For example if the time is 4:24 pm, remove the colon and add 12 hours to get 1624 in military time.
  • If the time is 12:00 am midnight to 12:59 am, remove the colon and subtract 12 hours. For example 12:08 am is 0008 in military time.
  • 12:00 am midnight in military time is 0000 hours at the beginning of a day or event, and 2400 hours at the end of the day or event.

How to Convert from Military Time to Regular Time

To convert from military time to regular time refer to the time chart below or follow these steps.

  • If military time is 0000 to 0059, insert a colon and add 12 hours. Include am for morning.
  • If military time is 0100 to 1159, remove leading 0's, insert a colon and include am for morning
  • If military time is 1200 to 1259, insert a colon and include pm to indicate the time is after 12:00 noon
  • If military time is 1300 to 2359, insert a colon and subtract 12 hours. Include pm to indicate the time is after 12:00 noon.
  • 0000 and 2400 in military time are the same as 12:00 am midnight.

See our separate page including a Military Time Chart and Military Minutes Chart.

Print Military Time Chart

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